Crazzyy 4 Posted June 2, 2012 10 Reasons We Hate Mass Effect 3's Ending (Spoilers ahead). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted June 22, 2012 Extended Cut DLC to be released on Tuesday - I'm surprised. No news for months and suddenly they announce a release date - next week? Well it's free, so I guess I'll replay the ending as soon as it's released. I like the fact that (according to FAQ) it requires loading save from before Cerberus Base - that means we might actually get some additional content on Earth itself, which would be nice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted June 23, 2012 Extended Cut DLC to be released on Tuesday - I'm surprised. No news for months and suddenly they announce a release date - next week? Well it's free, so I guess I'll replay the ending as soon as it's released. I like the fact that (according to FAQ) it requires loading save from before Cerberus Base - that means we might actually get some additional content on Earth itself, which would be nice. I plan to replay from the beginning... ... by which I mean Mass Effect 1 I mean, don't get me wrong, I was very happy with the choices I made with my first trilogy playthrough. I'm just saying it would feel less genuine if I started playing from a random save point in which I don't even remember what I was doing. Plus, then I can work on more in depth playthroughs (and up the difficulty). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted June 23, 2012 I find that we are to hard on Dragon Age 2. Sure it's bad. But unlike Mass Effect 3's ending, it's all mediocre. With ME 3's ending, it's good until you reach those last ten minutes, while with DA 2, the whole thing's mediocre and is no where near as disappointing. It's actually very nice once you have beat it because you don't have to play it anymore Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted June 23, 2012 SPOILERS darthbdaman, Not really. There are 2 reasons why everyone loves ME3 - plot and great artist performance of each character. But put that aside, and you'll find a bunch of stuff that screams about the authors' laziness. Here are the most notorious ones: - Cheap Photoshop of Tali's face - Oversimplification of the dialog wheal to it's complete absence in many cases - Absolute meaninglessness of the 2 major choices from ME 1 and ME2- that is, saving the council and the collector base. - Degradation of side quests. - Absence of Harbinger, who was established as the main villain. - Rushed and unexplained sacrifice of Legion. These I can get of the top of my head. There are others, no doubt. Regarding the Extended Cut, I have no hopes whatsoever. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted June 23, 2012 SPOILERS darthbdaman, Not really. There are 2 reasons why everyone loves ME3 - plot and great artist performance of each character. But put that aside, and you'll find a bunch of stuff that screams about the authors' laziness. Here are the most notorious ones: - Cheap Photoshop of Tali's face - Oversimplification of the dialog wheal to it's complete absence in many cases - Absolute meaninglessness of the 2 major choices from ME 1 and ME2- that is, saving the council and the collector base. - Degradation of side quests. - Absence of Harbinger, who was established as the main villain. - Rushed and unexplained sacrifice of Legion. These I can get of the top of my head. There are others, no doubt. Regarding the Extended Cut, I have no hopes whatsoever. I never really cared about Tali's face. I mean I didn't romance her, but everyone seems to make a pretty big deal about it. The rest of the points are very valid though, especially the dialogue wheel. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted June 26, 2012 Extended Cut spoiler:I liked how I was able to tell the Catalyst to flip off. Ending could still be way better, but expanded conversation with the StarKid helped a lot.I may write more later. Probably after I watch other endings. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted June 26, 2012 Extended Cut spoiler:I liked how I was able to tell the Catalyst to flip off. Ending could still be way better, but expanded conversation with the StarKid helped a lot.I may write more later. Probably after I watch other endings. I think the EC was actually quite well done. Sure it wasn't perfect but ultimately I think it saved the Mass Effect franchise from going off the cliff that the ending debacle was making it head towards. All in all I applaud Bioware and now will be cautiously optimistic about their future as a video game development company. I saw the endings on Youtube, this makes me regret trading in my copy of ME3, I shall go rebuy it this weekend or next, and DL the EC in the meantime. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted June 27, 2012 The Destroy ending is so bloody confusing with EC though. If you have over 4000 EMS and get the breath scene, the scenes of the party members remembering you still remains. They have to either prove or disprove the Indoctrination Theory. No more sitting on the fence. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted June 27, 2012 Yes, I must say that EC turned out to be better than I'd expected. Good for Bioware, they restored my faith in them. I don't want to look for flaws now..I still wish though that there was an option to tell the Catalyst to piss off permanently, not just for the sake of discussion. and.... Poor Tali - her hands were shaking when she was putting a tablet with Shepard's name on the memory wall. One hell of a tragic love story. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wvsnl 3 Posted June 27, 2012 In the destroy ending where shepard lives, if you look closely then they do not put up the name tag(or how do you call it in English) on the wall, your Love Interest plans to do it up but ultimately does not, like an inside feeling that Shep is alive. In any case I am ok with the ec the mass effect series is playable again for me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted June 27, 2012 I still wish though that there was an option to tell the Catalyst to piss off permanently, not just for the sake of discussion. There is. You tell the Catalyst you don't want his choices, he's like "ok, so be it", disappears, you don't use the Crucibile and the Reapers destroy all life in the galaxy, and you get a scene of Liara's time capsule sometime in the next cycle. That's what I got last night on my first EC-run From what I'm told this ending is also triggered if you shoot the kid after talking to him. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted June 28, 2012 Uh, how could I have missed it... guess I was too excited. Now, the Synthesis Ending rubs me the wrong way even more than it did before. Too...I don't know...fairy taily. A choice of one person turns the universe literally into Heaven with immortality for all, and such. Well, I suppose the Control Ending is the most acceptable version now. I can live with it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted July 5, 2012 I did a playthrough of the whole trilogy and while not a perfect playthrough like I had hoped for, I can report that I was able to have Shepard survive the "Destroy" ending with only 3096 total EMS which is 4 EMS below what is said to be needed. Anyway in my honest opinion the only endings a ME4 (assuming they decide to make one) can be made from are "Destroy" and the "FU Starchild" ending, although obviously the latter would have you playing as a completely different species than human. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 19, 2012 Aaaaand... I lost my post on PC this time. Screw it, so much written and all lost. Fair to say the shitstorm that the ending caused seem overblown. I saw worse. And a lot more stuff I don't want to rewrite at 1AM... DAMMIT. AAAAARGH. More annoying than a freaking banshee. Now to use the Extended Cut. Do I really need a Cerberus save? Or can I just use the Citadel one? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted September 20, 2012 Yes, you need a cerberus save, as there are additional videos during the Earth mission. BTW, what is it that you've seen worse? Name the worst one, please. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 20, 2012 Kotor2, Dreamfall, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Monkey Island 2, Fahrenheit, Runaway 2, Arkham City just to name a few I think have worse endings than ME3. So a save from just before going to earth? Not before the cerb. base? I got both, but I rather not use the wrong one and have to redo a few hours... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted September 20, 2012 New content start during run to the beam. It's said cerberus base save is required, but I don't know if it's really "required to see new stuff" or just something devs said to make sure no one starts at the Citadel. I wonder what your long post say. You have to admit, ending is really bad, even if you can find worse. Also, you're saying Arkham City has worse ending than ME3? Damn, I just bought that game... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darthbdaman 74 Posted September 20, 2012 No Kotor 2s vanilla ending still blows the EC out of the water, if only for the final conversation with Traya. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted September 20, 2012 No Kotor 2s vanilla ending still blows the EC out of the water, if only for the final conversation with Traya. QFT (quote for truth). I mean ME3's ending got much better with EC but even a incomplete K2's ending taken all together is still better than EC for ME3. I mean Kriea is what made KotOR2 well KotOR2 and Starchild is just a huge WTF moment with no real build up to him. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted September 20, 2012 I believe it's safe to use the latest save from the Cerberus base. Just has to be before Earth. Interestingly, Leviathan DLC addresses exactly the problem ZM90 just mentioned. Or tries to. It creates a buildup. If you are new to ME3, and you are playing with Leviathan DLC, then at the end of the game you will not be surprised to see the Star Child anymore, thanks to the information that you've acquired from Leviathan. And you'd think that it addresses the problem of build up properly, but it just makes it more awkward. The Star Child scene is meant to be the "twist of the story," it's meant to surprise Shepard and us as well. The suspense is created when we first talk to the prothean computer who sais that "there is something more behind the reapers." Well now, thanks to Leviathan, suspense is no more. And may I just say how ridiculous Shepard's reaction is to what he learns from Leviathan! Those who plaid it, will understand what I mean. Long story short, the "twist" just doesn't work in this story and it never will. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted September 20, 2012 Also, you're saying Arkham City has worse ending than ME3? Damn, I just bought that game... I'll use my "just before earth" save then. And not so much the ending as the endgame in AC sucks. So it's quite a bit longer of suckage than ME3. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites