GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 11, 2012 Just finished first play-through of Mass Effect 3 and without spoiling anything, WTF! Is my ending always going to this bleak without playing the MP? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted March 11, 2012 From what I gather, ending is always going to be this bad, even if you play MP. Best you can get is two-seconds-long shot of Shepard breathing after destroying the Reapers with Red/Blue/Purple beam. And yeah, the beam's colour is all you really choose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThatDearGuy 6 Posted March 11, 2012 Well.. you know.. the road, not the destination. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 11, 2012 is ME3 so short that you guys can beat it in 5 days? Or are you guys just obsessive? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zbyl2 816 Posted March 11, 2012 "Obsessive" is a good word. Took me around two and half days to finish, according to my save I put 40+ hours into it... that should give you idea of how much I played But what can I say, the game is pretty good until the ending. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 11, 2012 I'll just do what I did with ME1 and 2; Get it cheap. Somewhat regret not getting a ME2 edition with all DLC though, not really fond of having to get them like this. To do before buying ME3 or not to do, that's the question... (probably replay both anyway, enough time before the inevitable pricedrop) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 11, 2012 ME2 with Cerberus network DLC is pretty dec. Otherwise, I intend to pick up ME3 once the price goes down, or just wait til my birthday. We'll see about the ending Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 11, 2012 Well, I've already said that ME3 would be the last game I buy from Bioware. Screw DA3 whenever it comes out. Too many fukups on their part for the last 2 years. Actually, the ending feels like even a bigger let down exactly because the game itself was pretty good. And it's only been 5 days? man we all need help... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 11, 2012 Who would of thought that 10 minutes could ruin a 35 hours of solid story. Oh well, here's hoping for good dlc Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 12, 2012 ME2 with Cerberus network DLC is pretty dec. Free DLC is nice (though the Hammerhead really sucks ). Though paying for the other ones... that's what I wonder 'bout... Probably should get Shadowbroker seeing how everyone loves it though... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crazzyy 4 Posted March 12, 2012 The conclusion with Mass Effect 3 is that it was a fun ride until the last 10 minutes of the game where BioWare failed so lamentable that it destroyed the whole series. All they achieved in the trilogy was flushed down the toilet. I truly hope that they hear the fan community and release a DLC with more endings. I would like a DLC with a totally different conclusion to the trilogy not with that wannabe ending. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 12, 2012 I have experience in ruined franchises. This math equation should sum up my feelings on the matter: iKotOR3 > TOR 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 13, 2012 Heh, no, I think this time we are witnessing something really special. I haven't seen such a wave of hatred in the gamers community before. If Biowar and EA don't listen to all those voices, they'll go down. Hell, check Metacritic, ME3 has even a lower score than the sadly known Dragon Age 2! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 13, 2012 The Ending feels very rushed. its like bioware planned something epic, then ea comes up and says "If you don't finish this game in a week we'll have to let you go." that could explain the crapiness of the ending from a story perspective and the bugginess of it from a gameplay perspective. that being said i've enjoyed many bioware games, but it seems since ea came onboard the quality has gone downhill. Why can't they just use the Valve/Blizzard method and say its done when its done? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted March 13, 2012 I haven't played Mass Effect 3 and won't until April but, I know EA has a history of ruining companies they buy out. I feel sorry for Bioware the creator of Dragon Age: Origins and Star Wars: KotOR two of the best RPGs to ever exist. I don't have any sympathy for EA since they are ruining Bioware though. I wish Bioware hadn't been bought I mean imagine how awesome Dragon Age II would have been if they hadn't of had EA breathing down their necks as that game just screams "rushed by EA!". Bioware makes amazing games but, as I've said it doesn't help when you have a major publisher breathing down your neck constantly telling you to get the game out now. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hassat Hunter 572 Posted March 13, 2012 EA pulled a LA? So BioWare feels how Obsidian did with KOTOR2? 0_0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZM90 100 Posted March 13, 2012 EA pulled a LA? So BioWare feels how Obsidian did with KOTOR2? 0_0 Pretty much sums it up except that there is evidence EA rushed Bioware on more than one game which makes EA's record doing that sort of thing worse than what LA did with K2 (although what LA did was still pretty bad). I still see DA: II (although a good game) as a prime example of what happens when Bioware has EA breathing down their necks. You can obviously tell DA: II was rushed by the constant reusing of dungeon models and a story that needed fleshed out more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 13, 2012 I haven't played DAII, but that's an interesting conjecture considering that originally, ME3 was slated for a November/December 2011 release. Seems a little inaccurate to say that EA was rushing them if they ended up getting 4/5 extra months. Then again, you could argue that a November release date was unrealistic, showing early signs of insane rushing, and that a March release was maybe more realistic. But even then, why not later? I don't know guys, I think someone at Bioware got really lazy towrad the end. As to who that might be is anyone's guess. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Crazzyy 4 Posted March 13, 2012 ME 3 was really well done, few bugs, even fewer than with ME2, a good story (8/10), but the end was a disaster. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 19, 2012 This is some interesting stuff about what's going right now with ME3. You should all read it! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 19, 2012 IS SOME INTERESTING CRAP ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW WITH ME3, YOU ALL SHOULD READ. Yeah, a lot of the info on those forums are quite interesting, especially the ones concerning the endings. The only problem is you have to read through hundreds of pages on some of them. Now my question is if they fix the ending(i'm still hoping they will, but thats just me) do you think it should( ) be free Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kerk 12 Posted March 20, 2012 I'll tell you this, if they have conscience, they will make a free DLC. But we're all realists, and we don't expect that to happen. Most of us are prepared to pay for a DLC fix for a reasonable price.Meanwhile, the situation is getting more and more interesting. Now the movement is facing a strong reaction in the face of so-called "game observers." There a lot of them who speak bullcrap about this fan outrage. I'm still trying to understand why. Most of them seem to favor 2 arguments:1) "The game is a work of art, and you, douchebags, don't tell artists what to do." Some of them stick really hard to this one. And it gets me thinking that they all must have graduated from the School of Liberal Arts. But really, we understand that this is BS. It is the company itself whom people hold liable, not the authors of the game. It's been said many times that the game would give us closure, which turned out to be simple false advertisement. And of course, we all know that be a game a work of art as it may, it's still business in the first place, and in business consumers have a say. Big time.2) "It is the journey that matters, not the destination." I just love this BS. One particularly clever atheist thinker said "we all gonna die; so does it mean that our lives were not valuable?" Well, actually yes that's exactly how I see it. But most of yall probably won't share my idealist intuition. But here's a comeback to this argument: a destination is a PART of a journey. If a person, has a crazy ride on a rollercoaster and then runs into a wall and dies, do we want to say that his ride was generally great? Of course not, it would have been great, if it wasn't ruined.Anyway, that's where we at for now. Why did I write all this stuff here? hmmm... maybe because I hate companies and I really want to prevent them from enslaving our souls completely. And I certainly don't want them to sell us crap and then cover themselves behind the shield called "art." 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
drunklol 4 Posted March 20, 2012 - Spoilers ahead - read at own riskImo you should also check this one out.I don't know if bioware did made the game ending like it is on purpose with something in mind or it's just crappy but i don't find any other plausible explanation for the ending than this theory therefore i have to believe 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GovernorTarkin 0 Posted March 22, 2012 Dr. Ray Muzyka responds to fans about ending. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VarsityPuppet 1,086 Posted March 22, 2012 Read this earlier today. Looks like Bioware is willing to work with us on this one. I think he handled that pretty well. Not selling out to fans, but willing to improve their product and throw us a bone. I respect you, Bioware. EDIT: Actually, now I'm kind of bummed that I haven't played the game yet and won't get a chance to provide feedback for the new ME3 ending... well unless they're still working on the DLC by May. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites