
The GenoHaradan (by Exile007)

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Hi guys. I've been recovering from a pretty nasty bug (like an actual cold virus not a bug in this mod :P) so I've been out of the modding run for a while. Next week Spring Break starts so I'll look to do some fixing then. :)


And for the sake of spoilers, I'll just say that you meet with the GenoHaradan during your quest on Nar Shaddaa.


Update 4/16/12: So much for getting stuff done over break... I'm not dead though!

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Great to see that there is a new Genoharadan restoration mod, I was excited when Lord of Hunger started with a project. So imagine my excitement when I saw that you are already in an advanced state with the mod. Good luck with the rest of your work :)

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I'm interested in being a part of this project, but I have no programming skills whatsoever. Can I be a beta tester?

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In my opinion, you should include in the installer, a vanilla option and a TSLRCM 1.8 one. Don't bother in making a version for 1.7, 'cause I take it that there's still some waiting to do 'till you'll release the mod. Plus, don't haste the development and take as much time as you feel like working on it, becuase we want a "good as it can be" experience while playin' it.


Sope, good luck!!

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Some of the GenoHaradan lines that G0-T0 says to the bounty hunters on his yacht seem to lack the "mechanized" sound and echo that the others have. Have you altered those lines so they all sound comparable?

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No. It's not really a high priority for me. Most people won't recognize the difference anyway.

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It's less obvious than Goto's line with Ralon on Dantooine (which is ingame in vanilla)

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wow i think the scene Sion vs Nihilus is from M478 not genoharadan. This mod will be compatible with TSLRCM?

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wow i think the scene Sion vs Nihilus is from M478 not genoharadan. This mod will be compatible with TSLRCM?

The Sion vs Nihilus fight is NOT in the M4-78 EP.

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In fact, it most probably should be in here. I assume...


If folks just looked at the fourth picture on the first entry of this thread, they'd know that.



I hope Exile007 will post more screenshots! (hint, hint)

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What exactly was the GenoHaradan?? I haven't heard of this before. I have read all the comments and I see that it is cut content, but what was it?

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The order of assassins from KotOR 1 that acted for millennia to preserve the Republic without anyone knowing was intended to be where the Exchange now is on Nar Shaddaa, and sent the false Batu Rem to kill the Exile.

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Ok, cool. Thanks Mandalore! xD

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Just thought I'd drop in to tell you guys that now that I'm finished with school I can work on this again. It might take me some time to catch up on various private messages, so please bear with me.


Also I have come to a conclusion about the release of this mod. I will release one version for vanilla TSL, and one for 1.8 when it comes out. If 1.8 isn't out by the time I head to college in August, then I'll see about whipping up a compatible version for 1.7.

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This looks interesting, to say the least. Can't wait to see it completed.

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After getting both fans in my laptop replaced, now I can start working on the mod! :P


In all seriousness, I feel like I've added in everything that really needs to be added in to have a good mod. Yeah I could have given every GenoHaradan Disciple a unique appearance but I get scared of .2da files easily. If you would like to be a beta tester, please contact me. Do keep in mind that being a beta tester involves more than just playing and having fun before everyone else. In fact, it probably is less fun because I'll give you an outline of things that are supposed to happen with the changes. You'll also need to keep track of any bugs that you encounter and forward them to me. This isn't to discourage anyone from testing, but to get a serious commitment.


So yeah that's pretty much it. PM me if you're interested.


What's that? I need to post a flashy screenshot? Damn kids these days.



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Good luck finding beta testers! I wish I had time for that at college.

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I need to ship out the beta to my testers before I get to work on that. I'll include a compatibility patch for 1.8.

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Exile, a quick question. This is restored content, so we can safely assume that it will be completely VO'd?

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Exile, a quick question. This is restored content, so we can safely assume that it will be completely VO'd?


Every line of dialog is voiced, yes. :)


When mod is done?


When it's done. Although I think those words still have some negative energy around them, so I'll give a better estimate. I just played through the game from a clean save on Peragus and found no bugs. Once I get the "all clear" from the beta testers, I will work on compatibility for 1.8. At this point, the mod will be released. So really if I did my job the mod could come pretty quickly.

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