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Which game have you had an emotional attachment to?

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What games have you guys played that you have gotten emotionally attached to?

I just got done playing Katawa Shoujo and experienced more feelings of love, heart-brake, and just downright depression, than i have felt from any other game, movie or tv show.


If you haven't played it i suggest you do.

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I sometimes cry at the end of TSL, sappy as that may sound. It's just such a... bleak... ending.

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GTA IV and Assassin's Creed 2. I don't care what the haters say, they both have fantastic stories and characters I could care about.

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Let's see for me it's.


The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (sad ending)

KotOR2 (The ending mainly)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Seeing how sad Zelda was that she had to "use" Link)

Dragon Age: Origins (Warden's sacrifice, romance with Morrigan, along with some other moments)

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (gloom and doom atmosphere, seeing the sadness in the lives of the characters and making them happy)

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Absolutely Baldur's Gate and perhaps even more so Planescape Torment. I also remember letting loose a few tears at the end of the first Call of Duty game, when the battle sounds slowly fade and are replaced with the ending score while you're still playing. I think that was just mostly because I had probably seen Saving Private Ryan a few years earlier. ;)

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Fallout 1&2. I've completed this games a lot of times, IMO they're THE BEST games of all times. BTW, F3 was a dissapointment, but NV is quite good.

KotOR 2. I just love this game. In this game I can make my Exile is an almost perfect reflection of myself. It's a rare thing in games.

The Witcher. I'm a huge fan of books, and the games are great. Love both of them.

Deus Ex 1 and Human Revolution. A must-play for anyone, who like cyberpunk style.

Dragon Age: Origins. Can't explain my feelings about this game in English, sorry.

StarCraft. Didn't played SC 2, but the first one was great. I loved the story, I loved perfect balance of races (quite a rare thing in RTS), I loved MAP EDITOR! Hell, I studied English ONLY to mod this game.

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Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross


I'm a pretty big fan of those games. I actually own a SNES cart of Chrono Trigger, a PS1 copy of Chrono Cross, and a DS copy of Chrono Trigger.

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I swear, ZM90, are we cut from the same cloth? :)


Possibly, we are a rare breed around the KotOR community indeed. We both like restoring beta content in the KotOR games (KotOR for me and TSL for you) but, despite KotOR being one of our interests we have many other interests as well and very similar ones at that.

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Which game? There is a lot. Easier to to say which characters.


Shepard, of course.

The Grey Warden, of course.

Revan, no questions.

Witcher Geralt, yes, he is most badass.

Meetra Surik, yes, even more after that damn book.


And of course, women of those great heroes. For me it will always be:





Triss Merigold

amd Meetra Surik one more time :cool:

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