
Playing Vanilla vs. Waiting for TSLRCM 1.8

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Hey all,


Quick background:

A little late to the party, I never played KOTOR when it first came out, but finally picked it up about a year ago and loved it. I had heard mixed reviews about the second, then decided recently to give it a look. Heard about the TSLRCM, and that eventually led me here. Very impressed with the dedication to this title that all of you have, it's amazing!


Anyway, on to my question:

I'm sure this has been asked before (and I've seen other variations on the question), but since I've never played TSL, should I start off by adding the TSLRCM (1.7 patched or 1.8, depending on timing) or just do a run through with the vanilla version first? I've skimmed through these forums while trying not to read too in depth about story content. I kind of want to enjoy the completed game, but I also want to have an appreciation of what TSLRCM added. Anyone have any thoughts on which order will allow me to enjoy it more?


Thanks in advance

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I have a similar background as you. I started playing KOTOR in 2010 after having purchased it a few years before then but not liking it at first. The game got me hooked from that point on.


I also heard mixed reviews about TSL, but I found out about TSLRCM which was in 1.5 at the time. This made me want to purchase the game, but I could not find it anywhere until I went to a Target and found a few copies still in stock.


From the first time I installed TSL, I always had TSLRCM installed right after because I wanted the full story and more bang for my buck.


My advice is to avoid the vanilla version and play with TSLRCM right away. That will ensure you feeling like you're playing a polished and completed game.

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I've completed a vanilla game a couple times, and I've done one TSLRCM run (1.6). I'd recommend you play with TSLRCM, but try hold out until 1.8 comes out. There's a lot of awesome restored content, and quite a few fixed bugs that makes playing the game so much better.

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Whether you decide play TSLRCM 1.7 or just the vanilla version first, just realize that a save game from one version will not work with the other version. Also save games from those two likely not work with TSLRCM 1.8.


Just keep that in mind.


If you want to play TSL, I personally recommend playing it with TSLRCM 1.7 now. I don't see the point of playing TSL from a version that doesn't work as well - you're not gaining anything from it that way.


When 1.8 does comes out, remove all of the mods and totally uninstall TSL. Start your TSLRCM 1.8 install from scratch.

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Huh, with the way the title of your thread was I thought this was going to be spam xD.


Anyway on subject. You should play TSL with TSLRCM because it is just so much more complete that way. Vanilla TSL by itself is a good game but, it does feel very incomplete like you're only playing with half of the game, think of TSLRCM as the other half of the game. Trust me, don't miss out on having TSLRCM as your first TSL experience. I felt so much better playing TSL with it. As the old saying (Skyrim meme) goes "I used to play only half of TSL but, then I took TSLRCM to my PC.". Sorry guys just had to do it :P.

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Well, you could try it with TSLRCM (I suggest waiting for 1.8) right away, then come here and try to guess what was vanilla, what was added. What parts feeled "tacked on"... It's always fun to see the results of that.

And it would be a much better indicator for us wheter something doesn't fit in compared to someone who did play vanilla TSL and just likes the added stuff...

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Thanks for the replies! I've got a few games in my queue, so I think I'll probably just wait on TSLRCM 1.8 and have that be my first experience. Ideally it would be fun to have TSLRCM, M478EP, MVI, and GenoHaradan all with my first playthrough. But they all seem in various points of completion, so probably just 1.8 is the most realistic.



P.S. - Don't mean to sound greedy. It does sound like TSLRCM 1.8 is a huge upgrade from vanilla!

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I guess I'll have to repost my post from another thread. Sheesh . . .


No release date has been announced for TSLRCM 1.8.


The inevitable follow-up question - if history repeats itself - will likely be:


Q) I hear a new version of the mod is coming out. Should I play the current version now or should I wait?


This is one of our most popular questions.


Some might try to answer this question using the whole pain versus pleasure principle. (Should I get the immediate satisfaction of playing the mod or wait for a newer version that corrects more bugs/issues.) Which is likely just rephrasing the question already have! Let’s put this mod into perspective though. The TSLRCM mod started as an open beta, which means the general public got to play it so the modding team could get input into creating newer and better versions. As you can see, the mod’s next version will be version 1.8 and that’s due to dedicated TSL fans like yourself. By waiting for the next release, you’re basically going against the whole idea of an open beta.


That being said, you using the mod (and participating in the open beta) does not guarantee the modding team will continue working on a release after TSLRCM 1.8.


darthbdaman, why revive this thread now - as it was dormant since february?

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As the old saying (Skyrim meme) goes "I used to play only half of TSL but, then I took TSLRCM to my PC.".

ZM90, you're a legend! This made my day!

My own saying for this forum is (meme) "One does not simply play TSL without TSLRCM." :P If you didn't get it, it's the meme from Lord of the Rings where Baramir said: "One does not simply walk into Mordor..."

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