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TOR plot videos - with spoilers

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Playing TOR for few last weeks, I've been recording some of the stuff (cutscenes only, no boring gameplay to sit trough!), so if anyone is interested in spoilers, you can check it out here:


There is some of the terrible stuff, like

, but there's also some good stuff in there:
is a pretty cool moment, and really,
is pretty nicely written.


So if you're fan of spoilers, or have no intention of playing the game but you're interested in some of more interesting moments, check this stuff out ;)


Now I can finally go back to more interesting things...

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Interesting.... From your video, I didn't actually mind How Revan played out. However: *SPOILER*



Did Revan really just dissapear at the end? Did you kill him, or just defeat him? The question is, did they kill him off.


I thought the Emperor keeping him alive 300 years was cool, but the going slightly nutty was a bit iffy. Anyway, I'm not up in arms about it unless you actually kill him, and then they leave it at that. Now THAT would be a very poor ending.



The Apprentice turning scene was great too. That scene was written quite well. Exposing the Jedi's hate, even for a good cause, it kind of is what Revan was like in the Mandalorian Wars I guess. Has good motivations, but is going the wrong way about it. :-D Love it.


I love the fact that you can still be a "Light-side" Imperial, or a "Dark Side" fallen Jedi.


Still not getting TOR; I don't do subscription games. :-( Such a shame, seems like a good game.

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I didn't exactly kill him, he had still quite few hit points left when he disappeared. The way it was done was pretty confusing though, effect wasn't exactly visible (at first I thought a visual was from some force power the other guy used), and it really should have been a cutscene at least.

Whether he's dead or not I can't exactly say for sure, but ending still sucked.



And I agree, turning Padawan to my side was pretty well written, one of best moments I've seen in game.

Dark Side version of this conversation isn't so good, though.

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Good stuff. Not good enough to get me to play the game, but it is very interesting to see nonetheless.


Yeah, they could make a 'great' plot but in the end the fact that it is an MMO completely ruins it for me. Maybe i'm being picky but I look at games like WoW, where you go off and kill a boss then come back.. and get a 'reward' and nothing changes..


Cutscenes and dialogue and completely voiced makes it stand above the rest however the "i bought a game now I have to buy 10 bucks a month to play it" ruins it. I'm not paying a monthly fee to play what should've been KOTOR3 anyway. Just my opinion though.

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Cutscenes and dialogue and completely voiced makes it stand above the rest however the "i bought a game now I have to buy 10 bucks a month to play it" ruins it. I'm not paying a monthly fee to play what should've been KOTOR3 anyway. Just my opinion though.



Yeah, I pretty much agree with you... :(

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You can play through the main story quest in less than 30 days per class. So buy the game, use the 30 days of game time to play through one of the class stories and there you go.

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You can play through the main story quest in less than 30 days per class. So buy the game, use the 30 days of game time to play through one of the class stories and there you go.


But you see? After 30 days playing as one character, I'd want to play as another one, and see their story, then as anoher one... etc. Great thinking on the part of the publishers and developers.


So, my Star Wars The Old Republic experience is limited to Youtube playthroughs... :unsure:

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And still on Youtube videos where Revan is humiliated get hella thumbs up and a few thumbs down..

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Revan was not humiliated, he was killed by four of the Empire's finest (or 2 guys with their companions, r 3 guys and one companion). Why can't you guys understand that?

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