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Echani Fiber Armor Reskin

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I've found the files and the icon I want for a reskin/retexture of the Echani Fiber Armor found on Taris. But I can't simply place them into my override folder because I'm also using Efixian's Taris Arena Changes. The icon and files that I found are from SpaceAlex's Unfinished K1 Enhancement Project. 

What do I do now? I'm thinking I would need TSL Patcher to make a mod for this, but that may not be the case. I've never modded before, so this would be my first. Help would be appreciated! 


ia_class4_008.tga PFBC08.tga PMBC08.tga

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Rename the two last numbers at the end of those 3 textures to a number of your choosing. You have between 1-99 to pick from though the vanilla game already uses 1-7 so realistically you only have 8-99 to pick from.

Other mods have already picked a number before you so I recommend going through your Override (if you have a bunch of mods installed) to see what numbers your mods currently use. For example, if you see the file "PMBC24.tga" in your Override you'll know that a mod already uses number 24 so that means you can't use 24 as that'd make your mod incompatible with the mod you already have installed.


For this example, I'll use "99" so rename your files to the following: "ia_class4_099.tga", "PFBC99.tga" and "PMBC99.tga".


Open Kotor Tool and go to the following directory: Kotor I > BIFs > templates.bif > Blueprint, Item.


Under "Blueprint, Item", you'll see all the vanilla UTi item files. For this example, I'll open the Echani Fiber Armor UTI "g_a_class4009.uti". Once you've opened the UTI, go down to "Texture Variation" and change the number to your desired number, in my case I've changed it to "99".


Save the UTI file and if you've done it right you can drop the UTI and the TGA files into your Override and the files will take effect!

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I tried this and it didn't work. I renamed the files "ia_class4_015.tga", "PFBC15.tga", "PMBC15.tga." Then I went into KOTOR TOOL and found the "g_a_class4009.uti" file and changed the texture variation to "15." I was promted to save and I chose to put it in my override folder. Then I put the other files in the Override folder. 

I launched the game and loaded a saver where I had the Echani Fiber armor equipped and it didn't change in appearance. 

I tried clicking on the file in KOTOR Tool again and it still shows Texture Variation = 2 instead of '15'.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. 


Also, I'm using Effixian's Taris Arena Charges with this. It shouldn't conflict but it makes more combat suits that use the same model. 

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On 6/4/2023 at 7:18 PM, JasonRyder said:

...loaded a saver where I had the Echani Fiber armor equipped and it didn't change in appearance.

The old/original item gets stored in your save. You need to get a new instance of the item for it to match the new uti in your override folder. So cheat one in or use a save from right before your acquire it.

On 6/4/2023 at 7:18 PM, JasonRyder said:

I tried clicking on the file in KOTOR Tool again and it still shows Texture Variation = 2 instead of '15'.

You are opening the edited uti file, with File -> Open GFF files?

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18 hours ago, Effix said:

The old/original item gets stored in your save. You need to get a new instance of the item for it to match the new uti in your override folder. So cheat one in or use a save from right before your acquire it.

You are opening the edited uti file, with File -> Open GFF files?

Thank you for the tips, but it still didn't work. I modify the uti file in my override, put the three new files in, load a save from before I got the Echani Fiber Armor, and it still keeps it's old appearance. I'm at my wits end, here. I don't know if I'm making something complicated out of what's not, but I don't think that's possible. This is why I gave up on this four years ago.

And when I open KOTOR Tool and click File -> Open GFF files, the Global Templates Folder in KOTOR Tool, it's empty. Is it supposed to be like that?

EDIT: I had to cheat it in, but I got it to work. I saved right before I solved the puzzle to open the box it was in. 


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Thank you, Effix! So I just put this into my override folder and it'll change the look of the armor?

Oh and the textures are from SpaceAlex's K1 Enhancement Pack. Posted those files on this site, too. 

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Yes, along with those 3 files that you posted above.
I've only changed the TextureVar value with K-GFF, from 2 to 15.

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