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  1. Knights of the Old Republic 3 the return of Revan, it follows after my Dark Side Female ending to KOTOR 1 and my Light Side Male ending to KOTOR 2 Storyline It picks up after the Light Side Ending of KOTOR 2, which I would play with the Restored Content Mod, since Here you would have more Influence with Visas than Brianna who escaped and is found by Revan (whose female and our main Antagonist), during that time having building her Sith Army, making Brianna her Apprentice, which is Sensed by Revan's Lover Bastila (Yes Female Revan and Bastila are lovers), meanwhile back on the Ebon Hawk, Atton picks up a transmission from Rakata Prime by none other than Carth Onasi, who has been living there on his own for 5 years, when you Arrive and meet Carth he tells the Exile (Named Aidan Sunrider, and his Companions, call him that too in the mod) everything that happened in KOTOR 1 and gets a reunion with T3, HK and Cancerous on the Ebon Hawk and shows the Exile the Burials for Zaalbar, Mission, Juhani and Jolee. After leaving Rakata Prime, you arrive on Tattooine where Visas and Mira are captured by Slavers and sold off as slave dancers for Jaggo the Hutt, whose Palace is located on the other side of Tattooine you given assistance by Atton Rand's Childhood Friend Zak Skywalker (YES A SKYWALKER BABY!!!), Who helps them to get there by head to Moss Espa, located near his palace, you have to find your way through the Catacombs deep underneath the City where you find the Tombs of the Sith Lady Lessa Keto, the Brothers Ranar and Danar, The Sith Warrior Arron Hord (Who is actually Tulak Hord's Older Brother) and Darth Renon, However you have to find their enraged demonic spirits as Bastila (Our secondary Antagonist) as summoned them to deal with the exile) here is the Loot you will find in their Mummified Corpses in their sarcophagi, Lessa Keto (Woman on the Left), Ranar (The One Next to Lessa), Danar (the man one in the Middle), Arron Hord (The Man Standing Next to Danar) and Darth Renon (the one on the right) Lessa Keto's Mummified Corpse: Lessa Keto's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Lessa Keto's Sith Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Lightsaber Lessa Keto's Jedi Robes Lessa Keto's Holocron (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Armband (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Lessa Keto's Vibrosword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story Ranar's Mummified Corpse: Ranar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Ranar's Sith Lightsaber Ranar's Jedi Robes Ranar's Jedi Lightsaber Ranar's Mask (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Danar's Mummified Corpse: Danar's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Danar's Sith Lightsaber Danar's Jedi Robes Danar's Jedi Lightsaber Danar's Katana (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Arron Hord's Mummified Corpse: Arron Hord's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Arron Hord's Sith Lightsaber Arron Hord's Vibrosword Double Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Darth Renon's Mummified Corpse: Darth Renon's Sith Robes (Reskin and Port of Revan's Robes, restricted to Dark Side) Darth Renon's Sith Lightsaber Darth Renon's Holocron Darth Renon's War Sword (it is stolen by Brianna who sneaks on the Ebon while The Exile and the Crew are all asleep as it is a Key Part of the Story) Later you get to the palace where Mira and Visas are held as Jaggo's slave girls both dressed in the Dancers Outfit That is all for now
  2. 90SK

    Edge Of Darkness

    Version 6.0.1_2025


    Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel! Feat. ThePal - Song For The Masses (Creative Commons Attribution) Fractal Flame algorithm used created by Scott "Spot" Draves Sound Effects by BlueZone Corporation Opening Crawl made with MakerMoon AI Reimaging and Editing tk102: Scripting Knowledge Stoffe: Scripting Knowledge Darth333: Whereami Armband & Scripting Knowledge 90SK - Manager/Fixer N-DReW25 – Setting/Manager HARIII – Level Prototypes/Manager Thor110 – Red GUI, Expanded Galaxy Project & Developer Adviser Guru bead-v – Developer Adviser Guru & K-GFF Research Fair Strides – Developer & Developer Programs, NPC Auto-Level, ModHex, K-GFF Research Sithspecter – Sleheyron Model Developer DarthParametric – Jal Shey Skirtless Model, TOR Sith Pureblood Head Port, Workbench Camera Tweak VarsityPuppet – Armored Robes Model & Developer Adviser Bullobrien – Talon/Yimille Original Skin svösh – Mech Malak Original Texture Malkior – Foliage Texture Guru tjsase – M4-78 Movies Uncompressed 1.0.0 newbiemodder – GONK Droid Darth_Sapiens – G0-T0 Overhaul RGB – Cloth Texture Guru NiuHaka – Dread Cyborg Skin RedHawke – Sith Hood Model Koolizz – A Closer View Camerastyles.2da Quanon – Yavin IV Models and Level Modeler Sith Holocron – Edge Of Darkness Logo InSidious – K1 Lost Modules Pack Stoney – Ebon Hawk Placeable deathdisco – Meditate Script Imptactular – Yoda Model Animation Fix Marius Fett - Lightsaber TOR Hilts and Editing Logan23 – Content Editor and Developer, Plot Editor Based on Star Wars by George Lucas IN MEMORY OF LucasArts This mod replaces Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords It will totally reshape TSL into Knights Of The Old Republic Edge Of Darkness Enter the console code "warp 091ebo" Future content including additional side-quests, planets expanded, and party members. You are welcome to inquire about addons, ideas, and mods for Edge Of Darkness. Locations include: Thyferra, Raxus Prime, Dromund Kaas, Tatooine, Zeltros, and 6 other planets. It was inspired by older text-based games It is meant to be a throwback to 2004 gaming. It was created over the course of 8 years by 90SK & Holowan Labs Special Thanks: & OPEN ENDING / CLIFFHANGER Launcher Confirmed for disc version / Disc version working. Please start a new game to use the mod IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: This mod cannot be uninstalled. I recommend you clone your TSL directory to install it, so you can swap back and forth. V-Sync Setting is Required to be "On" In Edge Of Darkness You must disable “Frame Buffer Effects” in your TSL Graphics Settings Menu In-Game. Delete your previous Override out of your Edge Of Darkness directory before updating to most recent Please know that you will have to reinstall TSL to uninstall Edge Of Darkness. Run Holopatcher at your preferred processor bit rate. Select your installation directory and preferred version of EoD to Install. Click Okay and allow installer to complete. You must start a new game, and a fresh installation of KOTOR 2 is “required” to install, unless you're updating your version. Please make a new OVERRIDE and MODULES Folder Permissions: Please do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod! NOTES: Please reinstall your TSL if you want to Uninstall Edge Of Darkness. Known Compatible Mods (Use the following mods for Edge Of Darkness): TSL Vibro-Weapons HQ High Quality Blasters for TSL by Sithspecter CHEATS in EDGE OF DARKNESS: warp 091ebo – Go back to the Ebon Hawk giveitem killsaber – One Hit Kill Lightsaber giveitem d3_location – WhereAmI Armband giveitem cdx_co - Bypass Coruscant After that, Copy/Install your downloaded mod archive into the Knights Of The Old Republic 2 directory containing Edge Of Darkness. Please consider this mod a WIP Concept Beta that is being shared for ideas and fun! Contact 90SK on or for Questions/Comments/Ideas Special thanks to Fred Tetra, author of KOTOR Tool, and Obsidian / Bioware for their original material. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE.
  3. View File Edge Of Darkness Bioware: For such an amazing game! Obsidian: For such an amazing sequel! Feat. ThePal - Song For The Masses (Creative Commons Attribution) Fractal Flame algorithm used created by Scott "Spot" Draves Sound Effects by BlueZone Corporation Opening Crawl made with MakerMoon AI Reimaging and Editing tk102: Scripting Knowledge Stoffe: Scripting Knowledge Darth333: Whereami Armband & Scripting Knowledge 90SK - Manager/Fixer N-DReW25 – Setting/Manager HARIII – Level Prototypes/Manager Thor110 – Red GUI, Expanded Galaxy Project & Developer Adviser Guru bead-v – Developer Adviser Guru & K-GFF Research Fair Strides – Developer & Developer Programs, NPC Auto-Level, ModHex, K-GFF Research Sithspecter – Sleheyron Model Developer DarthParametric – Jal Shey Skirtless Model, TOR Sith Pureblood Head Port, Workbench Camera Tweak VarsityPuppet – Armored Robes Model & Developer Adviser Bullobrien – Talon/Yimille Original Skin svösh – Mech Malak Original Texture Malkior – Foliage Texture Guru tjsase – M4-78 Movies Uncompressed 1.0.0 newbiemodder – GONK Droid Darth_Sapiens – G0-T0 Overhaul RGB – Cloth Texture Guru NiuHaka – Dread Cyborg Skin RedHawke – Sith Hood Model Koolizz – A Closer View Camerastyles.2da Quanon – Yavin IV Models and Level Modeler Sith Holocron – Edge Of Darkness Logo InSidious – K1 Lost Modules Pack Stoney – Ebon Hawk Placeable deathdisco – Meditate Script Imptactular – Yoda Model Animation Fix Marius Fett - Lightsaber TOR Hilts and Editing Logan23 – Content Editor and Developer, Plot Editor Based on Star Wars by George Lucas IN MEMORY OF LucasArts This mod replaces Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords It will totally reshape TSL into Knights Of The Old Republic Edge Of Darkness Enter the console code "warp 091ebo" Future content including additional side-quests, planets expanded, and party members. You are welcome to inquire about addons, ideas, and mods for Edge Of Darkness. Locations include: Thyferra, Raxus Prime, Dromund Kaas, Tatooine, Zeltros, and 6 other planets. It was inspired by older text-based games It is meant to be a throwback to 2004 gaming. It was created over the course of 8 years by 90SK & Holowan Labs Special Thanks: & OPEN ENDING / CLIFFHANGER Launcher Confirmed for disc version / Disc version working. Please start a new game to use the mod IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: This mod cannot be uninstalled. I recommend you clone your TSL directory to install it, so you can swap back and forth. V-Sync Setting is Required to be "On" In Edge Of Darkness You must disable “Frame Buffer Effects” in your TSL Graphics Settings Menu In-Game. Delete your previous Override out of your Edge Of Darkness directory before updating to most recent Please know that you will have to reinstall TSL to uninstall Edge Of Darkness. Run Holopatcher at your preferred processor bit rate. Select your installation directory and preferred version of EoD to Install. Click Okay and allow installer to complete. You must start a new game, and a fresh installation of KOTOR 2 is “required” to install, unless you're updating your version. Please make a new OVERRIDE and MODULES Folder Permissions: Please do NOT claim credit for this mod and do not use assets from this mod! NOTES: Please reinstall your TSL if you want to Uninstall Edge Of Darkness. Known Compatible Mods (Use the following mods for Edge Of Darkness): TSL Vibro-Weapons HQ High Quality Blasters for TSL by Sithspecter CHEATS in EDGE OF DARKNESS: warp 091ebo – Go back to the Ebon Hawk giveitem killsaber – One Hit Kill Lightsaber giveitem d3_location – WhereAmI Armband giveitem cdx_co - Bypass Coruscant After that, Copy/Install your downloaded mod archive into the Knights Of The Old Republic 2 directory containing Edge Of Darkness. Please consider this mod a WIP Concept Beta that is being shared for ideas and fun! Contact 90SK on or for Questions/Comments/Ideas Special thanks to Fred Tetra, author of KOTOR Tool, and Obsidian / Bioware for their original material. Legal: THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE/OBSIDIAN ENTERTAINMENT, LUCASARTS, DISNEY OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE-MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. Submitter 90SK Submitted 08/30/2023 Category Mods TSLRCM Compatible No  
  4. Hello everyone. I'm trying to make a Star Wars total conversion called "Jedi Quest" for the action-RPG game Titan Quest. Here are some screenshots: Since all buildings and vehicles have to be replaced, I am looking for a fellow-Star Wars fan who knows how to work with the 3DS Max program. I'm also looking for someone who knows the Star Wars RPG game systems inside out, to overhaul the typical magic and scorcery stuff and change it into a Star Wars themed thing. The interface, menu, story line, dialog and intro movies have all been taken care of or are being worked on. The only thing missing is: 1. the replacemant of in-game models with Star Wars models (I have permission from various artists to use their models, if needed) 2. the conversion of the classic (spells and potions) RPG gaming system into a more Star Wars orientated (force powers) system, like TOR, KOTOR and TSL have. PM me for my email address if you would like to participate in this project. Cornel.
  5. This little mod already has got almost everything: Star Wars scenery, Star Wars menu interface, Star Wars sound effects, Star Wars background music... It's just the ship models that are missing... I am looking for someone adept in the E-on Vue program, because the ship models that need to be changed/replaced are in the vob format. Is there by any chance someone here on the forums who is capable of, and interested in, replacing the player ship with an X-Wing model, and the enemy ships with TIE-Fighter models? If needed, i have replacement models available, with the permission of the authors, to be used in the mod. The video, by the way, is from the old version of the mod... The new version has wingmates, comm chatter, and several other, small improvements... Cornel. P.S. If this simple space shooter mod is finished, a potential next step could be to make a Star Wars total conversion of the whole game...