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Found 2 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    *Notice*: This mod is not my own work and is being uploaded to Deadlystream with the permission of the original mod author. After having reached out to Evasto via email, I can confirm his approval via the following: "...if you want to upload it to you're more than welcome to. I haven't done anything with KOTOR in a very long time so while I have revisited Luke's lightsaber since then, it was for a Fallout 4 mod rather than KOTOR. If I ever go back to KOTOR I might use the models & textures I made for Fallout 4 to update the mod (as well as the ROTJ Vader), in which event I'd upload 'em to the Nexus, but who knows when or if that'll happen." Information of note: This mod contains files that work in BOTH Kotor 1 and TSL. Each version of the hilt has a folder included with files for installing in TSL. Please see the installation instructions for more information. The following description is taken from the Readme file included: DESCRIPTION: "This mod is quite possibly one of the more ambitious mods I have made to date. This hilts in this pack belong to our favorite Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who built a new lightsaber following the loss of his father's at Cloud City. This mod doesn't, however, deliver just one hilt. You get three (four, counting a texture variant) variations of the familiar lightsaber wielded by Luke. All three replace the green lightsaber, and also comes with a new green blade texture for your enjoyment. Oh, but wait, that's not all! All three of these hilts have a TSL Version, so you can enjoy these hilts in both KOTOR 1 and 2. Also, for the first variant, I've included an alternate texture which makes the usually copper neck black, giving you essentially four lightsabers to play with. Enjoy the mod!" INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Place the necessary files into your KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2 Override folder. Keep in mind, these hilts overwrite the default green hilt so you can only have one at a time. Just choose the one you like and extract the proper files to the correct Override folder. (The TSL compatible versions are filed into their own folder, so if you want to use one for TSL, just take the hilt's TSL Version files and pop them into the KOTOR 2 Override folder.) If you don't have an Override folder, be sure to make one. Also, when extracting the files, make sure "Use Folder Names" is unchecked or else the files will be extracted into a seperate folder." BUGS: None PERMISSIONS: This mod may not be distributed on other sites without the express permission of the author (Evasto), and without credit given to the original creator of the mod. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. I want to give a very special thank you to Evasto for allowing me to help preserve a mod that has been a long time favorite of mine.
  2. View File ROTJ Luke Lightsaber Pack by Evasto *Notice*: This mod is not my own work and is being uploaded to Deadlystream with the permission of the original mod author. After having reached out to Evasto via email, I can confirm his approval via the following: "...if you want to upload it to you're more than welcome to. I haven't done anything with KOTOR in a very long time so while I have revisited Luke's lightsaber since then, it was for a Fallout 4 mod rather than KOTOR. If I ever go back to KOTOR I might use the models & textures I made for Fallout 4 to update the mod (as well as the ROTJ Vader), in which event I'd upload 'em to the Nexus, but who knows when or if that'll happen." Information of note: This mod contains files that work in BOTH Kotor 1 and TSL. Each version of the hilt has a folder included with files for installing in TSL. Please see the installation instructions for more information. The following description is taken from the Readme file included: DESCRIPTION: "This mod is quite possibly one of the more ambitious mods I have made to date. This hilts in this pack belong to our favorite Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who built a new lightsaber following the loss of his father's at Cloud City. This mod doesn't, however, deliver just one hilt. You get three (four, counting a texture variant) variations of the familiar lightsaber wielded by Luke. All three replace the green lightsaber, and also comes with a new green blade texture for your enjoyment. Oh, but wait, that's not all! All three of these hilts have a TSL Version, so you can enjoy these hilts in both KOTOR 1 and 2. Also, for the first variant, I've included an alternate texture which makes the usually copper neck black, giving you essentially four lightsabers to play with. Enjoy the mod!" INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Place the necessary files into your KOTOR 1 or KOTOR 2 Override folder. Keep in mind, these hilts overwrite the default green hilt so you can only have one at a time. Just choose the one you like and extract the proper files to the correct Override folder. (The TSL compatible versions are filed into their own folder, so if you want to use one for TSL, just take the hilt's TSL Version files and pop them into the KOTOR 2 Override folder.) If you don't have an Override folder, be sure to make one. Also, when extracting the files, make sure "Use Folder Names" is unchecked or else the files will be extracted into a seperate folder." BUGS: None PERMISSIONS: This mod may not be distributed on other sites without the express permission of the author (Evasto), and without credit given to the original creator of the mod. THIS MODIFICATION IS PROVIDED AS-IS AND IS NOT SUPPORTED BY BIOWARE OR LUCASARTS OR ANY LICENSERS/SPONSORS OF THE MENTIONED COMPANIES. USE OF THIS FILE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED COMPANIES OR THE AUTHOR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR COMPUTER FOR THE USAGE OF THIS FILE. I want to give a very special thank you to Evasto for allowing me to help preserve a mod that has been a long time favorite of mine. Submitter Untold Prophecy Submitted 04/18/2020 Category Knights of The Old Republic