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Everything posted by JoroA

  1. Oh and one more thing, i realy like how you restored the Black Vulkar base, really fun to play and the new annimals on Dantooine were a very nice surprise. The demo is beyond my expectation.
  2. Found a few bugs today: 1) After I beat Niklos the 1st time, I cant play against him again. 2) After I challenge Bendak, Ajur NEVER lets me fight him even before the destruction of Taris. 3) On Dantooine after I say who is lying - Rickard or Handon - no new dialog appears and I can't complete the quest. That's all I found, are these problems common? BTW, I don't have any other mods installed.
  3. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    I like the idea where he walks around the player, i also like version 1 best for Tobin-Nihilus scene.
  4. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    Just know that whatever screenshot/video you see released from TSLRCM team it will be there.
  5. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    HH has released a pic showing that he will be there Link:
  6. Offtopic, will you be able to send all 3 droids or like the original, only one of them?
  7. If it is not a secret, abaut how many side quests are there? I like that it will make the planet "feel more alive". Will it have around the same number of quests as the other planets?
  8. Cant wait for all KOTOR restorations

    1. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      You're going to have to learn patience then.

  9. Wait a minute you sad you started K1R in late 2010 and now you have done abaut 50% right? So does that mean you wont finish the mod until abaut 2014?
  10. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    Yes Thank you i know abaut them i wanted to ask are there any more mods like them. But i guess its only them.
  11. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    Are there any other mods like M4-78 and Genoharadan? If yes will they be compatible with TSLRCM 1.8?
  12. JoroA

    Update on 1.8

    Glad to hear that you are back. I hope there wont be anymore setbacks and problems. Good luck.
  13. Will there be the fight between Nihilus and Sion? Because i heard rumors abaut Genoharadan restoration and i know that originally the fight was after the explosion in the jek jek tar... If yes what will happen?
  14. I have read forums abaut it but there is no current answer, so my question is, will you fix the glich with xor?
  15. I know that you will restore Sleheyron on other version, but on this version will you restore everything else or most of it?
  16. First to say great work on this great mod. TSLRCM 1.8 final testing has started, so the mod will soon be ready. Will the mod come right after 1.8 or do you need more time?