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Everything posted by Kerk

  1. aahhh.uuuhhhh...! I'm sorry, but someone has to say it, and might as well be me.. ttlan, you, sir, are SOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING! offense meant of course.
  2. Well, I'll take advantage of this thread and ask you, mighty modders, two questions. 1. Will there be unique interactive lines for each party member regarding certain situations on the planet? Cause if no, you realize, that would leave certain emptiness. 2. For his orignal mode Stoney used some of the lines we hear in the initial game know, for those who are unaware, that may be fine, but for us, devote fans of kotor, those lines are just reminders that we are not playing the unified complite game. For example, Sion's phrase "I spared you once. I will not do so again." Will those repetitive lines still be used, or will you make something totally new?
  3. I guess we should be happy that it runs on Windows 7 at all! I still remember the dark times when I had Vista Nothing worked on that piece of crap.
  4. Hah, I got it Haven't played this game for 2 years and forgot how exactly I was fixing the windowed mod issue. Like I said, all it takes is a double click on the upper thick border line of the window itself. Works even on Windows 7. Checked.
  5. I got exactly the same problems. On XP the small resolution game window would fix itself, if you just click on it. But with 7 it seems there is not much to do, but to change resolution of your computer screen. Otherwise you have to adjust resolution in the game every time you start it.
  6. Zdravstvuite to you from Russia. Yeah, the whole world is watching the progress of our mighty moderators on revival of kotor 2 Skyrim is a dead game, just like Oblivion was. It's just that Skyrim's deadness is better hidden behind nice looking graphics. But at the core there is no development. The whole world stands still.
  7. No game is worth 120$ per year, and especially not this one.
  8. And still on Youtube videos where Revan is humiliated get hella thumbs up and a few thumbs down..
  9. Gotta love how those who vote for K2 use better graphics as one of their reasons. I will bring some diversity into this peaceful soncensus and argue that K1 was and still will be supperior to K2. Here are my reasons: 1. It IS a better story telling in spite of all yall's opinions. Simply because it's based on classic staff. It is also amusing how so many of yall call classic a "cliché." Since when "Light vs Dark" has become for kids, and "Dark vs Gray" has become for grown-ups? THe path of an exulted hero who saves the world from an apparent threat can be very appealing to all ages. Everything depends on the talent of the writer. That's what the original SW trilogy was about. Are yall going to say that it was for kids? 2. Many agree that there is dipper philosophy in K2, and I say this is good. But, it is out of place. That Kreia's quasi-Nietzschean preaching about "let the weak go through suffering and become stronger or die" can be addressed to the Sith philosophy, but in the end it all comes to simple confrontation of the Exile with two power hungry monsters and an old woman who lost her mind. That's all. The game leaves us in uncertainty, and this is what doesn't belong in SW universe. Especially, Kreia's idea to destroy the Force doesn't add anything to the plot. Talking about realism here... 3. Characters.. They are interesting in K2, but in K1 they are classic archetypes. Bastila is officially called "The old Republic's Leia." I don't want to give preference to any of the parties, I just wanna say that those are unfair who claim that K1's characters are less interesting. 4. To emphasize something really important one more time - IT IS NOT NECESSARILY BAD WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT FROM PEOPLE. On the contrary, it is bad when something strange happens without a proper explanation. Come on, did you like the scene where Kreia instantly kills 3 Jedi masters? Really? How was that possible? An explanation, K2, please. 5. This is why I think the story telling of K2 was worse. With mods or not, but we are left with toooo much stuff to figure out on our own. This might be good for some kind of detective plot game, but for SW this is just a clear sign of the authors' laziness. PS. Still on the scale of 10 I'd give 10 to K1 and 9 to K2(with mods).