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Everything posted by Kerk

  1. No one's ever said anything about summer. I predict winter...
  2. Kerk

    Update on 1.8

    Yeah, actually this is one of the bugs of the orioginal game, not the mode. This first happens at the end of Peragus in the dialog of Atton and the Exile. Wonder why all the versions of the mod weren't able to fix it...
  3. Puppet, I'm truly glad. I never meant to offend you by assuming that you didn't make much emotional investment into the game, which was a wrong assumption anyway, and was surprised by such a reaction. SOME MINOR SPOILERS Right, I made Anderson a consular too. I suppose they explain this transition from Anderson to Udina in one of the books, but it's still lame. A lot of people noticed that ME2 doesn't make much difference. To me the worst part is the role of the final decision. I reasonably concluded that saving the collector base and researching it to be better prepared for the reaper invasion is the best way to go. That decision didn't make any difference in ME3. You'd think that if Cerberus is an enemy now, they would be weaker somehow, if you destroyed the collector base. But no, it's all the same, except a few video sequences closer to the end. So, yeah, the biggest decision of ME2 makes no difference. In regard to Shadow Broker, I suspect that the game would recognize Liara as such in any case. This thing seems to be the canon just like the events of "Arrival."
  4. Price drops. Nice.
  5. Here's a dumb question - it's well known that for such huge modes to work properly, one has to start a new game, so your testers should have much more spare time than just for one planet, right?
  6. Course it was. The sunglasses joke is meant to be terrible! I just couldn't hold it
  7. I only hope for one thing... *sunglasses* ..That Atton's comment is not spot on! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
  8. Even More interesting -- EA is recognized as the "worst American company of the year." Sounds about right, doesn't it?
  9. Latest news: Bioware is haggling. Now they are saying that they will make a free DLC that will "bring more closure." least we on the right track. But it shows 2 things: 1) This DLC is not going to be big, otherwise it wouldn't be free. 2) This is most certainly not going to be what we've been asking for. They are trying to minimize their loss as much as possible. But the haggling isn't over. Not by a long shot.
  10. Hm, that was rather weird...oh well, since he left, no reson to respond. That's a shame really.
  11. Puppet, let's be clear about things. 1) you don't understand the full situation, because you haven't played the game, and that's fine. But in such conversations it makes it harder to be constructive and not give up spoilers. So much stuff is called "trolling" these days that I frankly lost the conception of what it used to stand for. 2)But even when you do play the game, I'm sure that you at best will say something like "yeah that's pretty cheap, but oh well." Because you seem to have made little emotional investment into ME story and characters, and that's also fine. I didn't care for that "redneck in space" campaign in Star Craft 2, but many people did. And when they say something in protest, you cannot just discard them as crybabies. That's disrespectful. 3) You perfectly understand the difference between independent modders and a corporation. But there is more - there is a bunch of commercial statements that promised people certain things, and those promises were not fulfilled. And that's false advertisement. If that doesn't entitle you to complain, then I don't know what does. 4) Bioware selling out? You'll have to clarify this one for's a COR-PO-RA-TI-ON. They sell out to us the moment they start their business. Or at least that's the idea. 5) And finally, well this response "those guys are just crybabies" or "it's a raging mob" know it's the kind of argument intellectual elites used to make for centuries to justify oligarchy, aristocracy and monarchy. It posits human beings in general as vile selfish beings. And this is not true. Even those who yell "fuk bioware" mostly express their deep dissatisfaction and trauma. Don't make it a custom to look down at people, cause I see a lot of reporters taking that road. That being said, I love what you're doing on DS, and I would never dare challenge your artistic view of how things should be done in our sphere of modding. But I do not believe that any of the modders here would ever mess things up as the guys from Bioware did.
  12. I do. Cause I pay money. And as life goes on I get sucked into the corporate soulless domain deeper and deeper. This protest is the way of saying to them "you don't own us." And a simple "bone throwing" won't do here. PS. oh and check this one out. It's a spot on article with no spoilers
  13. Gosh, are you all really buying this? He is twisting and turning to give you sense of security. What is he promising in that statement? That they will work hard? That they are listening? That they will bring more clarity? That doesn't mean that they will fix all the mess. He explicitly says that the game is their work of art, and they gonna defend it. It is obvious that they will make a DLC with ADDITIONAL content in regard to the ending, but not change the ending itself. By the way, what is wrong with that guy's face? Is he deliberately so pompus?
  14. We've got to stop buying things from Bioware and EA. Otherwise they will never stop treating us like durt.

  15. I'll tell you this, if they have conscience, they will make a free DLC. But we're all realists, and we don't expect that to happen. Most of us are prepared to pay for a DLC fix for a reasonable price. Meanwhile, the situation is getting more and more interesting. Now the movement is facing a strong reaction in the face of so-called "game observers." There a lot of them who speak bullcrap about this fan outrage. I'm still trying to understand why. Most of them seem to favor 2 arguments: 1) "The game is a work of art, and you, douchebags, don't tell artists what to do." Some of them stick really hard to this one. And it gets me thinking that they all must have graduated from the School of Liberal Arts. But really, we understand that this is BS. It is the company itself whom people hold liable, not the authors of the game. It's been said many times that the game would give us closure, which turned out to be simple false advertisement. And of course, we all know that be a game a work of art as it may, it's still business in the first place, and in business consumers have a say. Big time. 2) "It is the journey that matters, not the destination." I just love this BS. One particularly clever atheist thinker said "we all gonna die; so does it mean that our lives were not valuable?" Well, actually yes that's exactly how I see it. But most of yall probably won't share my idealist intuition. But here's a comeback to this argument: a destination is a PART of a journey. If a person, has a crazy ride on a rollercoaster and then runs into a wall and dies, do we want to say that his ride was generally great? Of course not, it would have been great, if it wasn't ruined. Anyway, that's where we at for now. Why did I write all this stuff here? hmmm... maybe because I hate companies and I really want to prevent them from enslaving our souls completely. And I certainly don't want them to sell us crap and then cover themselves behind the shield called "art."
  16. This is some interesting stuff about what's going right now with ME3. You should all read it!
  17. Here's an interesting observation I made: In DA2 we have events take place after 1 year, then 2 years, then 5...if I'm not mistaken... Hawke, being the champion of Kirkwall, meets King Alistair in the 3rd part, which is 7 years past the Blight... again if I'm not mistaken. In that conversation Alistair mentions the Hero of Ferelden in present tense. We are explicitly told that he is still in the actual world. That indicates that if he indeed left the world through the Mirror, then he spent about 6-7 years searching for Morrigan. And that I find really hard to believe. To me this is a good reason NOT to think that he left through the Mirror. But may be I'm just giving Bioware too much credit.
  18. Fair enough, fair enough. I can even add that it is one of the strongest sides of DAO that throughout it your selfless actions help Morrigan's moral development and change of views on friendship and love. Still I just prefere Leliana's idealism and devotion. Plus, Morrigan can't sing
  19. Yeah, silent protagonist leaves more room for imagination. allows to relate better. Screw Morrigan. She was a heartless beatch. Where is it in the canon that the Warden goes with her? In DA2 such a thing is never mentioned. He disappears, but that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the Mirror. And even if he does go through the Mirror that doesn't imply LI.
  20. This is a double edged sword you are using,ZM90. I see DLCs as a new nasty way of sucking money out of customers. That is not to say that I didn't enjoy them in DAO, but I don't see why they couldn't include them in the initial game. In this sense, KOTOR is superior, because it doesn't need DLCs. It was excellently organized on its own terms. And besides, Awakening hardly counts as a part of the initial game, wouldn't you agree?
  21. Which game? There is a lot. Easier to to say which characters. Shepard, of course. The Grey Warden, of course. Revan, no questions. Witcher Geralt, yes, he is most badass. Meetra Surik, yes, even more after that damn book. And of course, women of those great heroes. For me it will always be: Tali'Zorah Leliana Bastila Triss Merigold amd Meetra Surik one more time
  22. You are correct in praising this game. However, for me Kotor will always remain #1. What I loved about DAO was thoughtful conversations and complex relationship with teammates. And all of them were well thought through. The Ending unlike ME3 (yes, I can't help but talk about it again and agian, cause I'm still in shock) was excellent. You think the Warden should die like a hero? -There you go, die like a hero and have Leliana cry overy your soul for years to come. You want to save all and yourself and live happily ever after?- there you go, all friends are well, you are a living legend. I also loved how they incorporated mythology and religion into this game. Consider all other games - complicated illogical mythologies with bunches of strange gods. Here we have classic pro-christian doctrine of one divinity, over which people argue. ANd of course the prophet Andraste is a woman-Christ. This is really something new and neat for a fantasy game. THe only problem I have with this game is copy/paste locations. This is one of the reasons why in my mind it still loses to Kotor.
  23. Heh, no, I think this time we are witnessing something really special. I haven't seen such a wave of hatred in the gamers community before. If Biowar and EA don't listen to all those voices, they'll go down. Hell, check Metacritic, ME3 has even a lower score than the sadly known Dragon Age 2!
  24. Well, I've already said that ME3 would be the last game I buy from Bioware. Screw DA3 whenever it comes out. Too many fukups on their part for the last 2 years. Actually, the ending feels like even a bigger let down exactly because the game itself was pretty good. And it's only been 5 days? man we all need help...