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Everything posted by ADG12311990

  1. Indeed. I mean, they could have mean't it's a concept video, and just misworded it, but, not having a engine for the game AND making a cutscene is indeed ass backwards. Also, LucasFilm (Or Disney. Whichever people want to use.) will shoot it down because it conflicts with the lore and canon for the Revan Novel and TOR. They are pretty protective about the Lore.
  2. No engine yet, still showing the concept art, but they did back stories for HK and T3. They also have an "unnamed" Pre-Viz Production Studio doing their first cutscene. I hate to sound so cynical, especially for a game series that has influenced my life a lot, but...
  3. To be honest, I get the feeling that it'll go one of two ways. 1; they just abandon it, like most fan made KotOR 3 mods have gone, or 2. They get a cease and desist from LucasFilm and/or EA. They've also been saying things like they have both the story that LucasArts made, and that Obsidian pitched, and that adjustments to SWTOR and the Revan novel will be made, and "contacts in the Star Wars gaming industry". It all sounds like a lot of hot air and all. I wish them well and all, but... I just can't see it happening...
  4. So, I'm thinking of recording playthroughs of KotOR I and KotOR II - TSL and putting them on my YouTube page. Now, I am debating if I want to go through both KotOR's with Mods installed or not. Most of the mods will be reskin mods, maybe a few item mods, and a few dialogue fixes, maybe a few more. For KotOR II, I will be using the TSLRCM and the M4-78 (Truly, the only way to play TSL nowadays!) as well as the ones I listed for KotOR. Any opinions would be fantastic!

    1. ADG12311990


      I was thinking of doing BOS. But, since I always had a heck of a hard time with it conflicting with other mods, I might install it on a separate computer. I've never played the Recruitable Kay mod before. But, I have the Coruscant Mod on my list, as well as a reskin of the Corsucant Skybox.


      Although, I am a bit worried about one mod. I kinda tweaked it for my own personal taste, but I'm not sure how well that would be seen by some people.


      Also, I totally forgot t...

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Have you recorded any K1 or K2 footage yet? Does your footage have your own notations/comments (audio or text) in them?

    3. ADG12311990


      Not as of yet. Been finishing up some college stuff (Stupid college bureaucracy). But, I was planning to list the mods I am using in the comments of each video. I've got all the K1 mods downloaded and installed, I'm just debating if I want to wait for the K1 Restoration to be finished or just go ahead and start recording.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  5. So, I'm going back and installing some games, one of which is KotOR 1 and TSL. SO, should I just install TSLRCM 1.8.2? or wait until 1.8.3?

    1. Hassat Hunter

      Hassat Hunter

      Depends *when* you want to play TSL...

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      After answering Hassat's question, then answer "How long would it take you to play KOTOR1?"

  6. So, my main New Year's resolution was to be "Less Anti-Social" (Which for me is kinda hard. lol) So, I figured why not start posting on a forum for my two favorite Star Wars games?

    1. bendarby24


      Welcome to the forum

    2. Sith Holocron

      Sith Holocron

      Welcome to being less anti-social. ;)


      If you try M4-78 EP, would you please post your views in our threads?

  7. Forgive me for this long post... Based on what you've written, And I don't want to make any assumptions, but I guess you haven't read the Revan novel, correct? But, Don't get mad at Bioware/Obsidian for the canon choices, that was done by Lucasfilm. Canon keeps things in neat order (For the most part) And, if I remember correctly, if you tell Atton you don't care about Revan on Peragus, the default info is that Revan is a light sided male. That is just Obsidian following the rules they were given when they made the game. Besides, if you say Revan turned back to the Dark Side in K1, Carth doesn't show up, and you only see Bastila as a hologram on Korriban. And, It's not like you HAVE to listen to Canon when they tell you that Revan/The Exile is a guy or girl. Light or Dark. As for Revan, and the Sith Emperor. You are half right, and half misinformed. Revan and Malak found clues to the Sith Empire on Korriban and Malachor V. After the Mandalorian War ended, they went off to the Unknown Regions to find the Sith Empire, which lead them to Dromund Kaas. They confronted the Emperor who corrupted them, and turned them to the Dark Side. They returned to the Galaxy to find the Star Forge for the Emperor to use. Once they found the Forge, Revan turned against the Emperor and used the Forge for himself. And when the Jedi Civil War was going on, he left the infrastructure of the Republic intact so that WHEN the True Sith returned, the rest of the Galaxy would be ready for them. Look, I want KotOR 3 as much as the next person, but... at this point, it'll never happen. It's not up to Obsidian either. They may want to do it (And I'd love for them to make one) But, It's up to LucasArts, and since We have The Old Republic, we won't get KotOR 3. (The Jedi Knight story in TOR is as close to KotOR 3 that we'll get. And It's an awesome story.) And, like I said, I don't want to make any assumptions, but... it sounds like you are hating on TOR/Bioware because you didn't get KotOR 3. Look, try the game out. It has a Free to play option (Yeah, it is a bit limited, but this isn't the place to talk about THAT) EDIT, It's kinda late where I am, so sorry if this makes no sense.
  8. I hate to necro this, but I finished the HK quest early this morning, and wanted to share this photo of the great HK-51 now sitting in my Smuggler's ship. The one thing I do hate is the Iron Man chest light. But, other then that He is awesome!