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Status Replies posted by Quanon

  1. Hmm, can't get to my PMs...

  2. Updated my gallery, have a peek!

  3. Frame Buffer effect was the culprit. Problem solved :D

  4. Getting worse, Kotor doesn't want to load games anymore... I guess I might have to reinstall?

    1. Quanon


      OMG, yes, that did it! Frame Buffer effects where switched ON! It works again, thanks a lot HK-47!

      Feel a bit stupid now >_>

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Getting worse, Kotor doesn't want to load games anymore... I guess I might have to reinstall?

    1. Quanon


      I have the GOG versions of both the Kotor games. But I think it might be my CPU multi core and multi threading that causes the problem. Some of these old engines just don't know how to handle it.

      I'm was already using compatibilty mode and administrator on my WIN-10. The game loads up to the menus, but whenever I load up a save it crashes.

      Going to check out GOG forums, see what I can dig up on this.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Major upgrade done for my PC, new mobo, memory, cpu and graphics! WIN10 just kept working, no re installing business, sweet!

    1. Quanon


      What I got: Mobo => MSI Z710A PC Mate, CPU => I7-6700K with Master Cooler Hyper 212 EVO, Graphics card => MSI ALD Radeon R9 380 4Gigs and 8 Gigs Ram from Seaking? Can't remember the brand :P

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Major upgrade done for my PC, new mobo, memory, cpu and graphics! WIN10 just kept working, no re installing business, sweet!

    1. Quanon


      I do have an SSD, but also still a regular HD drive. I just use the SSD for Windows and a few programs like 3Ds Max and Photoshop. But the games run nicely now ^^

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. Was testing Jorak Ulns texture packs today and found two more sky textures I had prievously missed^^ So the HD skybox pack just got bigger and a little more complete :)

  9. Suffering from insomnia... Not helping to be creative :'-(

    1. Quanon


      Héhé, I've started to practice Tai-Chi and it helps to go through my movements, takes the tension away. But it's more a matter of the mind. I can be very restless, I tried reading, but I get so into my book I keep on reading and suddenly, 3 hrs have passed... Not good ofcourse. x-D

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Suffering from insomnia... Not helping to be creative :'-(

    1. Quanon


      Thanks guys, I've talked to my doctor, got a prescription, to try help me out.

      It's been going on for a few weeks now and my body feels like a train wreck sometimes :-(

      Baddest part is I don't feel like doing much.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. Frustrating; Kaurora 13 crashes, no emitter fun for some reason. And older version of Kaurora don't work on Win10 :- /

    1. Quanon


      Haha, I'm not sure what's so bad about Win10. I haven't been following the whole OS scene that much anymore. :)


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. Frustrating; Kaurora 13 crashes, no emitter fun for some reason. And older version of Kaurora don't work on Win10 :- /

    1. Quanon


      I had 8.1 and it was a free update to 10 ;)


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. At last victory! A working walkmesh! Step by step build it up and now works like a charm!

    1. Quanon


      I have 4 pillars, with 4 ramps surrounding a platform. So I had to make sure the player can't go through these pillars.

      I added walls and made them NON-walkable. The walkmesh has 2O materials you can choose from: Dirt, Stone, Metal... Water.


      It was because of this NON-walk material I had this odd behaviour. I switched the walls back to Metal and only minor correction on some edges did the trick.

      But I did everything step by step, to see when and where I got faults in...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. At last victory! A working walkmesh! Step by step build it up and now works like a charm!

    1. Quanon


      Been working on an old project, I once started with a fellow modder GloveMaster. But it never got finished and released.

      But FairStrides and SH stepped in, offered to help and get the thing done. Mind this is a very old thingy, before lightmaps where possible.

      So I've been busy giving these old area models of mine that little extra, lightmaps and better fitting walkmesh.


      You haven't missed it, because we haven't really made a forum post about this stuff yet. ;)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. At last victory! A working walkmesh! Step by step build it up and now works like a charm!

    1. Quanon


      Thanks guys! Here's to hoping that the other areas will be a bit more cooperitve :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Another lost battle with the walkmesh, no matter what I try it refuses to work ingame. I'll stop worrying about it, Lighmaps are priorty.

    1. Quanon


      Yes, decompiling models is bad voodoo, I've been trying to edit my old BoS areas to include lightmaps, but they crash the export script or Kaurora.

      It might be the loose verts and SS method might be the anwser.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Another lost battle with the walkmesh, no matter what I try it refuses to work ingame. I'll stop worrying about it, Lighmaps are priorty.

    1. Quanon


      I might have a last attempt, for the time being, later today. Thanks for that advice.

      It's has me baffled, I've got lots of nice square faces on that walkmesh, I even tracked down loose vertices and welded them.

      So there's no overlapping; and still it's broken ingame.


      I've compiled my model back with MDLops; just to see what has happened... But there's nothing wrong with walkmesh...

      Mighty confused.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. walkmesh keeps being annoying. It either crashes Kaurora or it has faults ingame...

    1. Quanon


      Lol, to late, tried to use it, but.. haha, no go, still buggy walkmesh.

      Guess I'll have to start over again, *le sight*... kotor modding at it's best :D

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. walkmesh keeps being annoying. It either crashes Kaurora or it has faults ingame...

    1. Quanon


      I was thinking the same on the Z-coords. But Trimesh button? How can it be I miss something like that :P


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. walkmesh keeps being annoying. It either crashes Kaurora or it has faults ingame...

    1. Quanon


      I'll give that a test, though all the ingame areas have walls.. But anyway, thanks for the suggestion :)


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. walkmesh keeps being annoying. It either crashes Kaurora or it has faults ingame...

    1. Quanon


      On the old walkmesh I'm not that sure. I did use the Wokmesh checker tool from NWmax. It does tell me there are some bad verts in there. But sadly it doesn't point them out >_< The newly created walkmesh shouldn't have any loose verts. Do you add wall to your walkmeshes? I got the feeling they give me troubles.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  22. walkmesh keeps being annoying. It either crashes Kaurora or it has faults ingame...

    1. Quanon


      It's just a 1 piece. I've been trying to edit it, altering some edges so it would fit better. Saddly, the new edges cause troubles, you can only cross them from one direction o_O

      My second attempt was a with a fully new modeled walkmesh, but that one just crashes Kaurora... Which baffles me... As the older walkmesh is a real mess of triangles.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  23. Lightmaps working, but the area model is upside down somehow x-s

    1. Quanon


      I think it's because I compiled the model back to ASCII format with MDLops and then imported it into Max. Did my Lightmap stuff, then export and compile again.

      I did fix all the odd numbers on orientation and centers in the newer ASCII file, before the Kaurora business; but like 90% was still upsy turney downsy :P


      Anyway, it's all fixed now, I used my orginal 3Ds Max files, no compiling with MDLops. That little tool does funny things to area models :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  24. Working hard on lightmaps. Alas, the export script sets it value 'null'. Not good >_

    1. Quanon


      It's for SG. But it's going ok, it's not crashing at least :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  25. Finished another 5hours render run. 60so frames done. 5min20sec averge for a frame. Oh boy.