Rtas Vadum

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Posts posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. I don't know if this a bug or not, but isn't asking Keevee about Vrook supposed to update the "Lost In The Shadows" quest? In my last few playthroughs, even after talking to her, I have to see the datapad in order to get the quest update.


    If it isn't a bug, I guess it makes sense, given that she doesn't tell you where they took him. At least, I've never seen a line that suggests she knows.

  2. I mean, how can I merge the various custom heads found on the nexus in a way that the TSLRCM is compatible with them?


    Any mod that already uses the TSL Patcher is going to be compatible with TSLRCM(so long as it is added after TSLRCM is installed). Any that does not, would need to be either manually edited(i.e adding/editing lines in the appearance, heads, and portaits.2da), or fixed to use the patcher.

  3. Okay, I think I am sold on this. I did little to nothing to change the lighting the the area, and believe me, save for the cantina shots being a little dark, the rest are exactly like it appears in game.











  4. Hi.


    First of all. Good work. This game now makes so much more fun and sense. Keep it up. :)




    But now let's get to my problem.


    I am on Nar Shadaa and I beat the Red Eclipse on the Ebon Hawk but Visquis (G0-T0's second in command) is not calling for the meeting in the Jekk Jekk Tar. So I cannot advance in the game anymore.


    Is there any way I can activate this Quest via the console?




    It isn't just the Red Eclipse event that is needed for the call to trigger. You must have gone into the Refugee Sector for the Red Eclipse to take over your ship, but have you done the quests there(i.e dealing with the Serroco and the Exchange there)? Talked with the two vendors in the Refugee landing(the Rodian and Duros), and resolved their conflict in some way(the outcome doesn't matter)? Lastly, have you talked with the...well, the short bat-ish creature in the Entertainment Promenade(he is to your right, upon entering the area), to the point were you have to pay him(it's a choice of weather you don't like the exchange, or you don't mind, and it's 2000 credits either way)?


    Not all of these are required, but if it is just the Red Eclipse event that you've had, Visquis won't call.

  5. So, I believe I've found what my issue is. It seems to be the shine effects on some of the textures, and the problem isn't exactly the effects themselves, but it seems to be the use of "new" textures that I made, which might not affect every texture that uses the effect, but if the shine is almost everywhere in the area, then it lags the game(to the point where I can barely move the character). It is odd, since the game itself says my specs exceed what the game recommends.


    Anyway, I have to look at this a bit more, but there is something interesting going on with this new card. Know that I did almost nothing to make this happen.






    Also, I've been doing some work on the skins for the HK droids, and here is HK50:






    Needs a bit more work, and at this point he looks a bit too similar to HK47, so I'll have to work on that.

  6. If you ever do the palace on Onderon, purpule would work.


    The only problem with Onderon, is the same with Korriban or Dantooine. All three areas are rather bright, at least more so than the areas I've already done. Although, like I did with Korriban, I might just try doing Onderon anyway, since, well, Why not? Only I should probably show off a few shots, since I didn't show any for Korriban(which I don't think I'll finish). I was thinking of purple for that planet, which is similar to the Iso City in Tron Evolution


    Are you going to tackle KOTOR 1?


    I have been thinking of doing small stuff for K1, but not likely doing entire areas for it. There already is the Visual Enhancement mods by Xarwarz, and some of the areas have a similar look.


    This aside, I think I've stumbled on a certain, issue. Not with the mod, but with my graphic's card. I've had a different card for some time, and recently, I've gotten it to work. The game looks much better, but the problem is that, for the areas I've done these reskins, the game lags something horrible, save for the Ebon Hawk and Nar Shaddaa. I think it might have something to do with the CM_Bright effect I've put on some of the "lights", which I think didn't work the same way on my previous card(it would keep the texture bright, but not act as an actual light).

  7. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=272

    File Name: The Grid - Nar Shaddaa

    File Submitter: Rtas Vadum

    File Submitted: 08 Dec 2012

    File Category: Skins


    A Modification for:

    Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords


    "The Grid - Nar Shaddaa"

    Author: Rtas_Vadum













    Being a city-scape planet, although unlike Corescant, Nar Shaddaa has it's corruption on full display, rather than existing in it's lower levels. While it is true there are elements of hope,

    they are few and far between.


    Note: Although all the textures included here are for Nar Shaddaa, if the Peragus and Telos versions are not installed alongside this, then you will see some areas were vanilla(i.e the game's standard

    textures), are used.







    Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder.

    Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder within the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable),

    and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override.






    If you installed in override:

    Find all tga and txi files with the NAR_ prefix, and delete them.


    If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Nar Shaddaa):

    Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod.






    Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module),

    then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one.






    If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlyStream, or LucasForums.






    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this

    modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies.


    Click here to download this file

  8. Well if you are not into fantasy then go for Fallout 3 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/

    It is basically the same game and you have 13 thousand mods on the nexus and I can PM you the adult modding sites that have another 5 thousand mods.


    Regardless, most of the mods I listed are used in both games. If you ever play Oblivion you need everything on this list.


    *******BUT if you have a modern gaming rig with a better video card then forget about this set up. I will be posting a link for a super set up for more powerful computers. My brother uses this setup and it is amazing. It is basically the same mods listed here but with some KEY differences.


    I wouldn't exactly call the setup I have modern, but it does work for me. Actually, a rather painful admission is that, after I made that post, I took a look at the video cards Oblivion supported(although the set of them you posted pretty much said everything), and came up with a problem. Which is that the card I had is a GeForce 4 MX, which I'd imagine would either run the game only at low settings, or not at all. However, I did get a different card some time ago, but had some trouble getting it to work. But it seems that I have it working now, and even TSL looks much better(before the 'Fury' screen effect, and the speed blur wouldn't work, and the screen filter on the droids, along with Visas/Kreia's first person view wouldn't either). I haven't looked at it for K1/TSL extensively(Only for another game I have, VtM:Bloodlines), but soon enough I will.


    I'm just hoping that it will run Oblivion just as good, since I've found a few mods on the Nexus I'd like to use.

  9. Thanks!


    I'm assuming that that's compatible with the Restored Content Mod then?


    Given that it is a separate program from the game itself, yes. But I have used it with TSLRCM installed, and it works.

  10. actually it shows up to 3, the GUI. I tried it with KSE.


    So perhaps three classes are possible, but it seems the game is coded so that it cannot grant a third if the character in question already has two. Plus, something to think about here is progression. Perhaps it is one thing if it is an npc, for instance Atton, who you have pretty much from the beginning of the game. As it is, gaining the Jedi class for him might happen soon after Telos, depending on what level of influence the player has with him. Now, with the idea of a third class in mind, at what point should the character be granted this? At a certain level? Well, it is possible as it is that if the level is, say 35-40, it might not be a level that Atton reaches, while the player might. If it hinges on story, then he could gain them almost one right after the other, like if he would gain the third class just before the Rebuilt Enclave, and Nar Shaddaa was the last completely planet.


    For the player though, there isn't much of a point. With the available classes, and a player with a prestige class, there isn't any other what would fit.

  11. So, I'd like to be able to edit the influence I have with my party members (Mandalore in particular since there are barely any chances to gain/lose influence with him). I'd like to either use a mod that allows me to edit my influence (of course, said mod would need to be TSLRCM-compatible), or edit the save file to change my influence. Editing the save file seems like the easiest way, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone help me out?


    I know there probably are mods that do force the influence to be high from the start, but there is a save editor, located here:

    http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/KOTOR_and_TSL_Save_Game_Editor_English_Language_Only;68852. It doesn't have to be installed, so once unzipped, it should open right way upon double-clicking it.


    Just chose the save you want to edit(clicking the '+' next to a save will show you the character's name, etc). Once that is done, click the plus next to 'NPC'. A list if your party members will show(I'm not sure if it displays only the ones you have at the moment, or them all). Click to open the character's menu, and one of the lines will be 'Influence', with the current value displayed next to it. Click on it, and you will see the bar on the right change. A box should be there, which contains the current influence. Edit this to whatever you want(it doesn't have to be 100, as even 99 should get you all the dialog with the character), then click 'Apply'. Lastly, click "Commit All Changes". After a few seconds, a small window should open, which should contain the name of your save(or rather the save's file-name), and some text to the effect of "All changes saved successfully".

  12. 2DA's :)


    To clarify(although I did explain this similarly on C-R&D), that for some 2da files, while you can edit them(although I have never tried personally, at least not something like the Classes.2da), the game isn't likely to recognize the change. Plus, even with Appearance.2da, the only way the game knows to even use a line, is if either another 2da file(such as the portraits.2da, which is what decides if a head is for player use) or another file type(likely a UTC file), references the new line.



    just 2 classes: not even via script that can be changed? via KSE more can be added.


    Although I'm not sure if this was the same in NWN, it was likely set up this way in K1, to allow the player to go from the starting class, to their chosen Jedi class. In K2, it fits almost perfectly, save for the want some have to allow some of the Party members to gain Prestige classes. However, although perhaps this is speculation(although it visually makes sense), the UI probably supports showing only two classes near the portraits, in the menu.

    • Like 1


    Without further ado, I present Aydrea Kast:




    Hmm, interesting. I suppose it's an obvious thing, but my own skin is quite similar. Although I find it funny that any time you touch that head model in k2, the first thing any one thinks of is Luxa. Sure, she does use the model, but it's the same as the one in K1.


    Anyway, I think I have a skin that might fit for the contest, pretty much all done. If it just requires a single skin(i.e no ds transitions), or any skins for body models, it is ready to go(although the only problem would be the underwear skin, the rest are fine). Can I pm you the information here, and if so, do you want the files with it?

  14. 2 years of work OMG NO WAY! It's going to take 4 years minimum to create an entire third game. Look how long it has taken your team to make one extra planet. And your team is an experienced team that has worked together on tslrcm for four years.


    Although technically true, most would rather use either K1 or K2 as a basis, then mod the hell out of it to get it how they want, instead of creating everything from scratch. Because of that, it does take less time than most developers are slated for games, but that doesn't mean it isn't the same sort of work - save for one difference, since it comes without the promise of a paycheck once released.


    As for M4-78, that is built on another mod(most likely, anyway) which did basically the same thing, adding the planet back into the game. That one can certainly be played now, but without TSLRCM. I would install it myself if I had a saved copy of the vanilla game, just so I could start on editing the M4-78 skins for the Grid(well, I have started, but I can't see any of the changes in-game, since the modules aren't there), but I don't.

  15. It was asked about or mentioned at some point, but yes.




    I'm wondering though, should I have it appear always like this(i.e it appears like this everywhere), or only on the planets I've chosen to do?

  16. Oh my, I didn't know this thread existed. I feel silly now that I suggested a green grid when you have already made one :wub:


    I actually did that because you suggested it. Saw the comment, then spent a while converting the colors on a copy of the originals.


    So I started my game over when I saw your grid series as you know and as I previously told you I am on Nar Shadaa and I have discovered this in the refugee sector:





    I don't think I am using any mods that change this sector as I was just there with the same set up? I am not sure which Grid mod is the source. I'll try removing Telos and see whats up.


    Those are actually some of the Peragus textures. In some ways it is intended(although it is what the game does already), since I'm doing Nar Shaddaa(there are previews of it in this thread) as well(which will probably get a release soon).


    I've also been checking that post you made on that other forum, just to see what the comments were.

  17. I guess it would be time to reveal a bit more, given that it is only Nar Shaddaa and Trayus that haven't been released yet. I know I am doing M4-78 too, but I can't readily get screenshots of that. Anyway, the Twin Suns.





    Also, I'm wondering what texture is used for these two placeables. For the most part, these are the only two that I haven't done(at least considering ones that appear in many places), alongside that "lamp" thing in the Czerka offices and a name for that texture would be appreciated as well.


    Don't mind this one, I found it.





    The Grid by Rtas Vadum




    Maybe it isn't a big issue, but the reason it appears like that, is due to the fact that the still pink half is a separate texture.


    Also, Would it be possible for you to get frames for the animated piece? If you can, I would be able to use them to have the game animate it as normal, along with fitting with the red side.


    Edit: After noticing the comment you posted in the Telos download, I've realized I've forgotten something. You see, I added shader effects(the shine) to many of the Telos textures(though some already had it). The ones you mention are transparent are supposed to have a shine. Just add the textures included in this zip, and they should work. I'll have to edit the download at some point, either to include these, or edit the txi files to point to the game's standard effects.



  19. Well, a little .GIT editing/.utp editing oughta allow you to edit the model(for the .utp, try seeing if there's a model variation option) and then hex edit the model to use a new texture...


    I think the problem in editing the utp files, would be the fact that they also contain items, which could be loaded into it by a script, which might break if I try to even just change the appearance of it. Some things, such as Terminals(either the constantly used ones, or the one like in the room on the Citadel), I don't know if it will still work if I make the simple change. Things that are just decoration(i.e things you don't interact with) might be fine, I can't say. If this won't cause a problem, then I might consider it.


    Also, it looks like I'd have to create new lines for new placeables(which there is a 2da file for). Not something that would be difficult, but the problem lies in the multitude of files I would need to edit for that.

  20. Lookin' good, RV! Will this be a separate Telos release?


    Indeed. It should be soon, since it's only a few more files I have to edit(mostly the still-blue lights that can bee seen in the images, perhaps a texture or two that is not seen in the images). However, in the images, the placeables are still blue. If they were unique to Telos, I would make a seperate version(or package it with the placeables), but many of them do appear elsewhere.

  21. I have to say, I wasn't planning on doing this, but it was an idea I had(although I can't claim it as exclusively mine).












    Also, I have a few robe reskins here.






    I don't know if I'll be editing the uti files(i.e changing the names and descriptions), but as it is the color of the lines will depend on the robe's name. Not all of them will have a black base, as white is also an option.

  22. The Grid - Telos

    A Modification for:

    Star Wars: Knights oF The Old Republic II: The Sith Lords


    "The Grid - Telos"

    Author: Rtas_Vadum














    Although one can imagine that, before the devestation of it's surface, Telos might've been a bit less advanced in technology than some other worlds.

    However, Citadel Station is likely to be the most recent technology. The Military Base has a similar look, as does the Telosian Academy Interior.




    -Although it might be advertised as such(for a bit of simplicity), this is not a complete reskin of the Telos modules. As described above, it is only Citadel Station,

    The Military Base(which includes the HK Factory), and the Telosian Jedi Academy. None of the surface textures(i.e the rock/grass textures) have been edited.






    Extract the tga and txi files from the rar, and add them to TSL's override folder.


    Recommendation: For a bit of simplcity, you can create a folder witin the override(naming it as what you wish, but something relating to this mod might be preferable),

    and extract the files in this folder. This way, it is easy to remove, instead of having to search though the override.






    If you installed in override:

    Find all tga and txi files with the TEL_ prefix, and delete them.


    If installed in a folder(i.e Override/Telos):

    Just delete the folder containing the files for this mod.






    Most mods(such as TSLRCM) should not cause an issue if this is used. However, if you are already using a similar mod(one that retextures an area or module),

    then adding this will override all the files used by the current mod. Adding one when you are already using this, and your new one will override this one.






    Most of the work for this mod was done soley by me. However, textures from this mod were used...


    Telos Citadel Station Skybox - By Quanon





    If you wish to use any part of this in your own mod, credit must be given. Contact me either on DeadlyStream, or LucasForums.






    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is a property of their respective owners. There is no affiliation between the author of this

    modification and either Obsidian Entertainment, or any affiliated companies.