Rtas Vadum

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Posts posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. So finally it seems that I can update Telos. The only thing might have to do is finishing the edits on two loading screens, for the Docking Bay and the Plateau. Otherwise, I've cleaned up some of the advertisements, along with changing the Twi'lek dancer sign. Not too drastic of a change, although I would certainly prefer the thing to stay a Twi'lek, it isn't too bad as is.




    Otherwise, there is something like this:




    Both of those door textures has the aurabesh "TSF" on them. I think the red one is only used for the Cantina doors, although it might be used in the residential module as well.


    Now this might seem odd, but just like some of the other NPCs, I've been doing some of the Aliens as well.






    Calm down folks, he looks mean, but he's still pretty nice. Probably should do something better with the face.




    I think I did this one mostly because it seemed to be those used on the Yacht or Nar Shaadda. Good thing I did, since it's obviously used on M4-78.


    Oh, and this is something used in both games.



    Get a stretcher, I think he's....right. Anyway, something that was easy to do, although I didn't think about it when I started with M4-78.


    Oh I love Mannimarco Revisited; here is an old mod but a super fantastic mod that works really well with mannimarco revisited (in fact it comes with extra files to use with it it) Banes Guilds United -- Updated You can find it here with some other mods you may like https://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1325560-relz-dreamed1s-itty-bitty-mods-and-fixes/



    Sounds good, but I can see it might conflict with the Better Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary mod I use. Something similar happened with DBC, although the "bug" was a very small issue. BDBS makes Arquen actually use Ocheeva's old room as her own, alongside not just standing in one place at the end of the questline. But if you add DBC, the mod makes her resume her old behavior, in that once you talk with her(the dialouge relating to the mod's quest), she stays in that position(later returning to where she stands in vanilla after a certain point in the mod's questline).



    Hey Rtas what type of moonshadow elfe are you using? Is it the regular one or the Lop eared version because if you are using the regular one I can show you were to get some unique hi rez body and face tatoos. I would use them myself but I use the lop ear version :(


    I'm using this one here: link. Had to get a RF version of the female texture as well, although I found that before I actually found the page for the race. I actually edited the textures myself a little bit, adding the markings from the "Dea Obscura" race.(which I would use that race mod, but it seems to have an issue - both times I've tested it, I've seen the "Script Effect" icon disappear, so that every spell that uses it, has no icon next to it). Slof has a download of PSD's for her "Better Bodies" mod, which included the textures for the DO markings(although the Better Bodies mod only deals with the vanilla races, alongside the three from SI).


    I was thinking about trying to add the hairs to the race that the Nexus page and the readme priovides instructions for, but I decided not to. I do already have Apachii's wig mod, although I didn't grab one for Lunae(just went with and kept one of the vanilla hairstyles).


    Oh, and I started playing with MMM. If there is any question I have, it is usually this while exploring Cyrodiil..."What is THAT?!?!". Plus, when I did the Kvatch quests, between the gate and the city sections, damn. Bloody clannfear. And the character was only level...4 or 5 I think. Almost can't wait to see what changes it makes to some of the quest-related dungeons. Pretty much only going to do the Mages Guild and some of the Daedric quests(perhaps all of them) with my current character, although I might do the Theives Guild too(which I've only done once before). Maybe the Shivering Isles too, since this cat is a little more than crazy...


    Hmm...a Khajiit Vampire named Kovu. Took me a few minutes to even come up with that name. I'd imagine he fought his way through Lipsand Tarn with only a littie difficulty, and then upon reaching the room with the Matriarch, did her in with a few fireballs. Then he felt tired, so he damn near fell onto that stone slab, and an hour later...oh my. Seems he'd caught that disease before, and had it long enough before cured, that this time, it was quicker - and now he'll have to dine on some thick, delicous red liquor.

  3. If you like to play as an assasin then you should play this mod; Dark Brotherhood Chronicles by Amadaun and AndalayBay

    http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/41090/? the mod was released in 2011 and it is still being updated. That's always a good sign of a quality mod. They also have their own website.


    Already have. I mentioned it on page 4. Missed maybe one or two of the side quests, but I loved the story. Heh, in a few of those quests I wore a armor set that looks similar to that of the Liches(from one of Slof's mods). Hmm...wanted to get the summon spell for the Liches too, but I didn't start the Mages Guild with it.


    With Lunae(the Moonshadow Elf I did DBC with) was mostly focused on the Dark Brotherhood. Though I did start the character with this Alternative Start mod. Never picked up the Amulet in the sewers though, so didn't touch the main quest.


    Aria(A Breton Mage character), I went through the Dark Brotherhood(though not ABR or DBC), the Mages Guild, and the Shivering Isles. During the fight with Mannimarco I had him summon two Liches(because of the Supreme Magika mod - which allows summoning more than one of a creature, depending on the character's rank in Conjuration). Wanted to get the same spell for her, but I haven't yet. Also wrote a journal for the character, with the well known Journal Mod,


    Shiro(a Male Ashy Demon), did only the Mages Guild and the Lost Spires. I was using Mannimarco Revisited, and damn, that was an...explosive fight. The mod recommends level 20, did it at level 17.

  4. Edit: oh hey ya Rtas, i didn't see your post, nice mods you have been playing. One of the things that has always bothered me about vampirism is that if your eyes turn red then everybody should know yet it is as if they are colour blind.


    I am playing Monster girl mod the strange edition with the shadowy children's anuad mod (it happens to be one of the best mods ever compiled. It is like a 500 in 1 mod but it is almost impossible to find)


    If you guys just want to add some small mods that add a lot of game play David Brasher  is another very well known bethesda mod creator. I use a lot of his mods and like Arthmoor his mods are clean and he has been around since the beginning http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/users/1139939/?



    I forget exactly which mod it's from, but the Vamp eye texure I have is a silver one. Still doesn't change how obvious Vampires are though. In some ways, I don't exactly mind the comments with either 75 or 100% Vampirisim, save for when it really doesn't make any sense for an NPC to have a problem with it. Like in the Shivering Isles. They likely see things worse than Vampires every day. Yet a lot of the more common NPCs you have to talk to for quests, respond like a Vampire is HIGHLY unsual, in comparison to say, the Hungers, Flesh Atronachs, or many other things. Though, even more annoying, is when an NPC will have a few lines to say by default, which the game forces them to say when first talking to them(no matter if there are any player responses to their lines or not, and without considering anything about the player). But if you try talking to them again after this, they give the "No, get away from me!" line, or one of the others.


    Although the same issue can be there if a mod adds to a questline. The new NPCs, even if in the same faction as the player(namely the Dark Brotherhood, who obviously don't really react to you being a Vampire), will react like most other NPCs do, when the player is a Vampire.


    That aside, my main problem with Vampires in this game quickly became the Sun Damage. Mostly because it seems that it can kill you without the health bar being at 0. So I've been using this mod for some time: Link. I guess feeding is an issue too, although since the UOP made the "Human Blood" items work for that purpose, it isn't as bad(even if those items are limited).


    Although, I have noticed something odd. While I never saw the issue with Fergus or Vilja, I did have once instance where my companions(the two CM partners in the Pale Victim Mod) were in full view of one of my characters feeding on an NPC, and...they reported it. Had a Guard run into the Mages Guild Living quarters(Cheydinhal's) soon after.


    Oh, and I recently tried out the Underdark mod. Really no quests involved, but the areas are interesting. Not something for people who don't like spiders though. Mostly since at least one of them I saw was...well, certainly bigger than Kuroji. I know there are mods to expand and add quests to it, but the main draw obviously is exploration and the clothing/armors it adds. However, even with Kuroji(currently level 32), some of those fights were annoying. Must have spent over twenty minutes dealing with this one NPC who summoned two spiders and a Land Dreugh with a different name(which weren't like summonded creatures at all, since once the summoner was dead, they remained). Oh, and some of the sound effects are nice, but after an hour in the place...not so much.

  5. Hey ya  Mandalore; A Brotherhood Renewed by Arthmoor!!! Well ya of course. Arthmoor is practicaly a legend in modding Bethesda games.


    I am right now watching the million second quiz while trying to instal kotor2 on my laptop


    Seems the only mod of his that I'm not so fond of, isn't exactly his own work, but rather another mod he cleaned up.


    Verona House: Bloodlines


    At this point, I've tried to go through and finish this mod twice. The first time, I got to a point where I found something that I think, doesn't make any sense. I didn't play to much farther after that. The second time, I went much farther, but then I found that the plot made me go "Really?". I don't know if I want to have another go at it, since it seems like a LOT for a house mod.


    Most of the story is pretty good, but a few of the choices in some parts, seem to completlely discredit the player. Doing the quest only requires having finished the main quest, which in itself, makes sense. But then you have someone contact you, and when you arrive at his home, you have to wait for him to come out, since the door is locked and entering it is tresspasing.


    The in one of the first quests, you find yourself locked in a house. There is no way out, and trying the main door has the character ACCEPTING the fact that they have to be rescued. Which is what had me highly annoyed, given the laundry list that is my Factions page for Kuroji.


    Then, after a few more quests, the gathering of the Imperial Credit Ceritificates is thrown out, since it turns out that even with those, it doesn't matter. The house is actually cursed, and you couldn't enter it, even with them. Along with that, it devolves into the "Vampire Hunter" group, which has me just as interested as I am in the Order of the Virtuous Blood, which I've done only once. Plus, once again, it doesn't matter at all that the character is a Vampire.


    Some of the mods I've added(not too many) are on this list here: https://sites.google.com/site/khettienna/recommended-oblivion-mods


    Seems odd that I cannot find any house mod that I really like. Either it's the style I don't like, or something about it just makes it seem lifeless. I've mostly stuck to either Rosethorn Hall, or the Listener's Quarters. Although I did mostly use the Bravil House with Shiro(the character I did The Lost Spires with).

  6. I'll probably get Morrowind at some point too. Although, as much as I would like to play it, it's more than that. I obviously don't have the nostalgic love for the game that others might, so I obviously view it differently. Plus, even as sequels to the game, I still wouldn't make DIRECT comparisons for every bloody thing. I somehow doubt that I will play Morrowind and start thinking that it does the combat better, or that it's story is so much better in comparison to Oblivion.


    As for other things though, I've played a few of the well known quest mods, though mostly by just installing them, and playing through it. Only one or two I've decided to really keep.


    Servant Of The Dawn


    I'll perfectly admit two things. One, that I didn't finish the mod. Not because I didn't like it, but I just didn't feel like dealing with one section of it at that point. I'm certainly going to run through it again, although when I don't know. Second, although the idea is appealing, mostly since I cannot bring myself to play through and through "Good" characters, this still made me feel, odd. That certainly isn't a knock against the story, as I think it is very well done.


    i know the mod has a conflict with KOTN, but the only one I saw was a location being RIGHT next to the Priory added by KOTN(which clipped a little with the Priory stables).


    The Lost Spires


    Not much of a point to link this one, as it already was. I ran through this with a mostly mage character, limiing myself to one-handed swords, but using staffs otherwise(mostly the Ayleid ones from this mod: link.). I will say that I found this one fun, both the story and the gameplay. Truthfully, I saw a part of this mod in a Let's play, but it wasn't directly related to the plot, so that part I didn't know.



    Given the character I was playing, it was something of a stretch for him to use that sword during the ending boss fight. Plus, I found that fight interesting. Having the 'Ceiling Collapse' effect done like that, actually killed me the first time. I don't think it did during one of the fights in the Celestial Planes, since I litterally SAW the effect before it could touch me. Oh, and maybe that trailer for the mod spoiled me a bit, since I was hoping for a bit more than the robe and hood you get in one of the planes(obviously the cape in the trailer is from another mod). Still, better than what I had, and it fit the character.


    A Brotherhood Renewed


    I don't have much to say about this(give me two seconds though and I'll lie about that). I love it. Expanding on the DB questline in a very well done manner. I do have only one problem with it though, but as possible as it seems, I can't say.


    In one instance, you get to chose a Speaker for the Imperial Sanctuary. The one Arquen mentions is a Vampire living in the sewers. One of her lines, "I don't know how you feel about Vampires, Listener', doesn't really take into account the player possibly being one. Also, the same Speaker refers to you as "Mortal" upon meeting him. I'm a little unsure if Vampires are indeed not mortal in TES, but given how long Hassildor has been around, they probably aren't. Still, I'm not sure if the game has the scripting to check if the player is a Vampire, and give a reasponse based on that. Still, a very minor problem.


    Dark Brotherhood Chronicles - Awakening


    This one I've played through very recently. On a new save, using the "Moonshadow Elves" race. Save for having a little lag in some places(though not anywhere implicitly required by the quest line), I have no issues with it. I'm just waiting for the second part.


    I did try Kvatch Rebuilt, but i don't think I'll be trying it again.

    I just can't imagine waiting as long as a month of in-game time for the next quest. I know it starts with a week to wait for the first quest, but it probably does take a month for one of the quests. I know waiting that long makes sense story wise, but still.

  7. Someone wasn't paying attention when they played this game . . .

    YOU cut yourself off from the Force. Longer explanation of this on this page. (Read it thoroughly.)


    Eh, the question was about Kreia, not the Exile.


    Which, I rather doubt that Kreia was cut off from the force twice, and even then, it wasn't enough that she needed very much to regain her abilites. Although perhaps only a reason to have Kreia start of at a level near the Exile, it's likely that she's regaining her connection as well, just as the Exile is. Think of it like a broken bone - where the Exile was a complete fracture, Kreia was only a sprain.


    I don't really think she was Exiled from the Jedi, but rather from the Sith - i.e the "Fall" scene.


    Hmm...not sure if that needs spoiler tags, but I'll add them if needed.

  8. I wasn't going to touch the female version, as though it can be improved, it still works. The male one doesn't and seems like it was based off of the female one.


    I'm often quite puzzled as to why such things were hard-coded by Bioware for K1, and carried over into TSL. It seems that this is a completely unnecessary limitation to have for a game engine. At the very least, you would think you could go straight on up to Z in way of model / body variations. Yet for some reason they decided that you could only go up to I..? And my puzzlement doesn't stop there, as I find the whole 2da references a bit on the idiotic side. Why am I setting up NPC appearances via a 2da when I should be setting up these options via a utc file instead. Take Fallout 3 or Skyrim, you set up all the appearance stuff like model, textures, body / animation set to use, stats, equips etc, within the NPC's data file. I'm pretty sure that is how it was in Morrowind as well -- an old game of the same time of KOTOR.


    I guess you could chalk it up to legacy code from NWN and the first amateurish attempts at coding an RPG game engine, but, I suspect that they still do things this way with ME3 as well.


    Although I haven't really done anything to mod Oblivion myself(at least not making any mods of my own), I gather that you can add a NPC to the game with a single esp file, containing every bit of information the game needs to spawn it with the appropriate race, class, birthsign, location within a cell, etc, even giving the character a large dialouge and a quest, as long as it uses Oblivions resources - where as with KOTOR, if you want to add an NPC, you have to add entries for them in at least three 2da files(portraits, heads and appearance), deal with the head models and textures for that NPC, make a utc file for the npc, alongside adding scripts to the game that will spawn the npc in the desired location(which requires coordinates. Along with likely a few other things as well. Oh, and if you want them to walk about the area? You don't have pathgrids, and thus you'd have to plot the route yourself, and hope it works as you want.


    I'd imagine that this technical flaw with KOTOR(or more appropriately it's engine), is due to the fact that upon release, save for patches, it's meant to be complete. With the TES games, while I don't know about Arena or Daggerfall, every one since Morrowind has had expansions or DLC. I know that Dragon Age and Mass Effect has such added content as well, but I'd imagine that it just installs itself upon download, and with that, it's added to the game. I know that with Oblivion, if you don't like say the Shivering Isles or Knights of the Nine? One click and you don't have to see any of that content in the game. I'd imagine it's just like this for Morrowind and Skyrim.


    I'm kinda wondering what the reaction will be with people, as I'm sure many folks are fans of the look of the original armor, even if I am not. So, what do people think..?


    Originally I had intended in creating a new model / body variant and then editing UTI item files to reference it, however, it seems that model variations will not go beyond N -- they range from A through N, and that is where they stop. I've tried setting this via the baseitems 2da file but in game the model shown is the Jedi Master Robe, which is model variation N.


    If anyone knows whether you can create model variations beyond N, please let me know even if it is to point me to whatever resources online there are for them, as I can't seem to find anything definitive; though, I could be searching in the wrong place for the wrong thing ;).


    There are obviously those who do like those armors, many do not. Although I don't have any problem with them, I usually play the game as a female, and while I'd mostly use this mod, I'm editing the vanilla textures for my own mod at the moment.


    As for adding model variations, unlikely, unless we had the same tools that Obsidian had when making the game. The few columns that were added to the appearance.2da obviously weren't there in K1, since the Model/Texure variation columns stop at I in that game(which is the Revan/Star Forge Robes). The only way to do this would be to replace the M models, which obviously causes the issue that there is no model comparable to Bandon's that will fit females. Though the M models and textures could only be replaced for the males, while the female models/textures stay the same.


    You're just better off creating the frames yourself, to suit your mod -- free vector / clipart can be a big help; and can be edited and exported as PNGs by Inkscape -- and then combining it into the one image. Each frame needs to have the same length of sides, and be square and cleanly divisible by 2 -- like 512X512 -- however, they actually don't need to be the same length so as to create a large square. Some texts will imply that they have to be, they are wrong ;).


    So, you can have a texture that is 1536x512 in size that is made up of a row of 1 made up of 3 frames. Then you have to create your TXI file for it -- which you probably now is just a TXT file renamed to TXI. It should have the same filename as the texture and have something like this in it:




    This simply says that the row length (x) is made up of 3 frames and that there are 2 rows (y). You don't need the "envmaptexture CM_Baremetal" line, but as the texture it's for uses specular, it does -- left it in to show that these two don't have to be mutually exclusive. There is also no need to set how large a frame is by setting an X and Y for it, as the game is smart enough to use the above to figure it out by itself -- which makes it easier if you decide that you want to shrink the size of the texture, as you don't have to keep on updating the TXI file.


    The "fps" part is frames-per-second, and usually you want to put in a whole number, however, you can also put n a decimal if you want frames to stay for longer than what the game considers to be a second.


    Yeah, most of the setup for animated textures I already know. Although I didn't know the height and width values weren't needed.


    The funny bit, is that you can actually find the TXI information for textures that should have it(though I didn't discover this myself, although at the moment I forget who did). Clicking on the "Hex Viewer" option while a texture is selected, brings up the Byte Viewer. Then click the ANSI option, and at the bottom of the window, is the txi information the texture uses by default.


    I did try and fix that dancer advert texture already, although unfortunately, I only have eleven frames, provided by another user here. Just copying the last only makes the animation seem to skip, and getting each frame in the exact place where the transition between the frames is seemless, isn't exactly easy. But at this point, I'm a bit more keen on replacing the thing, than trying to deal with that.


    Although I have done animated textures before, that lightsaber blade mod I made was far easier. With this texture mod though, I did animate one of the pannel textures on Peragus, mostly just using simple fades in each frame. I also animated the Kolto tank, mostly to make the large pipe look like it was constantly pumping or filtering the kolto, although that I think I have to fix, which shouldn't be too difficult.

  11. I had to fix some of those billboard textures for my mod too. For some of the text, it looks like they shrunk it to fit, since some of the characters are very close together. That is, if the texture wasn't made at a higher res, and then downsized. I'll have to do something similar with the rest, as I've only done the TEL_BBrds texture. Technically the rest fit the mod's theme, but don't look the best. The only thing I don't know is how I'm going to 'fix' the twi'lek dancer advert. I'm really wondering what screwed those textures up, so they cannot be easily edited. Even having them in the override, unedited(at least unchanged from how they are when extracted), makes the animation display incorrectly.


    That aside, I really like what you've done with these textures.

  12. Not much at the moment. I'm still trying to figure out the issue with the Star maps, which looks at this point, like this:




    It really shouldn't look green at all. The textures aren't, so I'm thinking it's something like that problem the vanilla Kreia model has. The sphere and such should look like the triangle piece at the bottom, and the orange dots floating around the sphere. Some of it looks fine, as can be seen.


    Also a shot of the Leviathan's Cell Block corridor:



  13. Translation




    Hmm...doesn't look too bad in the sw font, but I think I'll need to either have something different for that last phrase, or align it differently.


    Oh, if only I could have the area textures slowly change to corrupted ones as you play through Taris. Then that message would make a lot more sense.

  14. If I had the full texture to look at, I could probably figure it out.


    Perfect. Only now do I realize that the game flips the texture, so everything would come out backwards, as least as is in game. Anyway, here is a version as it should be.




    Pretty standard flavor text, though obviously not lore accurate for SW. It might not work in the Tron world either, though most of the visible terminal text there isn't english, as far as I remember.

  15. Pretty standard shots here, although nothing major, it seems.




    Think I should do more with that door, or is it fine as is? The mapping seems obvious on the texture, but not so much in-game.




    Wonder if anyone will get what that says. Anyway, seems I have to edit it a bit more, since the vanilla image can still be seen. Or integrate it in some fashion, I don't know.




    Ah, the Sith Lander. Funny thing is the lights on it actually will flash a bit. Not my work, since that is obviously vanila. 




    Another shot of the lander. I'll have to fix some of those lines.


    And...what the...






    My, my. Wasn't expecting this. Anyway, a lot more to do with it.

  16. Eh, what do I say about this...well, they do say an image is worth... fine, here it is.








    What i don't know if I'm going to do the rest of the party members, since the ideal behind the theme wouldn't really allow for that. It's a bit of a stretch that her normal outfit has the lines, but her second(or rather the "Dark Side" outfit) that she will be wearing in my "Dark Jedi Princess" mod does, since I'd imagine it being made by the Star Forge. In some ways this could be an add-on for that, or used by itself(although one wouldn't get the DS outfit).


    Also, a shot of...Dreshdae, is it? Either way, the thing here is that only the colony building has been done. That is intentional, since as with K2...well, this should be obvious already.




    But there is a problem, though. The textures used for Dreshdae, are also used for the Czerka offices on Kashayyk. While I can't say I have a problem with this, it may not entirely make sense. Eh, I'd just chalk it up to the influence of the Rakatan tech on the forest floor below...even if it is quite a distance, as it seems.

  17. That mod will replace the vanilla Single and Double lightsaber models, along side the vanilla blade textures. If you add the blade textures from another mod, it won't cause any issues, save for replacing the textures from this mod.


    The only thing to watch is the fact that this mod includes a g_w_lghtsbr07, and g_w_dblsbr007, which I think adds the bronze color to the game, which TSLRCM already does. You should still see the custom hilts even if you don't add the aforementioned files from the mod, since they are pretty much identical.

  18. A stupid question: Is this TSLRCM compatible?


    it should be, since the use of the patcher will edit the existing appearence.2da placed in TSL's override by TSLRCM. All it does it make sure that the HK-47/50/51 textures will have the shine effect.

  19. What was that I said? MIGHT do Taris? Well, then call me a liar.







    Might have to do that ship, I'm not sure. Anyway, I have made a few changes with the Taris textures since i took these, mainly so the area's aren't so dark. Also, I'm going to try and avoid doing the Undercity if possible, but it would be my luck that some texture used for the Upper and lower city is also used down there.



    A shot of the Sith Soldiers, obviously. Isn't really clear in this image, but on their chests is the tetromino pattern, which I've used in a few other places too. I'll have to see if i removed the lines from the alpha channels.

  20. How can you equip your companions with lightsaber/s.

    I have made Bao-Dur my first jedi and i can't equip him with Lightsaber.

    Do they need special training in order for them to be able to equip lightsabers?


    There is a feat needed in order to use a lightsaber, which any Jedi class gains with the first level in that class. So if Bao-Dur is say:


    Tech Specialist 15

    Jedi Guardian 0


    Then he won't have the feat just yet. Level him up once(or twice if possible, since he or others will get the ability to use force powers with the second jedi class level), and he should get the feat.

    • Like 1

  21. yea before i did the whole installation process all over again i used the EP 3 Anakin Skywalker head by DeadMan, but it also shifted the camera view (for my character only) to be pretty low


    The camera view isn't an issue at all, since that is obviously a different 2da file which TSLRCM or M4-78EP doesn't change. So changing the head that character uses with KSE should fix the problem. You'll also have to change the portait too. There might be other issues though, depending on how far into the game you are with that save.

  22. Meh, why do I always have to clean all this u- oh, sorry.


    Anyway, the Grid stuff aside, I do have a few other things. I don't exactly have any screenshots of them, but a description might suffice, for the moment.


    -[K1]Creatures: As for a name, I don't know, but this mod basically reskins some of the creatures in the game, although it isn't very many at this point. For the Rancor, Krayt Dragon and the two Firaza varients, it simply adds a shader effect, so it looks "wet". The only other I've changed at this point, is the Rakghoul. Rather than the gray color, I've made it a...well, I guess a screenshot could describe this better. I'll have to get one.


    -[K1]Dessera Dialouge addtion - If there is ONE thing that just, gets me, about Dantooine, at least in terms of things I haven't gotten over since first playing the game, it is that you CANNOT simply tell the twi'lek who speaks to you before you can leave Dantooine, that you don't want to talk to him, etc. It's mostly the fact it occurs when you want to leave, although do know it can be avoided. That aside, I'm not too sure about this, but all I'm doing is adding in two options, both of them there for ending the conversation right there, instead of having to go through a few lines. Maybe having the added options give LS/DS points would probably be too much, although I haven't made them do so as of yet. That aside, I haven't tested the dialouge either, since I don't have a save at that point, and I'm not sure if I'd have to play through Dantooine from the start, in order to see the additions.


    There are a few other things, mostly related to that K1 reskin pack(which those creature skins are technically a part of but eh...). But for now, that's it.



  23. Fabulous work. I especially dig the outside of the Sith base.


    Thanks, although there is the fact that the only things I've edited would be the ones for the logos, and the door texture. The rest isn't mine. The same might be the case for future screenshots. I might do Taris, but I'm not sure.


    Eh, that aside, I tried editing the textures for the Star Maps. It did certainly work, but it seems a bit more...green than it should. The metal pecies look fine, it's just the ones that appear upon activation that don't look exactly right.

  24. Man, is it getting dark in here...well, there are all these lights, so it isn't that bad. What? Okay, FINE, I'll get on with it!


    So, I do have most of the Star Forge done(unless there is something I'm forgeting), save for the main attraction of this image:








    It's probably similar to the textures used for the Star Maps. I'll have to look for them, as I'm not sure were they would be. Although some of the same textures might be used, although where the texture for the Forge would be, I don't know.


    As the "Sith" textures are also used by the Leviathan, here is a shot of the Bridge:







    I did start editing the texture for the ship as shown during the turret sequence after the level, although I have to work on making it a bit more...obvious, since it kinda disappears into the background, being so dark as it is.


    Lastly, the Sith Bases themselves. Shown here is the Taris example(as at this moment I only have a save during that section of the game, and two others just before the fight with Malak on the Star Forge).








    I tried doing the logos in the same red lines that most of the textures used, but it blended a bit too much with the background, so I used the orange base line instead. Think it works?








    An obvious note is, the texture for the console is NOT mine, and I don't think I'll be editing it(meaning the vanilla texture). That aside, I really haven't added any shader effects for these texures, so any that has it, are vanilla. Save for the Leviathian(although I haven't seen the effect in-game yet), and the SF doors.








    Another interior shot, with another skin that isn't mine(the force cage). About the War Droid skins though, only the first texture has been edited, as I don't think the other varients are ever used by the Sith the game.








    Ah, this is interesting. Now, in truth, there really isn't a problem with this. However, as the texture is now, when the duros is killed, the blue circles are on top, where if he is freed, the red cricles are. Should that be switched around?








    And of coruse, the boss room. I did try to get a shot of the edited Sith Apprentice texture, but no dice.


    Hmm...might have to do something so those light textures blend together better than they do...plus, it seems the game doesn't work really well in having red lights, were almost any other color will work. Could be wrong about that, but with the Ebon Hawk reskin for K2, the Corrupt(orange) skin, the lights actually look lit(having a slight red glow), but for the red and blue versions, the blue kinda works, and the red pretty much works as it does in the above shots.