Rtas Vadum

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Posts posted by Rtas Vadum

  1. Alright, a few things here. The first thing being that I plan to release at least Peragus/Telos soon, although with Telos I have an issue to deal with. Anyway...


    As for Telos, the issue is simple. The floor texture used in the docking bays. For some reason, although I have long since changed the four textures that I assumed to be for that, it seems I have missed something. I honestly have no idea what texture this is, although I won't be surprised at this point to find that it is a texture without the TEL_ prefix. Anyone know the name of this texture?




    Now, in this image, I find this hilarious. To explain, in this picture, you see the window in Tien's shop(along with 47 people you can't see). Now, there are two window textures for Narr Shaddaa. Editing those? Did absolutely nothing. However, for Dantooine, there are two window files named almost exactly the same. Take a guess what happened when I edited those? Yep, the results in the above image. Now I just have to hope that it really isn't used for Dantooine, although I don't recall any windows in that area.




    Yep, there is the Jedi Council room. I don't think I've missed anything there, and I do hope using that logo isn't wrong, either by being the wrong one for the era, or by using it in the first place. Anyway, the textures you can see with the red lines? Not much I can do about that. While most textures are indeed separate, obviously a few are shared.


    And lastly, I have done some work with Korriban, and...well, I haven't done much with it, since the fact that it deals mostly with rock textures, the very idea clashes a bit. Yeah, I know about the rocks in the movie, but I don't know if it would be a good idea making those textures so dark you can barely see them. Plus, the fact that the area(At least the Valley) is that bright, it won't look as good as Narr Shaddaa(Am I spelling that right?).

  2. Seems the most I can find concerning it is a sound file in the 207TEL_S.rim(along with two similar files for the Entertainment Promenade on Narr Shaddaa), though it is a UTS file. As for where it might be, I can't say, since I don't see anything that mentions where the actual sound file is, although it does list "al_cantina_band", which obviously isn't in the sounds.bif.

  3. I have some ideas for your three versions.


    The disc from the original movie



    The disc from the Tron 2.0 game (not Tron Revolution)




    and the disc from Tron Legacy showing off lighted edges




    and shown here, unlit



    I actually haven't seen the discs from the first, although I do want to give that movie a watch. I did get Legacy(back in May) and it's soundtrack(a few weeks ago), both of them the main reason I'm doing this. Anyway...


    Although that is a nice idea, I'd rather keep it a bit simpler, since that would require one model, versus three. But really, I would hope that someone else would be interested in making them, as I haven't had much luck when I've tried modeling myself. If not, then it certainly won't stop me from finishing this.


    Lovely screenie. Creepy Trayus. Haha.


    Indeed. The core is the first part of it I saw, but with the way the alpha layers go, it looks a bit funny when you see it from that aerial view. Something I have to fix. Also, the exterior looks creepy as well, but it lacks lines at the moment(aside from the trim on the bridge), as I'm not sure what sort of pattern should be there, if any.

  4. No pictures, but I do have a few things to say, including the fact that the Trayus Academy is pretty much done, which includes the Council Chamber map. It seems that, while the textures for the Council room are labeled with the "MAL_" prefix, they are only used there, and not in the Academy. Also, the Ebon Hawk reskins are almost done, I just have to take some shots for the Normal and Corrupted loading screens(I've already done the ones for the Corrupt version).


    Also, I have two questions, one of them more me wondering if someone would be interested with something on the side.


    -The Lit pillars in Nadd's Tomb and the Trayus Academy: There are three textures used for them, along with two that are used for the "Light". What I'm wondering about, is if anyone either knows how to find out, or if anyone knows already if the main textures are used uniquely for each place they appear in, or if they are shared between them. The reason I ask, is because I want to apply the same effect to them that the statue in the main hall of the Academy uses(at the back of the shot in my previous post), but if the textures are shared, then it wouldn't look right, since it would be reflecting the wrong area when seen in the Tomb.


    -Discs: Something some might actually expect from this. A few might get it already, but what I mean, is adding a few variants of the discs used in the movie, as weapons. Ideally, there would be at least three versions, pretty much matching the standard circuitry colors in the movie.

  5. Also, @Rtas, 1.0a and 1.0b is the non-US way. I am going to assume you have an US-version if you could only use 1.0b right away...


    I see. But yeah, I do have the US version. Along with a copy of the game for Xbox, which I haven't touched in some time, both because the game crashes while loading the turret mini-game on Peragus, and the console itself...doesn't work. Does other things fine, but try loading a game, and no dice.


    Anyway, I know it hasn't caused an issue by now(since I've pretty much finished the playthrough without any other problems), but I'm still wondering what caused this:


    On Onderon, in the Palace section, on the DS route. I cleared out Royalist's side with Mira, save for the last room with the soldiers, and the door to that room was still shut. Next, I took the Exile, and cleared out the other side, although the Sith mostly did that for me. After opening the door(into where Kavar would be on the LS side), I went in, and it went right into the cut-scene that occurs AFTER you disable the security, and open the door to the throne room. No soldiers though, and I didn't have to fight the Drexl. The fight with Kavar went as usual, as did the scene with Taila and Vaklu(aside from them running around the room a bit). After that, it went as usual, loading up outside the Ebon Hawk in the Duxn landing.

  6. Just saw this came out and blew through a 45 hour playthrough in about a week. Wanted to thank you guys for such great work on an awesome product.


    One issue I ran into, and I'm not sure if it's a bug or just something my character screwed up, is that on Malachor Mira, Visas, and Handmaiden don't appear in the cages in Trayus Crescent. I'm playing a lightside male who made all of Atton, Bao-Dur, Mira, and Handmaiden Jedi. I see the scene where Atton, Mira, Visas, and Handmaiden approach Kreia. She knocks the girls out and Atton runs away. I've had Atton lose to Scion and beat him, but either way when the Exile checks the cages, the room is empty. I'm using TSLRCM 1.8, patch 1.0a and 1.0b, HQ Movie and HQ Sound, and Xarwarz texture packs.


    I really appreciate all your work and whatever feedback you can give me.


    I don't know if you specifically had to install both 1.0a and 1.0b, as I only installed the later, and haven't seen this issue.


    However, did you chose the Proving Grounds? There are cells in both the Crescent, and the Proving grounds, and the cells in the Crescent will be empty, save for some corpses with items.

  7. Thank you very much but I know htis is splitting hairs but are you sure tha thte language spoken is Ryl? most of the "alien language" presented in the game is actually mangled Huttese.


    Yeah. I know that more than just Twi'leks in the game use it, but the main reason I said that, was HK47 saying "Twi'lek Metaphor" before he speaks the line(which I think is actually Kristopher Tabori, HK's voice actor, rather than the game's Alien VO).

  8. I know you guys probably hear things about this part of the game a lot but I'm not sure how to trigger it. I've had HK-47 in my Party for at LEAST four HK-50 encounters. There doesn't seem to be any change. was I meant to do something else in order to trigger it as well? Is there a certain dialogue option or item?


    Load of spoilers here.


    What you need to get even the quest, is the Sonic Sensor, which is located in the room opposite the one you meet the First HK50 on Peragus(in a container next to the work-bench). Then, once you have HK47 reassembled(i.e once he is a party member), you need to speak with him. The option "What do you know about the Sith?", should lead to a line of HK's that is spoken in the Twi'lek language. Say something that means you understand, and he will ask "how you know so many languages". Tell, him, and then allow him to examine it.


    The rest should be obvious, and you should get a new quest at the end of the dialogue. Then, once you meet three groups of HK50s(you don't need HK47 in your party), you will get a cut-scene when you return to the Ebon Hawk, and you will be able to play the factory in the endgame.

  9. Once again, I find that I've done far more than I think. I haven't looked too far(since that room is about as far as I've seen), but I don't doubt that I've missed something. All in good time though.


    Also, I have worked a bit with the space texture for Peragus(which is also used for the Citadel, and the Ravager, as far as I know). Only problem would be that I have to work it a bit to get it right, since at this point, it gives away the box that the space really is.


  10. I don't know if this is really a bug, since it really didn't cause any issue.


    On Onderon, in the Palace section, on the DS route. I cleared out Royalist's side with Mira, save for the last room with the soldiers, and the door to that room was still shut. Next, I took the Exile, and cleared out the other side, although the Sith mostly did that for me. After opening the door(into where Kavar would be on the LS side), I went in, and it went right into the cut-scene that occurs AFTER you disable the security, and open the door to the throne room. No soldiers though, and I didn't have to fight the Drexl. The fight with Kavar went as usual, as did the scene with Taila and Vaklu(aside from them running around the room a bit). After that, it went as usual, loading up outside the Ebon Hawk in the Duxn landing.


    I don't think will cause any other problems, but then, I don't think this is intended.

  11. Has anyone else done a little bit of work, loaded it into the game, and found that it already looks good? Well, that is partiality what I thought, when I loaded up a save I have, in the Trayus Core. I had thought that I'd have to do a lot more with it before it looks right. However...




    I do still have more to do with it, since I'd imagine that the main part of the Academy won't match that yet. Although, I hope that the same textures aren't used for the Council Chambers, although it might turn out like a hint at just how corrupt they are. I'm thinking at this point that, although named with the "MAL_" prefix, they shouldn't be used for the Academy as well.

  12. Which one? There are a number of camera angles I was quite happy with in that scene.


    Like, pretty much all of them lol


    Here I thought I wouldn't really have to mention it. I would think only one(although it might occur more than once), would really stick out. To be basic, the infamous Hitler Cam...er, shot. I don't think such related themes are really an issue, given that Lucas himself referenced Triumph of the Will in ANH, and given the general look of the Empire....well, the point should be obvious. I myself have no problem with it.


    Of course, I also like it because there isn't any real confusion as to how to get to the scene(although I forget if you specifically need to use the console now, or you don't). Along with that, it just flawlessly loads the next area, without needing to run back to the exit, or anything else.

  13. I have completed it once, along with having another run going now(which is chugging a bit, due to the fact that I keep finding things in certain areas that I have to change, due to my area reskin project), and I haven't come across any significant problems(although I'm sure that this is the preference). I still have to do a lightside run, and I might've missed a few quests here and there.


    Oh, and I have to say that I like the scene at the end of the HK factory. But it's not the dialog that does it. Nope, it's the camera angle used for HK 47. Some would argue, but I'd say it fits.

  14. If game require mod to follow the canon story, how game can be canon?)


    Even if the mod in question allows you, when playing a female exile, to have the Handmaiden in your party, just like the canon says? In a technical sense, even a patch that any game developers release, would modify a game, although they usually get around calling it that, since they would be the ones that dictate what the canon story is. But when it comes to users doing the same thing, it almost has to be labeled a mod, since it isn't the developers who made the changes - never mind if the changes are ones that the developers wanted to make, but either couldn't because of time, or for some other reason.


    I didn't say that playing a dark side is a bad thing. It's just non-canon. With so many non-canonical things, it's a bit strange to ask at the first place about "does TSLRCM is 100% canon?" since game itself do not follow canon in many places.


    The other problem with playing darkside that it looks a bit... stupid. You can't be evil manipulator as Palpatine. You simply some thug with lightsaber (It's quite a pity actually. And compared with the light sided Malachor V, the dark side playthrough of it seems unfinished. How did Darth Traya capture all of the party? What happened to Hanharr? These are some of the questions I had.)


    Maybe not. But the want to avoid playing it, just because it isn't the canon story, throws away, in some ways, half of the game. One can play a lightside character all they want, but for the most part, it will stay the same. If the same person doesn't want to play the DS side of things, then aside from occasionally picking it up again, that's all there is.


    As for what it is, acting or being at all like Palpatine isn't the point. There are ways to manipulate people in the game, but not on the same scale. Either way, the character isn't a Senator, nor are they one who has much, if anything, to do with politics. If you want manipulation, try Kreia.


    With RCM, it explains things better. And it isn't just the DS side of things that was unfinished. You think they would've devoted time to completing one side of things for the ending, and left it at that because of the schedule? Nope. For both sides, there is little to no explanation of what you mention, at least in the regular game.

  15. 1. I was looking at the compatibility list and it says it works with "TSL Visual Enhancement 2011 by Xarwarz". Can I assume it works with the 2012 version as well? Or does it strictly only work with VE 2011? *Also if it is compatible, if anyone else is using this mod can you tell me if the .tga textures need to be directly in the override folder or can they be in their own folders (the installer places them in \Override\TEL\ and \Override\Narr\ etc.)


    I don't think there are any area textures that were changed by TSLRCM, so there shouldn't be any problems there. As for placing the tga's in folders, yes, you can do this. However, you can only go one folder beyond the override. Such as, your directory can be: "[drive-letter]:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\Override\Ebon Hawk\", but you cannot have any folders within the one named "Ebon Hawk"(or whatever you chose to name your folders - in this case, it is best to name it the same as the textures associated with it, so it is easier to remove later, if necessary), as the game won't look there.


    I'm not entirely sure why, but it does not work this way in K1. In K1 any textures(or any other sort of file the games uses), MUST be in the override folder, else the game will not use it.


    2. I was doing the Thief Catching quest on Dantooine where you are allegedly supposed to meet some npc Kaevee who is triggered after you kill her 'pets' or something like that. I'm at this point however the room where she is supposed to come out of is locked, and I've killed everything in the enclave. Any suggestions?


    You did install the game, then the 1.0b Official Patch, then TSLRCM 1.8, correct?


    Anyway, she should appear if you go down the hallway behind the fountain(directly in line with the ramp, opposite the entry hall), and fight the creatures there. You should then see a few more coming from behind you, of the "Deadly" variety, Once you deal with them, she should confront you.

  16. Kotor 2 is not a canon itself. After all it not only doesn't let you to play exectly canonical story(Meetra has a handmaiden as a companion. Which is impossible in game) but let you to be a dark side jerk(can't find another word for it. Dark path in game is somewhat stupid and plane brutal. And it has somewhat lame insted of ending...)


    How it is not? In spite of some facts that TOR just left in the dust, along with the game being official( I don't think there are any "Unofficial" Star Wars Games, are there? At least ones that might add to canon), it can be considered canon since the Exile is an offical character, and has some presence in the Revan novel, and TOR. As for the Handmaiden, yes, you cannot get her in the normal game, or even with TSLRCM. With a mod on this site though, it becomes quite possible.


    And why is having the option of playing a Darkside character a bad thing? It might not be canon(which is true for most games where there is such an option - heavy bias, I would say.), but in a game like this, it works. I could name several other games that do this, but I'm certain they are quite known by now(even if it seems most don't chose the darker option).

  17. That is an official Tron Legacy product. Google "Tron Legacy Mural Wallpaper " and you'll see for yourself. It is quite large.


    Although I would love to, I don't think it would be even possible to get the game to look anything like the city in the movies, much less the graphics of Tron: Evolution. I'd like to have a slight glow on body models(somewhat like the animated lightsaber blades), a slight...shimmer I guess in the lines and texture on some of the areas, but that would require animated textures, which would need to be higher res, or lower res for more frames. But for the most part, what I've already done works. Plus, on Narr Shaddaa, with how dark it is, and the lines, damn does it look like a place to be careful.


    I suppose I could get the Citadel, and the Military base to be a bit darker, but I'm not sure how to edit the lightmaps. I'm certainly going to look into that.

  18. Now, this might just be the most cliched thing ever, although in some ways, it fits. Anyway, the obvious thing here is that this intends to change a number of areas, along with a few other things, to have a similar look to much of the world/clothing/etc, of the Grid in Tron: Legacy.


    At this point, the only areas in the game that will get this treatment, are:

    Peragus - 80%(Mostly need to just make sure I've done everything, and make sure that everything looks right)

    the Harbinger - 90%(Along with a bit of polish, I need to take some shots for the loading screens)

    Citadel Station(which includes the Military Base and the HK Factory, along with the Academy) - 70%

    Narr Shaddaa - 85%

    Ebon Hawk(Three options, Normal[blue lines], Corrupted(Red Lines), and Corrupt(Orange-Red Lines with a Red glow) - 90%(Just need a shot for the Corrupted version's loading screens)

    Trayus Academy(including parts of Malachor), Jedi Council Chambers - 90%

    Duxn Tomb - ??%

    Korriban - Testing

    M4-78 - WHAT?


    As for NPC's, there are quite a few that will get this treatment. Such as a few of the Party members(not including Mandalore, and Hanharr). Most other NPCs that will get this treatment, are ones that appear in the aforementioned areas.


    Screenshots will be added here: DeadlyStream Gallery

  19. LOL - it's an Olympic meme.

    Oh and with the eyes, it was ether go shine, or glow, i went shine, because I'm pretty sure you cant have two envmaps on a texture.


    Indeed, you cannot. If you want to have a model both shine(if it is supposed to be metal, leather, etc), and have a glowing area(eyes, lights, etc), then you would need to have two textures.


    Also, I can't say that I have any problems with the cape. Given that the personality G0-T0 has adapted seems to have quite the ego, I'd say it fits.

    • Like 2







    Isn't that it?


    Hmm...now that you mention it, the quest you actually use those parts on(fixing the Speeder Bike on Nar Shaada), seems thrown in, even if it adds a fast Travel option for that Planet.

    Although I don't think that third one is ever used, but that's likely to just be among the many that aren't in K2.(Similar to the "belt" textures in the first game, implying that the belts would've been visible on the models, rather than just having their effects applied).

  21. WOW, lol that was a breakdown, any ways i havent thought about that, ill check it out. see with what i come up with,

    iirc, arent there other G0-T0 (cant remember what they are called) droids on the ship? *if* i cant get it to work with this model i will use one of them (im not replacing the original g0-t0 model, just changing the party G0-t0's appearence, so those guard droids'll be un-altered)


    There are other droids on the ship, and they use the same model that G0-t0 does. So you'd have to make a few other changes if you'd want to have this new model only appear for his party appearance.

  22. What SH means, is that even though you change the droid model, the game will still spawn a holograpic representation of G0-T0 during the scene aboard his ship, when first traveling to Nar Shaadda(For some bloody reason, I've seen this name so many times, but never recently when I have to type it). On his original model, he has that red eye that projects it. Where is the projection going to come from on this model?


    Also, I am quite interested in this. You honestly scared me a bit when you said you weren't going to finish this, though I understand what you meant by it.


    That would be Akkere. However he's not a Militia Captain, not does he even have swords in his inventory. So, yeah, a name would be handy.



    I don't even think Akkere was involved, given that I didn't recruit him for the Militia, and I went the DS route. Zherron was the one I was referring to.