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Everything posted by ttlan

  1. ttlan

    Thief Catching quest

    No in a LS walkthrough. And I think it's the same in a DS walkthrough (not yet tested).
  2. ttlan

    Thief Catching quest

    Please read Thread: Mod Compatibility with TSLRCM 1.7 And USM is not in the list of Mods confirmed to work with TSLRCM 1.7 And note that if those MODs, in the list of Mods confirmed to work with TSLRCM 1.7, are working and do not conflict with TSLRCM, when taken individually, nothing says they do not conflict with each other. And, with TSLRCM 1.7, you must restart a game from scratch.
  3. I'm not talking about the door. I don't care at all about the door. I talk about the cabin, behind the door. It is the same ! We leave in a cabin full of seats to sit and we arrive in the same cabin... a empty cabin without any equipment inside. When you look at the "airlock" to the reserve of Khoonda from the plain of Khoonda or from the reserve, it is not the same. When you look at the entrance of the Harbinger from Peragus or from the Harbinger, it is not the same. There is no consistency between the same place seen from a map or another.
  4. I already mentioned this in the old forum. The scenario is as follows: Receiving Moza in the apartment at our disposal. Refusal to take the call of the Czerkas from the communication console (so no 203TEL_dlg 203lorso.dlg). Go see Jana Lorso (Chodo Habbat has not been met, therefore no decision has yet been taken). 209TEL_dlg 203lorso.dlg 1 / The conversation begins straightaway without the Exile presenting himself/herself. It is easy to modify the first dialogue option of the Exile, since there's no VO, with something like: I am (or "My name is") <FullName>. It would be more polite because Lorso is presenting herself. 2 / I'm not sure that the script c_mission1status exists. At this first meeting with Lorso, the following dialog options should not appear: I think that, to manage this, one have to use a boolean initialised at 0 and set to 1 with StrRef 80165 in E5 of 203TEL_dlg 203lorso.dlg, then write the script c_mission1status called with StrRef 80220 at R102 in 209TEL_dlg 203lorso.dlg for a true / false condition. Actualy, it use the non existing condition test c_mission1status script. I think that, if this script is written to manage the previous test (a job), one must write an other script and use an other boolean, set during the dialog with Chodo.
  5. There are many errors of this nature in Kotor 2. Is there allready something done on the maps? A mod?... Is it possible to do something? For example: The entrance of the elevator between the entertainment module and module 126. It is the same! We should see strictly the same thing! The elevator cabin seen from entertainment module The same cabin seen from the module 081
  6. Bug : Influence on T3 about astrogation system. In dialogs.bift3m4.dlg If fails and c_chkastrogation find P1 at 1 (not yet at 2) then do R337 This can be redo until inf on T3 > 75 (4 inf points) Then it stops because T3 starts to tell you more about the astrogation system. Then it's the avalanche of inf points on T3 (if you know what to do) and you obtain the recorded message from Bastila ... We are still in the Ebon Hawk, at Peragus (the begining of the game), and did not even choose to go to Telos!
  7. Best companions to have with you at particular times? By meeting the Disciple for the first time, in the library of the Enclave, with a female Exile, have Atton with you. This makes it possible to have sufficient influence on the Disciple so that he asks to be the padawan of “his” Master because, child, he wanted to become a Jedi knight, immediately, from the first conversation, before even leaving the library. (Note that the French translation says "because I had a destiny" : I find thist tasty in the mouth of this character that I dislike (but I recognized that he is a well of knowledge)). The second companion is not important but take Kreia because she will be the only one to say something (she thinks aloud - without interfering).
  8. This table, sorted by character, gives all the influence points which the PC can gain, on each one. It comprises even remarks on certain strange influence points, envisaged by Obsidian in certain written dialogs, but which could never be gained because the dialogs will never be reached, as for Atton on Onderon whereas he is confined in the Ebon Hawk on Dxun and will never be on Onderon. Each link returns to the detail of the action or the dialog to be held, in the solution. Canonical progression only with, sometimes, some DS actions or dialogs impossible to circumvent or too funny (IE Kumus). The PC needs 5 points of influence gained on somebody to be at 100% (Or 5 point lost, in order to be at 0%, and so the NPC take an alignment opposite to the one of the PC, that he hates). On one hand, TSLRCM makes it possible to gain a little more influence points (IE Mandalore) and, on the other hand, TSLRCM lowered, I believe, certain thresholds giving access to certain secret dialogs (certain revelations). I do not, moreover, agree with this fact - the game is mysterious and must remain. It is, overall, a terribly easy game and its greater interest is in the secrecies than hold each one - these secrecies must be very difficult to find - to make acknowledge (Kotor 2 is a key in the Star Wars Universe, between an era where the Force is handled by two conflicting orders and a new era, born of the dream of Arren Kae, where the Force is now handled by a single Order with a unified education (with the exception of the remains of the "True Siths" who fled after the death of Exar Kun, beyond the Outer rim (and Atris and Bastila for the old Jedi Order) - and all over again). But also, maybe it is with reason that these thresholds have been lowered because more than 5 years after the release of the game, it seems clear that very few (nobody if we read the online encyclopedias) has understood Kotor 2. Kreia : Once there were only Jedi. I wonder what "evil" was in such days. And to think, once there were no Jedi at all. Perhaps the Force defies such rigid classification of its followers.
  9. Some words appear in English in a French version, for example, "Corpse" on some bodies, in Peragus. But there is no wording "Corpse" in the French dialog.tlk file. And, before 1.7, they were still in French (Cadavre). Where does these English words, not changeables, come from? They are hard coded? Same for some VOs.
  10. How to reach the dialogue with Atton about the astronavigation system? Astrogation system. 003EBO_dlg003atton.dlg e112 StrRef 75220 75221 : I have the impression never to have met it.
  11. I understand what Zbyl2 and VP are saying. As it is almost possible to talk about anything anywhere with Atton, should re-write all the dialogues twice or double all the dialog options with If EH Map StrRef + camera 37 angle 6... Otherwise StrRef + camera 9 angle 2... But, why, after a save / restore, we have a good camera with a good angle and a good positioning of Atton? What's happening during the save / restore that can't be redone easily? Something done here ? Atton is able to remain seated, facing the Exile, and with gestures of typing on a keyboard, above ... nothing! And he sits down again and again with the first three sentences of the Exiled when it comes to speak after an initial conversation with Kreia! 75187 : How's our passenger? She still aging? In 003EBO.mod\003atton.dlg Broken link : This is another problem. I believe I have already discussed of it here or on the old forum. The only time the security cameras of the Ebon Hawk would be really useful is during the attack of the Sith, leaving Peragus. Yet it is the only time where these cameras does not work. During the Red Eclipse attack, Cahhmakt is standing here.
  12. Atton faces the Exile in Ebon Hawk Vanilla bug Each time that the Exile talk to Atton, in the c-ockpit of the Ebon Hawk, this one rises (or, sometimes, remains sitted), but always remain the back turned to the Exile to speak. It is ugly. It is mannerless. It is not worthy of Kotor 2. There is perhaps a problem of positioning of the cameras but I am not certain and, anyway, that should not be a blocking problem since the good position can exist (ie : this conversations just after leaving Peragus): Before speaking to Atton, place yourself behind him, make a save, reload, open the dialog and... Atton is placed correctly! I'm quite sure this can be corrected, all thru the game, simply.
  13. Ebon Hawk - Attack of the Sith when leaving Peragus - 005EBO Vanilla bugs - Many things don't fit with the rest of the game and with what has been done in TSLRCM. I think those things would better be corrected (but it seems that 005EBO do not use a legal map and this may introduce some difficulties) Atton, when he is sitting in the c-ockpit (stupid automatic censoring of the begining of that word!) of the Ebon Hawk, does not wear clothing (armor?) it was equipped with but he is wearing his own clothing. It is an animation so it should thus be the current Atton character who is used, with his actual equipment (whereas the following scene, showing the turrets entering in action, is a video). See 107PER_dlg 106percut.dlg It is completely abnormal that one cannot make use of the workbench when one is not in fight mode! Where is the laboratory which should be within the infirmary! When one opens the door of the ?Storage Compartment?, it is empty whereas there should be HK-47 here. In the ?Communications room?, the security system should give access to the safety video cameras! It is practically the only moment of all the adventure where they have a utility and it is the only moment of the adventure where one cannot reach them!
  14. Er… I think that Darth traya (she is not yet Kreia), is in catalepsy, and that her order to the Exile is as much a call of her spirit for a help to herself. The Force link between them is in creation - because of their fortuitous proximity - they help each other to awake. As she will say it later, in a few seconds (but that will be interpreted differently - a lie in connection with the escape of the Harbinger…), she is the one which saved Exiled as Exiled is the one which saved her, and, somehow, it's the truth. But in her current state, and for a few minutes, Darth Traya, who will be immediately in full possession of all her powers, certainly did not have the ability to command to objects.
  15. I answer my own question: Since there is a variable, now, instead of a stupid textual data, the function does not make only an answer by “true” or “false”. If “true”, it calculates the number “to be consumed”.
  16. "The machines that operate the Kolta Tank" Why didn't I think of that? Well played!
  17. Also : 77961 : 'I think that... thing... in the tank was a Sith Lord... alive the whole time, waiting for something to wake him up.' 77962 : [static] "Checking the survivor from the Sith vessel - I'm not sure whether he's alive or dead, or what's even keeping him together." But : 77964 : "Judging from the scar tissue, I believe these wounds took place before his death. If so, he must have been in constant pain. I have no idea what's been keeping him together." Apparent death, of the same type as the catalepsy of Kreia in Ebon Hawk, in order to be introduced by the republicans themselves into Harbinger.
  18. Why? Because my reflexes say to me that, to check if the condition is true or false, regard to the repair skill of the character currently controlled, it seems to me that one uses c_sc_rep_gt (p1) c_sc_rep_eq (p1) c_sc_rep_lt (p1) I do not see this conditional test at this place and I question myself. Would you take a little time for me to explain it or indicate to me a documentation on those callable functions since the dialogs runtime. And why there would be (and there are) other conditional tests on the same repair skill which are supposed to make only the same thing: answer by true or false?
  19. Ok, I fix it in the French version. What about the use of the repair skill ? No condition is used actualy Is the reference to the competence of repair also removed in the text or, on the contrary, we will add, later, a condition in front of this line?.
  20. 152HAR_dlgdroid_md.dlg StrRef 126107 : [Repair] Reactivate the droid. (3 Part(s) ) Only 1 part will be used ("3 part(s) is written in the textual data (in dialog.txt) in English, in French (and, probably in all languages)). Either 3 must be replaced by the <name_of_a_variable>, or the text must be corrected to 1. The repair skill is not used although it is indicated in the text. I think that, as for the variable seen before, there was an initial intention of Obsidian which was not finished and should be finished. It's a pity of being not using skills. what the conditional k_con_com42, in the next line, stand for ? Number of parts > 0? And, as I was searching for 126107, I found : StrRef 89570 : same sentence : [Repair] Reactivate the droid. (3 Part(s) ) Looking where it's used, I found a dialog about a torture droid 351NAR_dlgdroid_md.dlg Is it something which I had missed thru the years or something new and restored?
  21. All the textual data of Kotor 2 are in a single file, at the root directory of Kotor 2 : dialog.tlk You can easily edit this file using a .tlk editor (TalkEd V 1.0.4b by stoffe A TLK editor capable of modifying, adding and searching entries in dialog.tlk. It can also merge two .tlk files. ) Download it from Also use DLG/UTI/UTC/MOD Language Converter 1.1 by tk102 Converts language identifiers for localized strings in .dlg, .uti, .utc, .mod files It is not a “translator”. It is just a question of positioning a variable in thousands of files. Same download page You can download the english dialog.tlk file by Obsidian Contains all the strings used in the game and always compare what is written in a localized language with the original intentions of Obsidan. Same download page
  22. Moved towards the preceding line. Tested. All seems to function well with that, LS and DS. There is no French or US version of the script or of the tree structure of the dialogs. Only the textual data change but scripts and the tree structures of the dialogs (including conditional tests before and scripts after each dialog option) are the same in the whole world, no? TTLan
  23. Sorry, I wanted to say "there is a DSP attached to E107", not "added". And it is a DSP, not a LSP. It's the one for "Forget them, then. I need to get into the hangar bay and get off this rock." But when we start 2 steps lower, at E17, there should not be a DSP. The order of E&R is : R19 > E17 It is not R19 > E107 > R150 > E17 I do not understand where that DSP come from.
  24. Nice try! ;) The name of the tank is : StrRef 124828 Broken Kolto Tank And 124829 says : This kolto tank was shattered from the inside. Fragments litter the floor around it. This tank seems, indeed, different. Its production is obviously much more complex and expensive. It is certainly not intended to throw a corpse in it (it is not the morgue of the Harbinger). It should rather be reserved for severe cases. Sion is a severe case, he is seen like this and not like a corpse.