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Everything posted by Constructour

  1. Hey th3w1zard1, I'm having some issues successfully completing the Pre-install Validation step without errors because the tool cannot find two mods, specifically Scoundrel DS Underwear Fix.7z and Bastila Shan (clothing) HD.rar. I've downloaded all of the mods from the Mod Build page, and they are all on the dowloaded mods directory I have pointed the tool to. However, it still cannot detect that the Scoundrel DS Underwear mod is there. I am not sure that the Bastila Shan HD mod is part of the build, as well. The output log from the Pre-Validation attempt: [5/15/2024 10:37:12 AM] [Note] - No mod chosen: Select your mod directory first. [5/15/2024 10:37:13 AM] Finding duplicate case-insensitive folders/files in the install destination... [5/15/2024 10:37:13 AM] Checking for duplicate components... [5/15/2024 10:37:13 AM] Ensuring both the mod directory and the install directory are writable... [5/15/2024 10:37:13 AM] Validating individual components, this might take a while... [5/15/2024 10:37:13 AM] [Error] Name: Male Scoundrel Underwear Fix Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Scoundrel DS Underwear Fix.7z] [5/15/2024 10:37:13 AM] [Error] Name: Bastila Shan HD Instruction #1: 'Extract' Issue: Missing Required Archives: [<<modDirectory>>\Bastila Shan HD (clothing).rar] [5/15/2024 10:37:13 AM] [Error] Some components failed to validate. Check the output/console window for details. If you are seeing this as an end user you most likely need to whitelist KOTORModSync and HoloPatcher in your antivirus, or download the missing mods. Is the instruction file up to date, perhaps? And as these are the only two missing mods, could I install anyway and play without them?z Thank you for your help. Edit for more info: Looking at the mod that the mod build calls for, I think the .toml is calling for the wrong mod. It's calling for Male Scoundrel Underwear Fix by Stellar Exile instead of Scoundrel Trousers by DarkBirdie. Edit for yet more info: I figured out how to use the the entries in the loaded .toml to find the missing mods and add them and I am now getting no errors. I also added the Scoundrel Trousers mod manually. Nonetheless, I believe there is a dysync between the KOTOR1_SPOILER_FREE.toml file and the current list on Neocities.