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About RaymanGT

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    Jedi Initiate
  • Birthday January 20

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    Star Wars, programming, psychology and religion

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  1. View File KotOR 3440x1440 Enhanced HUD/UI and Menus This mod was created due to the frustration of playing with a small HUD on an ultrawide screen. The mod enhances the HUD/UI and Menus from the KotOR High Resolution Menus mod. I created an enlarged HUD, that makes playing the game much more enjoyable on a 3440x1440 resolution. Due to the larger HUD, one needs to use upscaled assets for it to look good. I used a combination of different assets from (KotOR High Resolution Menus, HD MENUS AND UI Assets and Remastered UI) Installation Before installing please make a backup of your own swkotor.exe You have 2 Options to Install this mod: 1 - You copy the patched swkotor.exe to the Game Folder, then you copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. 2 - You patch your swkotor.exe (The Editable version from here) by installing KotOR High Resolution Menus with a 3440x1440 resolution, then copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. IMPORTANT: ADJUST the Height and Width under [Graphics Options] in the swkotor.ini file in your games folder or IT WILL NOT WORK! It should look like this: [Graphics Options] Width=3440 Height=1440 I recommend installing the mod Very Nice! Load Screens for KotOR as well! Uninstallation Remove the files from your Overdrive folder and restore your original swkotor.exe Compatibility This mod works with the K1R mod, but install it after installing K1R Submitter RaymanGT Submitted 04/27/2023 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  2. Has anyone tried to fully understand what is saved by the client in Kotor 1 in the swkotor.exe? I know that movie resolutions, letterbox dimensions, and resolution are saved in the exe. Is there a list that explains which hex sequence attributes to what? And if not, is there a way or does anyone already have an idea on how to decode it? We could fix a lot of issues if we can understand the hex data fully, like the map size after the widescreen fix ( which Im mainly interested in ) My ideal dream would be at least understanding the important things in the hex data and making a list or even a script that reads the exe and spits out a text file, that says this sequence means XX and has YY values. An interpreter of sorts
  3. Version 1.1.0


    This mod was created due to the frustration of playing with a small HUD on an ultrawide screen. The mod enhances the HUD/UI and Menus from the KotOR High Resolution Menus mod. I created an enlarged HUD, that makes playing the game much more enjoyable on a 3440x1440 resolution. Due to the larger HUD, one needs to use upscaled assets for it to look good. I used a combination of different assets from (KotOR High Resolution Menus, HD MENUS AND UI Assets and Remastered UI) Installation Before installing please make a backup of your own swkotor.exe You have 2 Options to Install this mod: 1 - You copy the patched swkotor.exe to the Game Folder, then you copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. 2 - You patch your swkotor.exe (The Editable version from here) by installing KotOR High Resolution Menus with a 3440x1440 resolution, then copy everything from the toOverride folder to your games Override Folder. IMPORTANT: ADJUST the Height and Width under [Graphics Options] in the swkotor.ini file in your games folder or IT WILL NOT WORK! It should look like this: [Graphics Options] Width=3440 Height=1440 I recommend installing the mod Very Nice! Load Screens for KotOR as well! Uninstallation Remove the files from your Overdrive folder and restore your original swkotor.exe Compatibility This mod works with the K1R mod, but install it after installing K1R
  4. Star Wars Ultrawide 3440x1440 fix is incoming UPDATE: I finished version 1.00 and uploaded it I'm waiting for approval. (I already started working on v1.1 that fixes the galaxy map gui being not consistent and other guis overall) This mod was created due to the frustration of playing with a small HUD on an ultrawide screen. The mod enhances the HUD/UI and Menus from the KotOR High Resolution Menus mod specifically for the 3440x1440 resolution. I created an enlarged HUD, that makes playing the game much more enjoyable on a 3440x1440 resolution. Due to the larger HUD, one needs to use upscaled assets for it to look good. I used a combination of different assets from (KotOR High Resolution Menus, HD MENUS AND UI Assets and Remastered UI) In summary: 1 - The mod contains a prepatched swkotor.exe or you can patch your own exe with hires menus 2 - it contains a an enlarged HUD so the game can actually be enjoyed 3 - The HUD graphic files are upscaled to look HD, else the old HUD graphics look too pixelated, for this (Im using multiple mods but put together into 1 package) I attached pictures of the version 1.00 of the mod.