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Everything posted by Pwener

  1. I've never played the PC version but I do have it for modding reasons (my laptop can't properly run it though) and I do remember extracting the PC dialog file to see if that one worked and the line was still silent. It must be a problem with that voice file. And even if it's the voice file being missing, taking the PC version file and dropping it in the port wouldn't work as they are not compatible.
  2. As I suspected. Thanks, I'll update the mod page's details to reflect it as an Android-only bug.
  3. "This news of a Star Forge is disturbing. Action is required, but we must not do so in haste. We must discuss recent events in light of this new information." StrRef: 6843
  4. View File Vandar Silent Dialog Fix (Android) During a certain conversation with the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, Master Vandar can speak a line of dialog that is not voiced. This is an Android-only bug. It seems whomever was in charge of making each line of voice acting work only with the Android port left this particular line in its PC state which is incompatible with the port, resulting in silence. Luckily the line by Vandar is pure fluff and it is the proceeding line by Vrook that moves the conversation forward. My fix? Remove Vandar's silent line. Nothing is lost in the conversation as it will skip Vandar and jump to Master Vrook instead. This mod is compatible with "Jedi From The Start" as even though that mod changes a lot of dialog on Dantooine with the Jedi Masters, this particular dialog file for Vandar is not used. Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra, DLG Editor by tk102 Submitter Pwener Submitted 09/13/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  5. Version 2.0.0


    During a certain conversation with the Jedi Masters on Dantooine, Master Vandar can speak a line of dialog that is not voiced. This is an Android-only bug. It seems whomever was in charge of making each line of voice acting work only with the Android port left this particular line in its PC state which is incompatible with the port, resulting in silence. Luckily the line by Vandar is pure fluff and it is the proceeding line by Vrook that moves the conversation forward. My fix? Remove Vandar's silent line. Nothing is lost in the conversation as it will skip Vandar and jump to Master Vrook instead. This mod is compatible with "Jedi From The Start" as even though that mod changes a lot of dialog on Dantooine with the Jedi Masters, this particular dialog file for Vandar is not used. Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra, DLG Editor by tk102
  6. View File Improved Galaxy Map (Android) I present to you one of the few Android-only compatible mods for Kotor 1. You may be thinking one of two things after that statement; what makes this mod only compatible with the Android port or the fact that an improved galaxy map made by Kexikus already exists which places the planets in their Star Wars canon locations. Well as it turns out that mod is incompatible with the Android port because Aspyr used a scaled down version of the "galaxymap.gui" which results in that mod not working properly in the port. Also, the settings on that mod's TSL Patcher have to be changed even if the Aspyr galaxy map is used in that mod's installation. Bottom line; that mod would have to be reworked to function properly with Android Kotor. Now that I've covered my bases to avoid any claims of mod theft, I'll proceed to explain the mod. First, I don't care much for "canon" placement of the planets. I could have placed them canonically, but I didn't like how most were bunched together on only one side of the map and in a version of the game where most use touch controls it's better to have them neatly separated throught the galaxy map as to avoid touching the wrong one. This mod comes as is and I will most likely not upload a TSL Patcher version. The reason being that many Kotor Android players have no access to a computer and it makes it difficult for them to access some mods. Warning: This mod as stated above is meant to be used with the Android port of Kotor 1. Using it on the PC version may result in damage that I cannot be held responsible for. Credits: TSL Patcher by Stoffe Submitter Pwener Submitted 09/10/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  7. Version 2.0.0


    I present to you one of the few Android-only compatible mods for Kotor 1. You may be thinking one of two things after that statement; what makes this mod only compatible with the Android port or the fact that an improved galaxy map made by Kexikus already exists which places the planets in their Star Wars canon locations. Well as it turns out that mod is incompatible with the Android port because Aspyr used a scaled down version of the "galaxymap.gui" which results in that mod not working properly in the port. Also, the settings on that mod's TSL Patcher have to be changed even if the Aspyr galaxy map is used in that mod's installation. Bottom line; that mod would have to be reworked to function properly with Android Kotor. Now that I've covered my bases to avoid any claims of mod theft, I'll proceed to explain the mod. First, I don't care much for "canon" placement of the planets. I could have placed them canonically, but I didn't like how most were bunched together on only one side of the map and in a version of the game where most use touch controls it's better to have them neatly separated throught the galaxy map as to avoid touching the wrong one. This mod comes as is and I will most likely not upload a TSL Patcher version. The reason being that many Kotor Android players have no access to a computer and it makes it difficult for them to access some mods. Warning: This mod as stated above is meant to be used with the Android port of Kotor 1. Using it on the PC version may result in damage that I cannot be held responsible for. Credits: TSL Patcher by Stoffe
  8. Funny you would mention putting them into groups as that was the first thing I did. It's quite a few files - especially the folder with all the items with fixed descriptions. I'll make the changelogs for each one and upload them but it would have to be separate as each of the 8 are very different in what they are and what they do. And thanks for the part about giving credits. Also, is it looked down upon to use images from Google as examples for uploaded mods? For comparisons and the like.
  9. Thanks for the feedback. I'll add one to it eventually and will do so for the future ones.
  10. Hey everyone, it's the newbie here. I wanted to ask a simple question; is it frown upon to upload multiple mods by the same author in quick succession? I compiled my list of mods, fixes and improvements for upload but there's 8 zip files total. They would have to be uploaded separately as well. I would feel pretty dumb if I uploaded so many files one after the other and then get heckled for it. Any input?
  11. View File Upgraded Implants When first playing Kotor 1 not too long ago I considered that the implants in the game were lacking some punch. They're rare, can be very expensive and on top of that they require spending feat points to even equip. So I went in and "upgraded" all but two (including the ones added by Yavin Station). The two left out are the implants that make the user immune to poison and mind-affecting. These two bonuses are good enough as they are without adding more on top of them. These are not meant to be "cheat" items. I consider them to be properly balanced within the vanilla game. Hope they are enjoyed. Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra Submitter Pwener Submitted 09/05/2019 Category Mods K1R Compatible Yes  
  12. That's how I say it, yeah. But everyone's accent is different and sometimes pronounce things differently. Also, thanks for the warm welcome.
  13. Will look into it. Hmm. I considered this but wanted to know if there was maybe an offer out there for two free audiobooks instead.
  14. I've never been a part of a Star Wars community before so I thought I'd ask. Does anyone know where's the best place to buy (yes, buy. No cute wink hinting that I want to pirate it) the Darth Plagueis audiobook by James Luceno? I used to go through it all the time on YouTube but Random House Audio cracked down and deleted most videos on it. I know the obvious answer is "Audible" but I ask because there might be a better option out there. And spare me the "Have you heard the tragedy of..." The only tragedy here is YouTube's copyright system forcing me to give money to Disney when all they're doing is dragging Star Wars through the mud. I guess giving royalties to Luceno ain't bad though. Anyway, the audiobook. Oh, and it has to work on an Android phone or tablet. I like cozing it up on my bed.
  15. Yeah but I'm too lazy to even do that hehehe.
  16. Thank you for the reply. It seems like a loss not to upload fixed files for someone else's mods while linking to the necessary complete mod but trust that I will respect the rules.
  17. I've heard people try to pronounce it and it seems everyone says it differently. Good thing I'm a dirty Empire sympathizer then. Also, I would like to know one thing. You might not be the right person to ask but maybe you can point me in the right direction. As I mentioned above, I like improving the quality of mods I use. So is it a no-no or a grey area if someone were to upload fixed/improved aspects of someone else's mod? For example; The Exar Kun's Tomb mod is very well designed and script-wise is flawless but is dragged down by some of the worst broken english I've ever read. I take pride in the written word and extracted the dialog files from the module and fixed them for myself. Is there a possibility I could upload said dialog files alone as "bug fixes" and link to the mod itself or would that be impossible?
  18. Greetings people of Deadlystream. I have been downloading from here for almost two years. Ever since I started looking for K1 mods after playing the game first time on Android. I would not have made an account but I have some basic original content that I felt I should put out there. I mostly enjoy downloading mods and improving them (fixing text, polishing stats for balance) but like I said, I've also made some original content and thought it was high time I put some out there. Hope to interact with you all.
  19. Pwener

    Upgraded Implants

    Version 2.0.0


    When first playing Kotor 1 not too long ago I considered that the implants in the game were lacking some punch. They're rare, can be very expensive and on top of that they require spending feat points to even equip. So I went in and "upgraded" all but two (including the ones added by Yavin Station). The two left out are the implants that make the user immune to poison and mind-affecting. These two bonuses are good enough as they are without adding more on top of them. These are not meant to be "cheat" items. I consider them to be properly balanced within the vanilla game. Hope they are enjoyed. Credits: Kotor Tool by Fred Tetra