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Everything posted by Ahsana

  1. View File Visas as PC for K1 This mod allows you to play as Visas in KOTOR 1. This "incognito" Revan is a master of obscuring herself behind masks and veils to a degree of sophistication unmatched by other Revans, for she utilizes the disguise within the disguise. As Lord Revan, she wears a veil beneath her mask to double-obscure her true face, making her nigh unrecognizable. People who knew her before she forgot she was Darth Revan are able to spot her immediately, but whether this is because of or in spite of the veil, is anyone's guess. Whether this Revan's injuries after Malak's betrayal led to blindness, or whether she simply instinctively knows she must cover her eyes at all times to quicken the recovery of her Force abilities, is also anyone's guess. Or perhaps the veil provides Revan a subconscious means of expressing lost identity and blindness to the past. ---------------- HOW TO INSTALL : After downloading the zip and extracting... 1. Open the folder with the option you prefer: UndK2 -----This gives Visas the standard underclothing from K2 (default), as well as the standard dark side black bodysuit underclothing when she falls to the dark side. It also includes her dark side heads and portraits from K2. (There are a few options to look at after installing if you want to furthur customize--for instance if you don't want the black bodysuit when she turns to the dark side. There are also further instructions in that folder.) UndTwiAsnLrg ----- This gives the large body model for the Twilek Assassin from K2 for Visas's underclothes, consistent throughout the game (it doesn't change when she falls to the dark side). It doesn't include dark side heads or portraits (that stays the same throughout the game too). There are screencaps in the UndTwiAsnLrg folder that show what it looks like. UndTwiAsnMed ----- This gives the medium body model for the Twilek Assassin from K2 for Visas's underclothes, consistent throughout the game (it doesn't change when she falls to the dark side). It doesn't include dark side heads or portraits (that stays the same throughout the game too). There are screencaps in the UndTwiAsnLrg folder that show what it looks like. (Note: All options include Visas's normal robes/attire.) 2. Double-click on TSLPatcher.exe within that folder (e.g. for the UndTwiAsnMed option, double-click on TSLPatcher.exe within the UndTwiAsnMed folder) to install. Read and follow the instructions given by the installer (which can be found in the info.rtf file that is within any of the 'tslpatchdata' folders). Instructions summary: Select your Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic folder housing your game when TSLPatcher asks you to choose the folder to install into. TSL Patcher will then instantly put all texture (tga) and model (mdl/mdx) files into your Override folder and insert a new row into each of your appearance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da files for Visas. If one or more of these 2da files isn’t in your Override folder already, TSLPatcher will insert the absent file(s) and add the new row for Visas in. 3. Play as Visas. ---------------- BACK UP FILES If any of the tga or mdl/mdx files being added into your Override happen to have the same name as files already there, the installer will overwrite them. However, they are not lost, as the installer will also create a backup folder inside the folder you ran it (TSLPatcher.exe) from, in which it will store the original copy of the file for you to retrieve. If you already had appearance.2da, heads.2da and/or portraits.2da in your Override folder, keep the backed up one(s) in case you wish to uninstall Visas as a PC for K1 later. Instructions for how to do that are included when you download this mod. ---------------- Possible "bug": - This may change the appearance of what people are wearing when you flip through the character menu when starting a new game. It doesn't affect game play, it simply looks strange in the menu. ---------------- E> TY to the developers of KOTOR Tool, TSLPatcher, MDLedit, and all the other tools that make modding KOTOR possible, as well as to DeadlyStream and all the people who answer questions. Submitter Ahsana Submitted 05/28/2020 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  2. Ahsana

    Visas as PC for K1

    Version 1.0.0


    This mod allows you to play as Visas in KOTOR 1. This "incognito" Revan is a master of obscuring herself behind masks and veils to a degree of sophistication unmatched by other Revans, for she utilizes the disguise within the disguise. As Lord Revan, she wears a veil beneath her mask to double-obscure her true face, making her nigh unrecognizable. People who knew her before she forgot she was Darth Revan are able to spot her immediately, but whether this is because of or in spite of the veil, is anyone's guess. Whether this Revan's injuries after Malak's betrayal led to blindness, or whether she simply instinctively knows she must cover her eyes at all times to quicken the recovery of her Force abilities, is also anyone's guess. Or perhaps the veil provides Revan a subconscious means of expressing lost identity and blindness to the past. ---------------- HOW TO INSTALL : After downloading the zip and extracting... 1. Open the folder with the option you prefer: UndK2 -----This gives Visas the standard underclothing from K2 (default), as well as the standard dark side black bodysuit underclothing when she falls to the dark side. It also includes her dark side heads and portraits from K2. (There are a few options to look at after installing if you want to furthur customize--for instance if you don't want the black bodysuit when she turns to the dark side. There are also further instructions in that folder.) UndTwiAsnLrg ----- This gives the large body model for the Twilek Assassin from K2 for Visas's underclothes, consistent throughout the game (it doesn't change when she falls to the dark side). It doesn't include dark side heads or portraits (that stays the same throughout the game too). There are screencaps in the UndTwiAsnLrg folder that show what it looks like. UndTwiAsnMed ----- This gives the medium body model for the Twilek Assassin from K2 for Visas's underclothes, consistent throughout the game (it doesn't change when she falls to the dark side). It doesn't include dark side heads or portraits (that stays the same throughout the game too). There are screencaps in the UndTwiAsnLrg folder that show what it looks like. (Note: All options include Visas's normal robes/attire.) 2. Double-click on TSLPatcher.exe within that folder (e.g. for the UndTwiAsnMed option, double-click on TSLPatcher.exe within the UndTwiAsnMed folder) to install. Read and follow the instructions given by the installer (which can be found in the info.rtf file that is within any of the 'tslpatchdata' folders). Instructions summary: Select your Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic folder housing your game when TSLPatcher asks you to choose the folder to install into. TSL Patcher will then instantly put all texture (tga) and model (mdl/mdx) files into your Override folder and insert a new row into each of your appearance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da files for Visas. If one or more of these 2da files isn’t in your Override folder already, TSLPatcher will insert the absent file(s) and add the new row for Visas in. 3. Play as Visas. ---------------- BACK UP FILES If any of the tga or mdl/mdx files being added into your Override happen to have the same name as files already there, the installer will overwrite them. However, they are not lost, as the installer will also create a backup folder inside the folder you ran it (TSLPatcher.exe) from, in which it will store the original copy of the file for you to retrieve. If you already had appearance.2da, heads.2da and/or portraits.2da in your Override folder, keep the backed up one(s) in case you wish to uninstall Visas as a PC for K1 later. Instructions for how to do that are included when you download this mod. ---------------- Possible "bug": - This may change the appearance of what people are wearing when you flip through the character menu when starting a new game. It doesn't affect game play, it simply looks strange in the menu. ---------------- E> TY to the developers of KOTOR Tool, TSLPatcher, MDLedit, and all the other tools that make modding KOTOR possible, as well as to DeadlyStream and all the people who answer questions.
  3. Sigh. I'm still working on this but am confused about what would be most helpful to people. My worry is that I don't use TSL Patcher, and I'm wondering if that would make things unhelpful to most people. I've rarely used mods from others via TSL Patcher because I don't really understand what it will do (this isn't to say I haven't downloaded a ton of mods, but when I do, it's to try to figure out what the modder did - mods are a great way to learn from modders without ever having to ask them questions). I"ve worked to do things manually myself. But I know that this may not be what a lot of people consider, and I also remember my beginning with KOTOR which was on my phone and from there, there wasn't a way to use KOTOR Tool. I haven't been a person of great economic means, and it's only through a loan that I was able to purchase a laptop. I'm still working on this and I will finish, but I'm in uncertainty regarding what will help the most people. I've evolved and can now do a lot of things myself, but when I think about how I was before having a laptop I know anything I provide currently will not help people in the same boat... I may figure out how to use TSL Patcher... that is possible. I am not sure at this point about everything though (which is to say, about which way to do this). I want to share because without all the sharing of others I wouldn't have been able to customize this game, and I'm incredibly grateful. It's amazing fun to customize a game. And if/when I get to the point of changing the actual plot, that would be even more fun (and again, another thing I'd never figure out without this entire community on this forum and elsewhere full of people who took the initial steps themselves).
  4. I'm assuming this is different than the process of opening it MDLedit, setting to K1 and converting to ASCII in same folder with its corresponding K1 supermodel (S_Female02 for all of these), and then saving as binary again? (Unless maybe I don't have enough K1 supermodels in the folder I do the saves in. I only have S_Female02 and S_Female03 in there as almost every model has one of those for the supermodel.) I am really ignorant on this topic and don't understand what "rig" means. ETA: My current guess is it's in the neighborhood of this process: One would perhaps import S_Female02 (ascii) into gmax and then import the head model in and somehow match the head model up with S_Female02, then delete S_Female02 and export as replacement supermodel (with new name that can be assigned to the head's model in the supermodel field). Or... something like that.
  5. As part of my project of porting heads from K2 to K1, I have now stumbled upon a recurring problem that I had only encountered once before with Atton whose head model I've never been able to get to work right in K1. The issue is of course the problem with the mouths of certain models forming these horrific shapes. I know it's probably because at least some K2 models have more bones than K1 models, and that this creates porting issues between the games. I haven't had this problem with most models but I think it's because I was focusing on a lot of NPCs and they perhaps are less complex. But last night I decided to raid the PCs again and the Atton horror I'd encountered before haunts them now too. (Actually BM6 has a different issue. His mouth doesn't open much, but his face warps a lot in disturbing ways when speaking.) With the Atton model, I'd given up on that a month or two ago as it didn't seem to matter if I ported it myself or if I used one already shared. The problem remained the same in either case. I read here that there is a process one must go through in order to fix this problem in which the character's mouth becomes a portal to a hell dimension, however I don't understand what the process is and haven't been able to find more information as yet. I was wondering if anyone knows what to do?
  6. I've been porting a lot of heads from K2 to incorporate into K1, not every head in K2 yet but at this rate I may eventually get pretty close to that. I would like to share all the ported heads for others to download, with the exception of ones I've noticed are already available. I noticed there have been legality questions about this in the past, and that currently it's okay to port heads and share them. But I'm wondering if there is an upper limit... If I were to share something like 20 ported heads would that be too many or is that okay? Thanks!
  7. This is probably a super dumb question but I am always in the dark with these things. I imported Talia from K2 to K1, but she isn't responding to most K1 animations. I've tried various things and am getting the feeling that her model doesn't have the right animations included to respond. I was wondering if there is a way to input missing animations--not combat ones but the ones involving all the K1 emotional expressions like greeting or horror or scripts like k_ptar_drunk_sp. The model doesn't seem to respond to any of them and seems to only be able to do things like that weird finger twirl when explaining things. I searched for newanim in the ASCII file but it's not there. (She does have "ambient" animations when just standing in one place. She moves a bit like other KOTOR characters.) ---- ETA: I feel like an idiot for asking this question now. I was testing Talia as a traveler on Manaan, and if I switch her to the other traveler all the animations work, so there was never a problem with her model in this way.
  8. I am attempting to get the travelers in Manaan West Central and West to have their own unique dialogue, which includes using new recorded sound files. I was following this tutorial and everything is working except for sound. The mouth moves, the caption says the new dialogue, but there is no sound. The tutorial said to save the wav files for the new dialog in the streamwaves folder (not in any of the folders inside the streamwaves folder). I did that and I altered the utc file for the traveller in question so that conversation is set to what I named the dlg file (I also changed the tag to what I named the dlg file). In DLG editor, I checked the "sound exists" boxes though I'm not sure that does anything as it might refer to streamsounds. I did save the files as mono. I didn't however use Audacity. I've been using WavePad Audio Editor free. I haven't tried using Audacity to see if it would fix the issue, as I'm wondering if it's another way of going in circles. I'm skeptical it's the issue as I've saved over voice files before using WavePad and they have all worked. What seems to be different in this case is that these are new files entirely... Does anyone know what is missing? Thanks! -- ETA - partial resolution: Okay this is bizarre. I tried using the original wav files, not hex edited or anything, simply changing the file names and that works. So this absolutely is some kind of audio compression problem. I still don't understand what is wrong with the files I made, but this thread has been a bit helpful so far. I downloaded Audacity earlier and noticed it knew WavePad had encoded the previous files (WavePad left its mark).
  9. Yay. It does indeed work. Thanks a million!
  10. I'm having the OP issue as well. I had moved my LucasArts games to the partitioned off drive D after they were originally installed on C (from CDs). I don't know how to update the registry with the new path (KOTOR Scripting Tool is using the old C Drive path). Is the text in this link applicable to Windows 10, with the game installed from CDs, and is this applicable to KOTOR Scripting Tool? (I don't know if I followed the instructions if it would be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BioWare\SW\KOTOR and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\LucasArts\KOTOR2 in my case...)
  11. Hello, I was experimenting with the sitting people in Javyar's Cantina and changed one of the sitting swoopgangers to the sitting male twilek. Much to my horror, I discovered the sitting twileks don't have heads. I looked at all the "sitting people" in placeables.2da and noticed that apart from the twileks, they all only use one model for body and head. In placeables.2da, the sitting twileks use their usual body models: N_TwilekM and N_TwilekF. So it seemed the game was displaying just what it's set for - it placed the model in the chair - it's just that this particular model is only of a body. Then I noticed that there are the L_TwilekM and L_TwilekF models, and the TGA files for those have the head and body in one file (N_Twilek_low_M.tga and N_Twilek_low_F.tga). So I changed the model in placeables.2da to L_TwilekM. in appearance.2da, the entry for that model (Lite_Twilek_Male) still uses the standard model (N_TwilekM) and has a head assigned. So I changed the appearance.2da modela entry to L_TwilekM. This successfully put an entire male twilek in the chair (see image). But as you might be able to see even though the screencap is of particularly low quality is that these Lite_Twileks look terrible. They are way less detailed than the other sitters. So, what I'm wondering is, is there a way to actually get the real twileks with both the body and head models sitting in the chairs, or is using L_TwilekM/L_TwilekF the only option? Thanks!
  12. View File K1 Low Commoner Reskins Files only need to be dropped in override folder. (files edited from CD-ROM of K1) Submitter Ahsana Submitted 03/30/2020 Category Skins K1R Compatible No  
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Files only need to be dropped in override folder. (files edited from CD-ROM of K1)
  14. View File K1 Wookie Refurs (for K1) Included in mod: New fur for all five female wookies + one additional (n_wookiefred.tga) that can be swapped with any of the others New fur for three male wookies, although one of the furs is very similar to the original Grrrwahrr & Freyyr no longer have same appearance; Grrrwahrr is now the abominable snowman wookie while Freyyr looks similar to before Red male wookie (n_wookiem02.tga) = Gorwooken; the guard on the Great Walkway guarding way to Shadowlands; Rulan Prolik Swapped one of the male wookies in Rwookrrorro with a female wookie so that all five female wookies are present in the village Screencaps Files included to drop in override folder: N_WookieF01.tga n_wookief02.tga n_wookief03.tga n_wookief04.tga N_WookieF05.tga n_wookiem02.tga n_wookiem03.tga n_wookiem04.tga kas23_freyyr_01.utc kas25_freyyr_01.utc kas23_wookgem_04.utc (The tga files are the reskins; the Freyyr utc files switch Freyyr to a wookie that isn't identical to Grrrwahrr; the wookgem utc file switches a male wookie in Rwookrrorro with a female one.) ------------------------ Other mods you might notice in screencaps that I didn't create that are not part of this, but I thought I would advertise since they are still observable in the screencaps: Upper Shadowlands grass is from this mod (file: LKA_Grass.tga) by MadDerp but was recolored to be more silvery. Some of the wood, trim, lights, doors and bark is from this mod by Curtis1973. -------------------------- I don't know if this is K1R compatible or not... Submitter Ahsana Submitted 10/07/2019 Category Skins K1R Compatible Yes  
  15. Ahsana

    K1 Wookie Refurs

    Version 1.0.0


    (for K1) Included in mod: New fur for all five female wookies + one additional (n_wookiefred.tga) that can be swapped with any of the others New fur for three male wookies, although one of the furs is very similar to the original Grrrwahrr & Freyyr no longer have same appearance; Grrrwahrr is now the abominable snowman wookie while Freyyr looks similar to before Red male wookie (n_wookiem02.tga) = Gorwooken; the guard on the Great Walkway guarding way to Shadowlands; Rulan Prolik Swapped one of the male wookies in Rwookrrorro with a female wookie so that all five female wookies are present in the village Screencaps Files included to drop in override folder: N_WookieF01.tga n_wookief02.tga n_wookief03.tga n_wookief04.tga N_WookieF05.tga n_wookiem02.tga n_wookiem03.tga n_wookiem04.tga kas23_freyyr_01.utc kas25_freyyr_01.utc kas23_wookgem_04.utc (The tga files are the reskins; the Freyyr utc files switch Freyyr to a wookie that isn't identical to Grrrwahrr; the wookgem utc file switches a male wookie in Rwookrrorro with a female one.) ------------------------ Other mods you might notice in screencaps that I didn't create that are not part of this, but I thought I would advertise since they are still observable in the screencaps: Upper Shadowlands grass is from this mod (file: LKA_Grass.tga) by MadDerp but was recolored to be more silvery. Some of the wood, trim, lights, doors and bark is from this mod by Curtis1973. -------------------------- I don't know if this is K1R compatible or not...
  16. Oh! I didn't realize that one had the mask/goggle hooks. Thanks!
  17. Hello, From looking around the forum it seems it would be really difficult to add mask and goggle hooks to the female twilek models for K1? But if it perhaps isn't and someone is able to, that would be wonderful. I've been trying to port the twilek head in this mod to K1, but can't get the head to sit right on the body and/or work with either its own animation or that of the body (as I was using P_BastilaBA/BB for the body models, I didn't want to port a TSL female twilek body). But if there was a way to port this head, since it already has mask/goggle hooks, that would basically accomplish the task. If anyone can help that would be amazing!
  18. bump (K1) I have been experimenting with feat.2da trying to set it so at the beginning of the game each class has all three levels of implants but it crashes the game. Per implant 01, 02, and 03 rows, I input the following: mincharlevel = **** scd_list = 3 scd_granted = 1 sol_list = 3 sol_granted = 1 sct_list = 3 sct_granted = 1 I noticed it did not crash when I did the same thing for armor (sans implant changes). But then I went through and massively edited the feats (still following the above pattern and trying to avoid ones that seem "special" like Scoundrel's Luck), and it is crashing again. Somewhere it is encountering fatal contradictions, but I don't know where... Speculations: perhaps I am not being careful enough with what numbers to plug in - as I am looking for most feats I'm altering being available in the beginning of the game, list=3 & granted=1 seems to be appropriate perhaps there is another 2da file that holds more class/feat information that is now at odds with my edits in feat.2da perhaps some of the feats are hard coded while others are not
  19. Oh I see... MDLEdit changes all the texture names for you! How handy. Okay now I believe this problem is solved for real. I'm going to summarize for any fellow n00bs who arrive in the future (however unlikely) using my n00b speak: The mdl file connects back to Mission's original texture files all throughout. For instance under Geometry, then (skin) head, then Mesh, it lists P_MissionH01 for Texture 1. This definitely has to be changed to NEW_MissH01. But fortunately, you don't have to change it, or go through and find all the other texture file names to change. Under Edit, then Textures, you can rename the textures used, click the checkboxes, and it will apply them throughout.
  20. Apparently I declared victory too soon. Unbeknownst to me, the game was still using P_MissionH01 for the head of my new Mission PC. I am flummoxed again. Summary of what I've done so far: ------------- Extracted all of Mission's texture files into the Override folder and named them: NEW_MissA.mdl NEW_MissA.mdx NEW_MissA01.tga NEW_MissB.mdl NEW_MissB.mdx NEW_MissB01.tga NEW_MissH.mdl NEW_MissH.mdx NEW_MissH01.tga ------------- Using MDLedit, changed the headings in the mdl files: For NEW_MissA.mdl Model Name: NEW_MissA Supermodel: NEW_MissB For NEW_MissB.mdl Model Name: NEW_MissB Supermodel: S_Female03 (unchanged--this was the default) For NEW_MissH.mdl Model Name: NEW_MissH Supermodel: NEW_MissB ------------- heads.2da has the following entry: NEW_MissH (for row 108 where the original mod has her head entry) ------------- appearance.2da row 510 (added for Mission PC) has the following entries: label: NEW_Mission race: P_MissionBB normalhead: 108 backuphead: ***** modela: NEW_MissA texa: NEW_MissA modelb: NEW_MissB texb: NEW_MissB ------------- The result is that although it is using the NEW_MissA and NEW_MissB files, it is still using P_MissionH for the head. Does anyone know why? I really appreciate any assistance!
  21. Thanks @Ashton Scorpius - it was the mdl/mdx files I was missing. It works now.
  22. Hello, This mod allows one to play Mission as a PC: https://www.gamefront.com/games/knights-of-the-old-republic/file/playable-aliens It makes changes to appearance.2da, heads.2da and portraits.2da - to just drop in override folder. Mission (and the other added PCs in the mod) each have an additional entry in each 2da file. I would like to play Mission with one color of head while the in-game NPC Mission has a different color of head (so they are not identical). I tried changing the name on the new entry for Mission in heads.2da and then renaming the head tga file to match. This however left my Mission PC with no head at all. What am I missing? Thanks!
  23. Hello, I've been using Bastila's underwear P_BastilaBA01 as the main underwear of many characters in the game but if I use it for the PC and/or NPCs other than Bastila, it will of course affect Bastila as well (e.g. now her skin below the head might be green). I'm trying to basically figure out if it's possible to create more than one P_BastilaBA so that one character can have one version and another can have another (but without trying to use the Bastila slave outfit). I've noticed some mods that might be doing something like this that just create a random name for race, model a and texa a (like P_Bast88 instead of P_BastilaBB/P_BastilaBA). However if I try something like that and rename P_BastilaBA01.tga to P_Bast88.tga in the override folder, it freezes the game. I'm guessing this is because it's more complicated than just renaming the file and making these changes in appearance.2da. I mean, arbitrarily defining a new race and model just in appearance.2da that has no original file but just an override entry, seems like something that would indeed crash the game. It's confusing (if I imagine myself as the game). What am I missing?
  24. This makes sense - the brown is probably just "off-red" in the same file. I also wonder if the white light is in there too as often times white remains after a simple hue/color adjustment.