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Everything posted by Gimmick5000

  1. Hi! I released a v1.3. Check the Downloads section on this website.
  2. Looked it up just now. I found their suite of tools... You/we are using tlk2xml then I assume?
  3. a few characters longer than the line originally was and then 9017 becomes blank when I convert the txt to tlk with TLKTOTXT converter. Dont know the version, how can I tell? V1.3 is now live. Can you try with that? I've checked up on your line 2770 which is in k_hcar_dialog.dlg, and it shows up fine in DLG Editor now
  4. Found it, sort of. If I change line 4929 into something too long, lines 9000-9020 become corrupt. Not all, sometimes a few, sometimes just 1 or 2. I've kept 4929 shorter now, it will have to do. I'm playing the game with my edited .tlk, but it goes slow. Who knows what I'll find during my playthrough... If this kind of thing keeps happening I'm pulling my upload though. For now I'll upload 1.3 soon edit: there are other lines that are causing the same issue... I couldn't make lines 4929 to 4989 too much longer than they are originally, or the tlk would get corrupted. (Line 9017 to be exact?)
  5. It's really odd, I took the vanilla .tlk and (through copy and paste) noticed that all the lines from 5000 - 49500 are ok, but if I paste 0 -4999 in it results in a corrupt .tlk file. Even after doing all edits 0 - 5000 by hand. I think here is a weird character somewhere that is causing this... I'll keep looking but it takes time.
  6. weird, lines 900x are still appearing blank in my .tlk Might have something to do with ANSI / UTF encoding, i'll keep looking in to this
  7. View File eXtensive Dialog Overhaul Usage: Install and update to KotOR 1.03. Make a backup of the dialog.tlk file. Overwrite your own dialog.tlk with the one supplied. update: Playing the game gives some extra insight and I am not happy with some changes I made. Also some VO lines don't correspond with their subs. Expect updates every now and then. This project, I dubbed eXtensive Dialog Overhaul (XDO), is an edited dialog.tlk file that has 9409 (v1.0) changes incorporated. The actual reason I started the project is two-fold: over-usage of the - (hyphen) and I found some responses lacking maturity. The whole project started somewhere in 2019 and has grown into a complete dialog review on all lines of text in the dialog.tlk. It consists of (but is not limited to): -corrected typos, punctuation, spacing errors, omitted words, consistency in spelling and Star Wars spelling. -rephrased some words and many sentences, or fleshed them out; especially in NPC banter/dialogue. I've tried to diversify some standard lines like "Goodbye" or "I want to ask you..." -rephrased most [Force Persuade] lines into more like the Jedi mind trick. -changes to usage of semicolons (;), numbers/digits, hyphens (-), -replaced round brackets () with square brackets [] for some descriptive lines, or added them in some cases. BioWare was really inconsistent with those and I left alone many cases where they are missing. -replaced () for ** in case of descriptive sounds (burp, snort, ahem) and some interjections. I tried to make it consistent so I thought ** the best option. Actual sounds are excluded (Onomatopoeia) -replaced ALLCAPS for *asterisk* in case of emphasized (be it angry, stressed, or sarcastic) but not shouted words. It is not considered good practice to use CAPS for emphasizing words. I kept a list of all the changes, it is in the download. Except for punctuation, I only edited PC response or alien dialog, because of the human lines being voiced over (some may have slipped through) and I tried to stay true to the original lines. British spelling ("travelling, licence") and US spelling ("colors, rumors") are used inconsistently, I decided to leave it alone in most cases. I made changes by converting the .tlk to .txt and then editing the .txt while keeping a list of all changes I made (this list is supplied as XDO_Changelog_[version].txt). After converting back to .tlk I checked the actual dialog (with DLGedit) for context. For all spelling I used several online dictionaries as a guideline. Thanks go to: Salk -- for helping and reviewing my edits and providing fixes and suggestions Kainzorus Prime -- for creating and letting me use some of his changes in "PC Response Moderation" mod Fred Tetra -- for creating the KotOR tool Fair Strides -- for creating the DLG Editor, TLKtoTXT tool and the TalkEd tool DrMcCoy -- for explaining how to play back streamwave files -> DarthParametric -- for pointing out additions/edits KnifeMaster -- for pointing out additions/edits Submitter Gimmick5000 Submitted 12/12/2022 Category Mods K1R Compatible No  
  8. I'm now playing the game and I'm not particularly happy with some of my edits. I Will continue playing and see what doesn't really work. There's also a lot of mistakes in the original subtitles that you can only find if you compare the subs to the audio. Something I have not done for every line. Expect a 1.1 soon(ish)
  9. Version 1.3


    Usage: Install and update to KotOR 1.03. Make a backup of the dialog.tlk file. Overwrite your own dialog.tlk with the one supplied. update: Playing the game gives some extra insight and I am not happy with some changes I made. Also some VO lines don't correspond with their subs. Expect updates every now and then. This project, I dubbed eXtensive Dialog Overhaul (XDO), is an edited dialog.tlk file that has 9409 (v1.0) changes incorporated. The actual reason I started the project is two-fold: over-usage of the - (hyphen) and I found some responses lacking maturity. The whole project started somewhere in 2019 and has grown into a complete dialog review on all lines of text in the dialog.tlk. It consists of (but is not limited to): -corrected typos, punctuation, spacing errors, omitted words, consistency in spelling and Star Wars spelling. -rephrased some words and many sentences, or fleshed them out; especially in NPC banter/dialogue. I've tried to diversify some standard lines like "Goodbye" or "I want to ask you..." -rephrased most [Force Persuade] lines into more like the Jedi mind trick. -changes to usage of semicolons (;), numbers/digits, hyphens (-), -replaced round brackets () with square brackets [] for some descriptive lines, or added them in some cases. BioWare was really inconsistent with those and I left alone many cases where they are missing. -replaced () for ** in case of descriptive sounds (burp, snort, ahem) and some interjections. I tried to make it consistent so I thought ** the best option. Actual sounds are excluded (Onomatopoeia) -replaced ALLCAPS for *asterisk* in case of emphasized (be it angry, stressed, or sarcastic) but not shouted words. It is not considered good practice to use CAPS for emphasizing words. I kept a list of all the changes, it is in the download. Except for punctuation, I only edited PC response or alien dialog, because of the human lines being voiced over (some may have slipped through) and I tried to stay true to the original lines. British spelling ("travelling, licence") and US spelling ("colors, rumors") are used inconsistently, I decided to leave it alone in most cases. I made changes by converting the .tlk to .txt and then editing the .txt while keeping a list of all changes I made (this list is supplied as XDO_Changelog_[version].txt). After converting back to .tlk I checked the actual dialog (with DLGedit) for context. For all spelling I used several online dictionaries as a guideline. Thanks go to: Salk -- for helping and reviewing my edits and providing fixes and suggestions Kainzorus Prime -- for creating and letting me use some of his changes in "PC Response Moderation" mod Fred Tetra -- for creating the KotOR tool Fair Strides -- for creating the DLG Editor, TLKtoTXT tool and the TalkEd tool DrMcCoy -- for explaining how to play back streamwave files -> DarthParametric -- for pointing out additions/edits KnifeMaster -- for pointing out additions/edits
  10. the supplied dialog.tlk is a valid file and should not break your game, it's just not finished yet. Oh pleeeease make a backup of your original .tlk ! If it breaks I cannot, will not and should not be held responsible...
  11. Google drive folder is shared again, RevanBeta. Strange, I though it was open... mumble mumble
  12. Probably not. I've no experience with modding kotor android. Is it even on android? Probably not, although I don't know what there would be to fix, but that's just me not having any experience with KotOR on other platforms. This is not a mod persé but a replacement .tlk file in which I've edited about 8000 dialog lines
  13. Hi, Currently checking if all changes got in the .tlk and even sometimes editing. I'm roughly 2/5's done (line 20000 of 49000) It's all work done in spare time so it goes slow
  14. It's done. Severely overhauled dialog, completely spellchecked, and checked for consistency and Star Wars related errors. Roughly 8300 changes have been made. I'll provide a readme/changelog. 3 things left to do: -I'm now checking if all changes got into the new .tlk file which will take several hours yet. -Do a compare of the original .tlk to the new one to see if I f-ed up somewhere -I've yet to play -or at least start up- the game with my .tlk file I did change some init, spawn, etc, stuff (some items were mass edited) so I hope that doesn't break anything. Here is a sneak peak: I'll be uploading the .tlk file as a new mod somewhere next week or the week after that, I think...
  15. @DarthParametricI've seen names being spelled wrong on instances like this one: String 35009: Flags: Sound: Yes SoundLength: 0.0 Text Present: Yes Audio: Text: Shealas inits Do you know if it will break anything if I correct names for "inits" or "waypoints" entries? (Name shoud be Shaelas)
  16. How can you be sure? You can never verify that it works flawlessly for EVERYONE on every version... Just because it works for you and 10 others does't mean it has to work for me and 10 others. Some info that might contribute anything to the trouble I'm having: I'm running Windows 10 21H1 but have had problems since... I dont know... a year? Maybe two... Fresh installed this new laptop few months ago. But you could be right, maybe it's security, drivers, a certain VC++ version difference? Somethign else that was added to the system. Software that boots on startup? I'm an admin on my own system but UAC is turned on, so DLGeditor asks if it can run elevated everytime It is all a moot point anyway, I'm having trouble running it. Period. Which is fixed using an app compat shim. Period. Someone else might benefit from this info here.
  17. -Put the file in a folder in downloads, DON'T put in in Program Files, it wont work there. I put mine in "C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\dlgeditor_234" -create a SHIM for it using the Application Compatibility Toolkit (google for it, its a Microsoft tool) and set RunAsAdmin and Windows XP servicepack 3 options. See screenshot. -Save the shim and import it by typing the following in a CMD prompt as admin: sdbinst "C:\Users\%username%\Downloads\dlgeditor_234\dlgeditor_234_SHIM.sdb" Change the folders and name to where you saved the .sdb file on your system dlgeditor_234, indeed. I can't run it anymore. Well, I can again now after creating the Shim for it.
    Great tool!!! I got this bad boy working again under Windows 10 through a Shim. (Application Compatibilty Toolkit). Just choose XP service Pack 3 and RunAsAdmin as options/solutonsfor the Shim Just PM me if you need info
  18. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get DLG_edit to work under Windows 10. Tried all the compatibilty settings. Been wrestling with this a few times the past months (or years, I guess). Can't finish this without that tool 😢 10056 fixed in next version 14920 fixed in next version 20851 fixed in next version 20851 had that 44016 fixed in next version The aft is the rear part (stern) of the ship, so the cells are probably in the rear of the ship Guess I'll pick this project up again...
  19. Got it, repeats at 40049 Ah you've resparked my interest in this. I *will* finish this!