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About W66BloodDagger

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. Installing I seem to have an issue with the Khoonda Movie Terminal package. "• Error: Destination file "Modules\603DAN_s.rim" does not exist at the specified location! Skipping section" This was copied directly from the program. I checked my modules folder and 603DAN_s.rim is indeed present. Any advice? For now I will be the particular package, but help would be appreciated. Please and thank you.
  2. Hello, I am using the newest version of the restored content mod. I have located each of the Jedi and am to return to Dantooine Enclave. I have gotten the quest, spoken to Kreia, and the cutscene that unlocks the Rebuilt Enclave plays. When I enter through the door the cutscene involving Nihilus and Tobin plays. Afterwards the screen fades black and nothing happens. I am able to bring up a screen and save my game for some reason. If done and reload the save my location is 853NIH and my character is completely different. I was able to bypass this issue. If I brought up the menu and then closed it, I found I was able to input cheats. I was able to warp into the Enclave Courtyard as normal. If I re-enter the Rebuilt Enclave, the cutscene where Kreia mentions it has been a long time plays, and the same error occurs. I can warp out again. Upon re-entry Kreia is near the entrance but invisible. If I speak to her, the cutscene where Exile kills the 3 masters plays, and then the game crashes. If I instead go to where the Masters are, nothing will happen. If I interact with the masters, they turn to face me but will not speak. Any help would be much appreciated! I have saves before each of the cutscenes mentioned above, as well as one before I left the Ebon Hawk. Please and Thank you.