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Files posted by Shem

  1. Prequel-Style Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Well everybody the wait is officially OVER I just got this mod from Shem and I have to say I think you all will be really excited about it. These robes are the robes Shem uses in most of his pictures for PotD's of Kotor. These robes are all made to Custom specifiations of all of your party members, or at least the ones that are Jedi anyway. Here is a little quote from Shem's readme on how these robes are made for specific players...

    Now as you can see from the quote Shem put a lot of effort into these robes but not all of the effort was his. Prime made the base of the robes that are being used here. Shem also has made all of the PC's robes race related, which means that if you are playing as an African American PC the body texture will show the skin on the body as the color of the PC's head. These robes will also replace all of the original bioware robes to give you a good looking aresenal of cool robes. As a bonus Shem has also added a couple of really cool things to the game, but you are going to have to work to get them as they are being sold at Crattis Yurkal's shop on dantooine. If you don't know where that is just refer to the readme. So all I have to say is nice job Shem on the mod, it is always good to see one of my fellow modders make an awesome mod. Also Shem and I want to give personal thanks to the creator of the base of mod Prime for allowing Shem to add on such an awesome mod. I hope everybody loves this mod as much as I think you guys will, enjoy!  

    Check out Prime's website for more of his awesome mods.
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (3 reviews)



  2. Darth Nihilus Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Sith Lords are so cool, I love the way the game creators and movie directors make them. They are just so evil and awesome looking. A lot of them like Darth Sion, Darth Revan, and even Darth Vader (for the time that they created him in) had awesome looking clothing and were just SO immensely evil. That is the on thing the Jedi never had though, I mean they did look cool but not as cool as some of the Sith Lords. There also were other types of Sith Lords that just looked plain freaky; actually I should say there was one Sith Lord that took that part because really there was only one and that one Sith Lord was Darth Nihilus. He was just so freaky lookin� that he made you think he could beat you with one swipe of his saber, but we all know that is not true. Anyway though speaking of Darth Nihilus lets get into the review.
    To put it simple this mod that Shem made will let you get Darth Nihilus�s robes in game without having to type a long boring cheat or go through rigorous trials to get it. The robe will show up in the game twice, one on Korriban and once on Dxun. They both will be using a custom icon for these types of robes as an icon and both will have a Datapad which I don�t think will have anything to do with the mod. Needless to say though I am sure this will definitely be a preferred way to get these robes in game.
    I really have to say Shem this is a very simple but very awesome mod. So really good job. Now to all of you people out there just dying to get you hands on this one of a kind mod... enjoy.
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (2 reviews)



  3. Helena - Bastila's Mother Changes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Here we have a mod idea that no-one has done before. Have you ever wondered why Bastilla's mother was wearing a Jedi Robe instead of common peoples clothing, I mean considering she's in a place like a tatooine bar you'd think she'd be wearing common clothing. The second part to this mod also changers the messenger Malare's clothing to more common ones as well. To be honest that part didn't really phase me when I saw her in a dancers outfit, maybe because I'm not so picky Very simple mod that corrects mistakes in the game, and also very well done.
    - JediKilla


       (11 reviews)



  4. Creature Reskin Pack

    Original Review on Filefront:
    This is version two of the Character Reskin by Shem. Here's the first one with screenshots of the Vandar, Malak, Saul Karath, Star Forge Robes, and Sith Robe reskins. This is the review of the first one:

    This version adds sith eyes to the sith. Personally, I don't really understand the fascination with sith eyes, but it's there if you like them. For some of these skins, I didn't really notice much of a difference from the originals. Some are very different, like the new skins for Yuthara, Uther, Jorak, Bandon, and Vandar look different and the first two are well-done, though I didn't really see much of a differnce of the new Malak, and Saul Karath. And personally I think he went a bit overboard with the black on the sith as now it's really difficult to see the details of the fabric. I think the problem is is that he tried to do too many reskins and so none of them have many details on them. Try not doing so much in the future. Anyway, good work and I hope to see more from you!  



       (2 reviews)



  5. Ultimate Sound Mod

    Original Review on Filefront:
    The ear is impressively good at distinguishing the most minute of differences between sounds, however without a context or direct comparison it can do an amazingly poor job at just that. This is why judging a sound mod just from listening to the sounds won't give you a clear picture of how good (or bad) the mod really is. From listening to the sound files from this mod out of game, they didn't sound all that impressive. However from experience I know these findings are generally inaccurate. Testing this mod in-game proved just that.
    Just from the saber ignite sounds I knew this was going to be a very popular sound mod. Try it out and you'll see what I mean. Shem has taken some of the sound effects from the recent (as well as older) films and put them into KotOR and KotOR2. This not only adds a wider variety of sound variation, since the styles between the two trilogies are actually quite distinct, but it also simply improves the sounds, making them all the more impressive. Of course not only the saber ignition sounds have been changed. All the saber sounds, basically, have been enhanced, as well as several of the blaster sounds, using familiar sounds such as those from Han Solo's DL-44 pistol. Several Force sounds have also been changed, and luckily changing the Force saber throw sound to something that actually sounds like a saber has been a key change!
    This is definitely a mod to look into if you're either disappointed with KotOR or KotOR2's original sounds, or if you just enjoy hearing new sound variations added to the game. I'd certainly recommend it.
    Note: If I didn't make it clear in the review, this mod is compatible with both KotOR1 and KotOR2, so you can use it with either. Simply make sure to read the read-me before installing.


       (9 reviews)



  6. Handmaiden-style Undies For Female PCs

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Nice outfit - what, you miners change regulation uniforms while I've been in here?
    -Atton Rand
    That default underwear we get as an Exile resembles nothing as much as it does a burlap sack. Come on. If you have to run around most of the first planet in your knickers, shouldn't they at least be something attractive? And how about giving Atton a reason to snark about his "half naked interrogation fantasy?"
    Shem takes the handmaiden underwear - (that lovely bit of fan service for the guys when your male Exile wrestled Brianna) and turns it into default underwear for the rest of the female crew. Slinky black skivvies never go out of fashion, and cross universes well.
    Again, feedback both good and bad will assist greatly in helping the autor make more and imoroved mods in the future. They also make no profit off these ventures other than your feedback
    - Allronix


       (1 review)



  7. Bao-Dur Wears Jedi Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Anyone remember the history to do with this? A while ago (well over a year) on Holowan, getting Bao-Dur into Jedi robes was all but impossible - the models simply didn't mesh, and his head always floated above the robes some. Thankfully, Kristy Kistic was able to remedy the issue, but the mod was never released - until now, that is.
    Well, it basically does what I said there - fixes Bao-Dur's head, and causes it to no longer float above his head when he wears any robes. A much-needed fix indeed, for those of you who like to train him as a Jedi. Kudos to Shem for bringing this to the public at long last, and Kristy for making it in the first place!
    Anyways, to install this thing just run the TSLPatcher - it modifies appearance.2da. And also remember to cheat in one of his robes if you install this mod while having Bao-Dur in your party - the codes are 'baodurjedi' and 'baodursith' for the respective light and dark side-aligned ones.
    Note: Please remember to give the author of the mod feedback, as the download count isn't particularly verbose. Written comments tend to be much more useful and encouraging.
    -Emperor Devon


       (5 reviews)



  8. Real Names + Addon

    Original Review on Filefront (Base mod):
    Personally I couldn't care less if the handmaidens name in the game is "handmaiden" or the Disciple is "Disciple" for that matter. But if your a total KOTOR2 freak you may want this
    Original Review on Filefront (Addon):
    Now this is more like it. Not only did the author change the name but he made Canderous/Mandalore more powerful Sweet little mod. The first mod can be found here;43942


       (2 reviews)



  9. Bastila's Black Undies

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Bastila Clothes
    Shem's addition offers an attractive re-texturing to Bastila's "good" and "evil" undies. They are tailored in solid black, and resembled Brianna's underclothes from K2. In addition to being flattering, Bastila no longer looks like she's going topless during the Swoop race or the Leviathan torture scene.
    NOTE: If you download and use this mod, please leave comments and/or a review. Feedback is the only payment any fan artist gets, and it will help them produce more and better mods in the future!
    Review by Allronix


       (4 reviews)

    1 comment


  10. Increased Skills and Attributes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    If you're looking for a mod to give you a foot up on your game, check this one out. It is designed to help you start off stronger and become stronger at each level. How, you might ask? It will start your character off at 18 for each skill, and 4 for each attribute. This'll make your player character a little more self-sufficient at the beginning of the game! In order to take advantage of these starting stats you must either click "recommended" for skills and attributes when creating your character, or alternatively you can just use quick character creation and they will already be set.
    This mod also has a secondary function. It will also change skill bonuses to only cost one skill point, regardless of what it is. This is helpful if you're thinking twice about spending those precious skill points on a skill that costs more than one, because that's no longer an issue! This mod should be especially helpful for new players just getting into the game, or veteran players who just want a relaxed game with a bit less hassle. Keep it up Shem!


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  11. Carth's Republic Uniform Plus

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Our glorious leader Shem returns, with a mod that--as usual--you'll all enjoy. I know this because so many of you have already requested that he release this mod, after seeing it in some of his YouTube videos. Yes, Shem has finally released Carth's Republic Uniform--and then some.
    As you can tell from the screenshot, Carth will now wear the Republic soldier variant armor during his brief appearance on the Endar Spire. He will also be wearing this armor when you first wake up on Taris. Carth is a Republic soldier, so it's only natural that he wear the armor of one. However, he wouldn't make it ten feet out of the apartment parading around in that thing without being captured by Sith. So as soon as Carth leaves the apartment, you should switch to his classic Orange Jacket of Doom so the Sith won't know who he is. I guess it's supposed to be a flight suit, seeing as Carth's a pilot.
    In any case, once Carth joins the party, he will have two sets of armor in his inventory: first, as I said before, the flight jacket, and second, his set of Republic armor that he was wearing earlier. They have identical properties, so you're free to pick which one you think is appropriate. Personally, I think it makes more sense for Carth to wear his jacket, for reasons already mentioned. Anyway, as I said, they have identical properties, properties good enough that you'll want Carth to wear them. While the defense bonus for each set of armor is moderate, they give a whopping +5 to Carth's regeneration rate. And they can only be worn by Carth of course; how Shem managed to do this may be of interest to some of you modders out there. Carth also comes with a few extra items, some credits, medpacks, an extra blaster, and such, but it will be more fun for you to be surprised.
    The mod uses the TSL patcher, of course; however, the Republic armor uses the J slot in appearance.2da, so it won't be compatible with mods that allow Carth to wear Revan's robes. Well, it should be compatible, but Carth won't be able to wear the armor after you install this mod. And you'll need WinRAR/7zip to extract the files. Enjoy!
    NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.


       (4 reviews)

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  12. Darth Malak -- IMPROVED

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Are you tired of kicking Malak's ass? I know I get ready guys and girls for the new and improved Malak! Here we have one beefed up dude ready to give you a whoopin This little mod does what it is meant to and to great effect. Have fun guys
    - JediKilla


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  13. Playable Dopak

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Well, what do we have here? Shem has finally released his Playable Dopak mod. I say finally because he's been using that head to make YouTube videos for ages, and now he's decided to give all of you out there the chance to use it as well. Now, let's see...there are six parts of a head mod that I can think of: there's the head skin, the dark side transitions, the portraits, the basic clothing, the underwear, and of course there's all that .2da editing that you won't have to worry about because this mod uses the TSL Patcher. So let's start with the head skin.
    Well, it's Dopak. Not much more to say than that. Dopak is one of the mercenaries on Dantooine that hangs out with Azkul by the old ruins. He's the guy with whom Zherron has been secretly trading messages, and he'll give you his opinion about the settlers, the administrator, and just about everyone on the planet. Shem took Dopak's head and made it as an optional head for a male Exile. As for dark side transitions, there's one skin, featuring Sith eyes similar to the ones that Anakin gets in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. And of course there are custom portraits included.
    One of the things I've noticed that most modders include with head mods is custom underwear and clothing for their character. Well, this is no exception. Dopak will have a black jumpsuit instead of a potato sack and red bowling shoes. And the clothing is a reskin of Jolee's clothing from Knights of the Old Republic I, I believe--just one of many KotOR I elements left over in the game files.
    And that's about it. If you're looking for another head option, well here you go. As I mentioned earlier, the TSL patcher will install everything. Make sure you select your SWKotOR2 folder, not the Override folder. And you'll need WinRAR/7zip to extract the files. Enjoy!
    NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  14. Enhanced Merchants

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Well again Shem brings us another one of his awesome merchant mods and this time it is for TSL so you all can tell this is going to be really cool. This one does bascially the same thing as the K1 version of this mod but with a twist, it is for TSL. Again this does upgrade a good majority of the merchants in TSL like it did in K1... 90% to be exact. Now as before he wasd thinking of all of you guys who just have too much moeny for your own good, so now also in TSL you can get rid of those pesky credits that you just seem to accumulate. So all in all like I said in my last review of the K1 version of this mod I really do find it quite beneficial and overall great to have in the game.
    Now as I said my personal opinion of this mod is that it is a real asset to the game andI think he did a great job on it, I also do highly recommend putting it into your game just to have all of those benefits. Anway though as always enjoy and please make sure you downloads this one right away...Enjoy people!
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (3 reviews)

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  15. Ultimate Sound Mod

    TSL version only!
    Original Review on Filefront:
    The ear is impressively good at distinguishing the most minute of differences between sounds, however without a context or direct comparison it can do an amazingly poor job at just that. This is why judging a sound mod just from listening to the sounds won't give you a clear picture of how good (or bad) the mod really is. From listening to the sound files from this mod out of game, they didn't sound all that impressive. However from experience I know these findings are generally inaccurate. Testing this mod in-game proved just that.
    Just from the saber ignite sounds I knew this was going to be a very popular sound mod. Try it out and you'll see what I mean. Shem has taken some of the sound effects from the recent (as well as older) films and put them into KotOR and KotOR2. This not only adds a wider variety of sound variation, since the styles between the two trilogies are actually quite distinct, but it also simply improves the sounds, making them all the more impressive. Of course not only the saber ignition sounds have been changed. All the saber sounds, basically, have been enhanced, as well as several of the blaster sounds, using familiar sounds such as those from Han Solo's DL-44 pistol. Several Force sounds have also been changed, and luckily changing the Force saber throw sound to something that actually sounds like a saber has been a key change!
    This is definitely a mod to look into if you're either disappointed with KotOR or KotOR2's original sounds, or if you just enjoy hearing new sound variations added to the game. I'd certainly recommend it.
    Note: If I didn't make it clear in the review, this mod is compatible with both KotOR1 and KotOR2, so you can use it with either. Simply make sure to read the read-me before installing.


       (4 reviews)

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  16. Shem's Improved Malak

    Part of the...

    Title            : Darth Malak - IMPROVED
    Author            : Shem
    Date Released        : 10/27/05
    Description:        Is Darth Malak just getting too easy?  If think so, then this mod is for you.  If Darth Malak is just right or still too hard, I would not download this mod yet.  It's pretty easy to guess by the title of this mod that Darth Malak is going to be a tougher opponent.  How I did it is your question.  Well, here is your answer.
    Darth Malak in default has these stats (for those who didn't know).
                Strength 29
                Dexterity 18
                Constitution 23
                Intelligence 15
                Wisdom 15
                Charisma 20
    What I have done is add ten points to each of those stats.  Darth Malak now has these stats
                Strength 39
                Dexterity 28
                Constitution 33
                Intelligence 25
                Wisdom 25
                Charisma 30
    I also made his lightsaber more deadly.  Malak's lightsaber by damage by default is 2-16 energy damage.  I changed that so now it's 42-56 energy damage.  So be prepared.  I also have given Malak new feats.
                Improved Toughness
                Master Toughness
    Still not enough for you?  Malak now regenerates his life.  He regenerates 20 of his vitality points every two seconds.  If you are wondering if that is it, it isn't.  Malak also has been given an extra 10 points to his Defense Bonus.  Oh, and I also have given him an extra 10 points to his Attack Bonus.
    What I did something very simple.  As some of you have found out, to get Darth Malak's lightsaber, you type in "giveitem g_w_lghtsbr06".  
    However, when you fight Darth Malak on the Star Forge, his lightsaber is using a different tag.  I simple modified the different tag to improve Darth Malak.  These reason why I chose to modify his lightsaber stats instead of Malak's tag is because the tag used for Malak in the final duel is the same tag used on Deck 3 on the Star Forge.  As some modders have found out that if you modify a person's tag and there is another in the same that has the same name, then if screws up one of the spawns in the game.
    Very Important:     When you put in the mod, don't just open a save that has you on Deck 4, where you go and confront Malak on the Star Forge.  Your current game CAN NOT be on the final duel, or the new modification will not take effect.  You will have to go to a previous save that never has been on the final duel map.  If your closest save is a long way away from Malak, and you really want to test it out right away, I would suggest you warp to Deck 4 of the Star Forge.  To do that type "warp sta_m45ad" (without quotes).
    Comments :       Comments, and feedback are always good.  If you wish to tell me what you think, do it in the LucasForums at Taris Upper City Emporium.
    Instructions:      Just put the .uti file in the Override directory folder and enjoy the new challenge from Darth Malak.
    Special Thanks:     A big thanks to Sergio for his hard work to get PC Game Mods going again.  We appreciate all you do.


       (0 reviews)

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  17. Custom Party Member Portraits

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Our dear and glorious leader Shem returns with an update to his Custom Party Member Portraits mod. Well, two updates, actually--but this one is for K1 (the K2 version will be along shortly). For those of you unfamiliar with the mod, Shem has replaced each party member's portrait with a close-up screenshot. The first version of the mod was released over a year ago. Well, Shem decided that he could do a better job, and is back with more.
    Once again, each party member's portrait is replaced with a close-up screenshot over a light-colored background. Even Trask gets a new portrait for his brief stint as a party member. Also included is an alternate portrait for HK-47, with the assassin droid we all know in love sporting a blaster rifle, as well as alternates for Jolee and Juhani, to go with two other mods Shem has released in the past (the first replaces Jolee with a Yoda-species, and the second replaces Juhani with a reskin of one of the player appearances).
    Not much else to say; if you like the look of the new portraits, give it a download. As for me, I think this version is even better than the first. Enjoy!
    NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.


       (2 reviews)



  18. Jolee Turns Into a Yoda Species

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Ever since Yoda's introduction in The Empire Strikes Back the tiny green muppet has inspired thousands. His appearances in the prequel films solidified his fan following which spawned various spin offs, such as Yaddle or, as are probably more familiar with, Master Vandar.
    We were blessed to be given a Yoda-inspired model with Knights of the Old Republic, and your friendly neighborhood manager Shem was not about to give up an opportunity to expand this model's role within the game. This mod will change Jolee Bindo's appearance to that of Master Vandar, but with some modifications so it's not a direct copy of the pint-sized Jedi master. Only the appearance is changed, so you don't have to worry about losing Jolee's unique sense of humor and his wit.
    Shem was kind in the way he designed this mod so that if you want to uninstall it at any point, you won't need to do any fancy 2da editing to get good ol' Jolee back. Just delete the UTC files and you're set! It also makes use of the TSL Patcher for easy installation. This mod includes a very nicely made custom icon, a new color scheme for the Yoda model, and some differently-colored robes. It's a fun mod, so if you don't mind Jolee looking a little green I'd definitely recommend giving it a try!
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (3 reviews)



  19. Force Power Progression

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Here we have a mod by our newest staff member JediShemL. This mod changes the way each Jedi Class gains their Force Powers per level. Every now and then your jedi will get two powers, then next level he will get one. It is pretty much random the way he has set it up. As for balance, I would have to say this mod is as balanced as it could be. The noticable difference that this mod has to other feat/force power gain mods is that it changes the rate at which your specific class gains powers.
    - JediKilla


       (3 reviews)



  20. Custom Party Member Portraits

    Original Review on FIlefront:
    As promised, the Knights of the Old Republic II update of Shem's Custom Party Member Portraits mod is here! For those of you unfamiliar with the mod, Shem has replaced all of the party member portraits--and I mean all party members. The new portraits are close-up screenshots on a light-colored background, as opposed to the hand-drawn style of the originals.
    Now, one of the major differences between KotOR I and KotOR II is that in K1 there are only nine party members, and that was it. Well, ten if you include Trask. And you can't change any of their alignments (without cheating ), so they have no dark side transitions. Well, in K2, everything changes. There are a total of twelve party members, several of which have dark side transitions. And of course Shem has made new portraits for each party member, dark side transitions included. Note that this only applies to the five trainable Jedi: Atton, Bao-Dur, Brianna the Handmaiden, Mical the Disciple, and Mira. If and when they fall to the dark side, they will get the Sith eyes featured in one of Shem's other mods. Visas doesn't have any eyes, so instead she gets a different color background, and she faces in a different direction. Oh, and Bao-Dur also has his dark side tattoos.
    Now, remember how I said that every party member gets a portrait? Well, yup, all of them, including C3-FD, that little utility droid from the Prologue (for those of you who even play it ), as well as temporary characters B-4D4 and Bao-Dur's remote. And even Atris gets a new portrait, even though she's not actually a party member; there is some evidence that the developers intended for her to be one originally, since they took the time to make her a portrait, and some her files have the "Player_" prefix reserved for party members. In any case, Shem decided to give Atris a new portrait, for fun (apparently ).
    And not only that, but there are a few alternates to choose from. Just like in the K1 version, HK-47 gets an alternate portrait, featuring the smart-mouthed assassin droid brandishing one of his beloved blaster rifles. Also included is an alternate portrait for Kreia her hood off, to go along with another mod Shem released, and Mandalore/Canderous with his helmet off, since Obsidian made a Canderous model with his helmet off, but never had time to add it to the game.
    Not much else to say. If you like the new portraits, then click the download button now. Enjoy!
    NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.


       (5 reviews)



  21. Exile's Atris-style Robes

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Before we get into the review, we should all give a big hand to mjpb3 and Oldflash for making these robes possible.
    Now you're wanting to know what I'm talking about, I'm sure. This mod gives a set of playable Atris-style robes for the female Exile. That's right! Those same robes Atris wears. Well, not the same. These robes, a Jedi and Sith version, are brown and black respectively. They also have some very nice stats, but there are quite a few of them so I won't list them here. Just take my word for it that they're handy stats to have.
    You will receive these robes in normal gameplay when Kreia joins your party. Shem uses his usual wit to come up with a great way to have these puppies drop into your inventory as soon as she joins your party by placing them in Kreia's shield slots. Since this is an incompatible item for that slot, they simply "fall off" right into your inventory! Is that ingenius or what? So yes, you will receive both of these robes, relatively early on, without needing to use cheats.
    "But I've already started a game!" you might say. That's where cheats or the KotOR savegame editor will come in handy. To use cheats, simply type "giveitem exilef1" for the Sith robes, or "giveitem exilef2" for the Jedi robes. Shem has also made this mod compatible with his own Prequel Style Robes mod. One last goodie is that there are two versions of this mod: one for black females and another for asian/caucasion females, so you won't have to worry about having caucasian hands if you play one of the black female characters!
    This mod is a must have, as is the original by mjpb3, so if you're looking to spice up your TSL experience for your female character I strongly recommend it. No sense in letting Atris have those cool robes to herself, is there?
    Note: Please leave the author feedback, especially if you download this mod and use it. It really helps encourage the author to make more mods in the future.


       (2 reviews)



  22. Prequel Sabers

    Original Review on Filefront:
    Here we have a mod that will add the various colour lightsabers to the game. They come in blue, red, green, and purple, white and also just for the people here who download here at some bonus colours! Now I wont disclose what the new colours are, hehe you'll just have to see for yourself
    I find the colours to be very much like the ones in the movies, more-so episodes One, Two and Three. The only colour I don't like is the yellow colour. I feel it should be a bit brighter to further extentuate it's power. But none the less these are very well made and add more variation to the defaults. You have a nice eye for detail.
    Keep up the great work.
    - JediKilla


       (3 reviews)

