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Everything posted by Black_Rogue

  1. I like all of your points except 4, personally after finishing KOTOR 2, I would rather see a sequel with the player being the Exile again, finding Revan and uniting the galaxy to face the true enemy lurking in the unknown regions waiting to present itself "would have been a 3x more powerful Sith empire" with the ending being LS Exile LS Revan = using said forces to battle the enemy, thus saving galaxy. LS exile DS Revan = plot twist Revan had exile as a toolbag to muster the best forces he could, to then be destroyed by the empire that Revan secretly was the head of, exile then had to kill Revan. DS exile LS Revan = You fight Sith Empire, become Ruler of the Galaxy, making Revan therefore have to kill you to ensure peace. And DS exile DS Revan = Revan uses you as tool, but respects each other enough, becomes Empire v Empire battle, Exiles Empire wins, then you have to kill Revan to ensure no more rival powers start. It's just my personal view, of course - the game would be graphically overhauled "but still have same look as the rest, feature many reoccurring planets from both Kotor and the 2nd, still have the Ebon Hawk HK, T3 and maybe Atton "everyone needs a pilot" Along with a random event Generator "something that can randomly spawn in beasts and thugs" and new loot
  2. it was always called remote anyway I think he died at the factory, or at least in the military base/sub levels "which I feel in the second time around started weird" since it explains why he is using the remote to set the generator instead of himself, and the dialogue containing his departure with HK
  3. [Mod-Note: Please do not double-post, as per the Site Rules, Rule 8, Section 6 and its supplementary thread. In addition (just helping), there should be a quote and an edit button in the lower-right corner of your posts and a quote button in the same area in others' posts. If you're on mobile, you might have to use the Full Version of the site...] still cant figure out how to quote, anyway about all the things you have changed hassat, 1. unless I forgot about this, you've added cinematic of the exile walking towards the jedi master chambers 2. Atris started talking earlier in walk 3 and you've added new camera cut to Atris's walk back during her talk with Brianna 4 "maybe?" you have shortened the camera time on the shut door All in all it looks good [EDIT 1:] Darkchocolate lets not forget the heissis glitch on korriban
  4. never played K1, but i'm seriously considering getting it, unless there are some old requirements needed that differ from Kotor2 speaking of which, is there a forum to discus how it could be better? Or is can I just use this? Either way my biggest tidbit about Kotor 2, after installing TSLRCM "besides overall game shortness" was Malochor, it for an ending was good but the planet itself wasn't, If you allow someone to take 2 hours worth of side character skill customizations and then you throw all of it away except for 3 characters "handmaiden solo, Atton solo, Mira solo" it gets a little ridiculous, that and its pretty quiet aside from GOTO-HK diolouge and mira-hanharrs. would have been interesting if the people in the academy talk to you, or you have hallucinations "like at the hidden sith tomb" on the planet surface. For enemies? storm beasts where weird, id rather have a lot of sith assassins and those horned blue goat things "Twigulktas?"
  5. HH would have been a cool alternate DS was to incriminate Ghent to get a Vaklu officer to go get a meeting arranged, that or run more Vaklu quests like the officer decommissioned one. Mandolore buts in about his friend, you could persuade him its a easier route to not interfere, better off you stay low, etc. I personally play the planets: Nar Shadda, "get HK " Onderon "2nd biggest planet set" Dantooine "crystals/Khonda war" Onderon again Korriban
  6. as far as I know, with just TSLRCM, that's not possible to blow up the planet the Ravager needs to wreck into telos
  7. wow never knew that HH, I probably need to read more thoroughly through the read me
  8. might have been your arsenal, if you played normal and he was tough that might have been caused by him not targeting u first, and cutting down your only support. Remember if you set mandolore to be best with ranged weapon like most people do, he will probably defect his blows, visas has always been a pushover for me, she needs to be that "big gun, little armor" character that you keep him from hitting, mainly because I had her with standard clothes, and that is very vulnerable. Lastly remember he is a lord, and if you try to be a well rounded character, he most likely will block most of your force powers
  9. ok thanks! thanks for showing this to me, it is a good read and has a good sense of humor added to it also
  10. I cant quote for some reason. yes I was aware that's the goal, that was more of a "things I don't like about Kotor 2 " rant
  11. don't worry I got it second time around haha
  12. Thanks for the answers! really appreciate it. those where just a few lingering questions from my readings.
  13. "This droid has been damaged and does not appear to be functional"

  14. I don't hate anything about TSLRCM. =) Actually worth your time I don't like the "wave crusher" of bounty hunters added on nar shadda, but use T3 renewable shield + shock arm and go to town! comment about t3 prologue dialogue, when I heard his answers I thought to myself " and T3 turned into a mushroom from super Mario bros" with his " 3 year old " options, lol still really good though About kotor 2 though : 1. Khoonda private doors where pointless, I always thought they where for mercs but even then they weren't, if there were a couple containers in each + maybe 1 or two quest people "make the rooms like a dorm style" would be fun 2. The empty rooms/ cargo boxes on Nar Shaddaa refugee sector, both on the ground and in the surrounding walkways. Good quest area wasted. 3. The techniques you can teach you party are usually pointless "affect mind, dominate mind, breath control" 4. You can basically complete Telos on first visit, with no "2nd time you land" triggered missions. 5. You cant go back to Onderon. 6. Dantooine and Korriban are soooo empty with 5 or less major buildings and maps in each. and I didn't get to see any farmers/farmland outside of Khoonda 7. Empty Telos dorms, would be nice to see a Mandolorian clan in one, more containers and maybe another quest.
  15. I usally just do Atton and then Handmaiden, since I never learned till a couple days ago how to do mira and Bao dur was just the ebon hawks doorstop, I never used him outside the restoration zones
  16. Hello again, these are some question concerning Kotor 2, the possibility of Kotor 3, and restored content. Just as some background I've been playing Kotor 2 for about 7 years and in that time and along with readings of the game I've gathered up some questions about the game. Also I'm not a huge fan of star wars so I don't know to much outside of the Kotor series. KOTOR 3? 1. Is it plausible that Kotor 3 may still come out, and If so would it be remotely similar to the other Kotor series? 2. Is there some sort of "historical" preset they would have to follow, either from SWTOR or some other sort of media? in other words, can they just make up stuff about Revan or the Exile in the future? 3. Is Kotor 3 worth making? I believe so, but there is the question of an outdated market, along with would It need a "reboot" of the story, making it too different to almost not even be considered a sequel. KOTOR 2 "spoilers" 1. The term "canon" is used a lot to describe the male exile/Brianna male Disciple female plots, what does that mean? Is there some sort of story Outside of Kotor 2 that describes the events of it? 2. Is Kreia Brianna's Mom? They indirectly hint at this if you put 2 and 2 together but I just need some clarification. 3. What happens to Bao Dur? I've heard he dies helping HK reach the Factory, but nothing in game suggests his death, but Atton does mention there both gone during the Telos battle. Was this originally supposed to be cut content? 4. What are the HK's under HK-47's rule new targets supposed to be, and did HK-47 go "rogue" in a sense? 5. Did Kreia kill the Jedi masters if you go LS, or did she just put them into a unconscious state by draining their force? 6. Did Kreia want the Exile to die? or did she want the exile to kill her? 7. Why would they even give the option to gas your allies! what good would that do? 8. Does Atton go with the exile to join Revan? Because it shows the 2 walking off together at the end, and did T3 go with them? 9. in KOTOR 1, did T3 go with Revan to the unknown regions, and did something happen to him? the holocron T3 shows says something that T3 would and if something "happens" he is supposed to go back to the republic and would find the exile. 10. Is there a way that the Serecco can attack the Exchange on Nar Shaddaa and win? 11. Can Brianna be a dark Jedi, or is that restricted to LS? 12. Were the GenoHaradan a planned feature of Nar Shaddaa and scratched or a alternate route "LS/DS routes" and eventually scratched from the game? 13. Was Nilihus a Character from Kotor 1? I've heard he was also called Carth at one point.
  17. I did played LS male too, but it might have been grey being I recruit Master Z and V but I went vaklu on onderon "just because HK needed the influence" and I was hoping I had a passive way to not kill Kavar but no he had to save the queen, after that I go to Dantooine and have to kill the other to Jedi masters " amused that master Z died in 2 saber strikes but had to spam mines to kill vrook, else I missed every strike and resisted all my force" so that might have had something to do with it, I don't know how exactly your "love" is supposed to be shown in the end however, visas and I meditate together but then I save Brianna and stuff happens there, after that no one shows me any special emotions =(. It might also be because I was a weak LS because that stupid hidden tomb on korriban drained 1/2 my LS side and left me gray. Also surprised at your post ^ If you go full LS it was supposed to be Brianna.
  18. the Prophecies where dumb, just an excuse for no kotor 3, unless the predictions were wrong... =) to answer the question I believe its determined with influence + side, Influence I know determines love, which I felt was weird because it didn't give me a " exact" romance person, as in the end dialogues it treated both visas and Brianna equal, with no favoritism for either.
  19. 2 and 3 have been fixed thanks!, I've also remembered another of those bugs when looking at some logs, happens = all logs and holocrons that display droid or human subjects what happens = with a holocrons of a human the visible parts of the eyes are enlarged and blown out of the skull when speaking, so these wave/curve like things are shown on the outside of the body, about a foot away. droids however are much worse, they turn into a giant blue ball of shrapnel when viewed. this one again is hard to explain and ill try to take a screenshot.
  20. your right I had it disabled, I hoped it would have helped computer run smoother, but I guess not, odd It wasn't in where you indicated, no matter I turned it back on thank you! now ill see if it improves
  21. Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and I have installed TSLRCM recently. It is GREAT! really ties up some loose ends "I've played TSL without it about 20 times" It really fixed some bugs I've been having with the load screens and other glitches, but it may have added some new bugs "about 4" that really get in the way of gameplay on select maps. I have the 4 disc Kotor 2 with English. I only have TSLRCM mod downloaded onto my computer, I have tried to reinstall the TSLRCM mod but it doesn't help, this is my 2nd time around with the mod and these bugs still occur, some are hard to explain, so when I can I will try to add some screenshots later of these problems 1. the eye glitch Happens on Peragus fuel depot, Nar Shadda "Voggas warehouse and the landing pad swoop bike area is worst on NS" IZIZ everywhere, Dantooine Every map, Telos is the only planet I know for sure that I don't have these problems. what it is = at the point of view, there will be the invisible shape of an eye that basically cuts through entities "like force fields, your player, chests, other people, doors like there not even there sometimes like on Nar Shadda swoop track it is focused on one area, so if you look in that direction, it appears, and if you look away it disappears. It gets small and large depending on where your looking at or on in the maps. Gets annoying when you try to play and can not even see your player at times ! 2. stealth mode happens everywhere you use stealth basically these gold snake-like things just surround whoever puts on stealth mode, and instead of person disappearing, there turn into a gray silhouette, when disabling stealth mode, it returns to the normal purple static that disappears, and Sith assassins stay in this "gold snake" shape after they've been hit, just annoying but can live with. and now some minor glitches/bugs 3. no static background when kreia/Atton telepathically or message you from comlink, there is just no Camera effects " like the waves or blueness" to them, almost as if there in front of you when speaking, also no background view effects when using for speed 4. dantooine exterior cave bug outside cave on dantooine, I get major lag and I almost teleport far away from where I start, and it wont let me move any direction but towards the cliff during lag, then Poof I land new broken swoop bike. there is some other minor stuff "really random containers on Peragus second time around" that I'm forgetting, but isn't too bad, if I have to I may uninstall the game and reinstall tslrcm if no good solutions present themselves.