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File Comments posted by Circa

  1. Helena Shan Improvement

       13,381    23

    2 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    Do you have a tat_m17af.mod in your Modules folder? It's unlikely, but it's possible some other mod changed her to a different UTC.

    I do, but I'm unsure what mod it would have been from. I'm also unsure how to edit .mod files to check.

  2. Helena Shan Improvement

       13,381    23

    27 minutes ago, DarthParametric said:

    It likely won't change unless you load a save before having entered the Tatooine Cantina for the first time.

    Well I had this in my Override before even starting a new game. But when I got to this part, I noticed as I was talking to Helena that she looked the same. I verified that the mod installed correctly, and tried reinstalling, and still won't work. No errors. Really strange.

  3. Higher Quality Bastila

       3,444    4

    Her eyes look a bit less unusual, but on the other hand the cloth under her leathers looks like it lost some texture and her breasts seem to pop more cartoonishly.

    The model wasn't touched, so nothing should "pop" any more than they did before. The cloth under the leather actually has a texture, whereas before it had just noise grain, from the looks of it. Not sure what you mean about the eyes.

  4. Lightsaber Choices

       6,658    4

    I remember I chose blue the first time I played, and loved how finding other color crystals was sometimes tricky. Finding that purple crystal in the krayt dragon cave was such a good feeling. :P


    A great idea though. Probably not something I'd use.

  5. Damaged Ebon Hawk mod

       719    7

    T3 and 3C didn't repair it. All they do is fix the hyperdrive to reach the station. The mining droids are the ones that fix the major issues, which is more feasible than what you claim.


    Still, good idea.

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