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Circa last won the day on April 12 2022

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40 Jedi Knight

About Circa

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    Jedi Padawan

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    audio | technology | music | video games

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  1. Is there a list of recommended K1/TSL mods? Saw one on LF but the links are to FF.

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    2. Circa


      Was thinking about that as I was posting this status actually. Not a structured one. I should probably make one. I have a list of the best Star Wars character models and go-to mods on my clan's website. But yeah, should make a page for mods for SP and MP for both games.

    3. milestails


      I'm on the fence about trying JK for the first time. I do know that if I do try it, there's a whole 'nother world of modding I have to entertain.

    4. Circa


      Well, JKA modding is way easier than KOTOR modding, I can tell you that. xD Though if you've never played any of them before, I recommend using no mods for your first time playing singleplayer. Maybe thats just me. :P


      This inspired me to create a list of mods, so hopefully I get that finished soon.

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