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Forum & Tracker Requests
Everything posted by inyriforge
Version 1.0
As requested by Zerimar Nyliram over at LucasForums, these textures change the original mod's textures English characters to Aurebesh. Inyri was happy to comply with the request and now, you can use it too! This mod is compatible with both the KotOR version of the M-8 Assault Rifle Blaster Replacement and also the TSL version of the same mod. Installation: Move the TGA files with the same name out of the the Overridfe folder and empty the contents of this RAR into your Override. Uninstall: Delete the new textures and replace the old ones. -
File Name: M-8 Assault Rifle Blaster - Alternate Textures in Aurabesh File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 08 Aug 2015 File Category: Skins K1R Compatible: No As requested by Zerimar Nyliram over at LucasForums, these textures change the original mod's textures English characters to Aurebesh. Inyri was happy to comply with the request and now, you can use it too! This mod is compatible with both the KotOR version of the M-8 Assault Rifle Blaster Replacement and also the TSL version of the same mod. Installation: Move the TGA files with the same name out of the the Overridfe folder and empty the contents of this RAR into your Override. Uninstall: Delete the new textures and replace the old ones. Click here to download this file
Version 1.0
Inyri's Birthday Surprise! This is my birthday present to you! This mod is a surprise. If you're downloading it and installing it, for some reason you trust me when I say it's worth downloading and installing. In reality, this mod has no practical purpose. You are installing it for no reason. Except your curiosity. Which is a good reason, in my opinion. Anyway, go ahead and follow the installation instructions. And don't look at the files. No seriously, don't. Just spawn your item and talk to Carth. Trust me! Oh, but you probably will want to do it in a large area. When you're not being shot at. To use this mod: Either with the console or with the KotOR Save Game Editor (KSE) give yourself the item that comes with this mod (giveitem inyri_gift). Once you have my birthday gift you can talk to Carth. WARNING! Compatibility with K1R has NOT been tested or confirmed. Until it has been confirmed one way or the other, you have been warned! -
File Name: Inyri's Birthday Surprise! File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods K1R Compatible: No Inyri's Birthday Surprise! This is my birthday present to you! This mod is a surprise. If you're downloading it and installing it, for some reason you trust me when I say it's worth downloading and installing. In reality, this mod has no practical purpose. You are installing it for no reason. Except your curiosity. Which is a good reason, in my opinion. Anyway, go ahead and follow the installation instructions. And don't look at the files. No seriously, don't. Just spawn your item and talk to Carth. Trust me! Oh, but you probably will want to do it in a large area. When you're not being shot at. To use this mod: Either with the console or with the KotOR Save Game Editor (KSE) give yourself the item that comes with this mod (giveitem inyri_gift). Once you have my birthday gift you can talk to Carth. WARNING! Compatibility with K1R has NOT been tested or confirmed. Until it has been confirmed one way or the other, you have been warned! Click here to download this file
File Name: Opposition Launcher (2.0) File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "Here we have an updated version of Inyri Forge's Opposition Launcher. Updated and ready to rock! Noticable changes include: Lightsaber graphic fix, lightsaber floor glow added and the black spot in KotOR2 logo has been removed. Here is my previous review of this launcher. Click here to download this file
File Name: Light Lightning Cannon File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "Yay! New models for the game are always welcome I remember playing this for JK:A and it was really good. Basically this is a brand new gun model for Kotor2. The lack of any shaders is dissapointing, but i feel that shaders are an extra bonus. I know how inryi loves her shaders Hopefully this will be remedied if the author releases more models. But you dont really need them because it still looks great It says in the readme that More great news So everyone go download this. It's a very nice addition to the game. JediKilla" Click here to download this file
Original Review on Filefront: "Here we have an updated version of Inyri Forge's Opposition Launcher. Updated and ready to rock! Noticable changes include: Lightsaber graphic fix, lightsaber floor glow added and the black spot in KotOR2 logo has been removed. Here is my previous review of this launcher. -
Original Review on Filefront: "Yay! New models for the game are always welcome I remember playing this for JK:A and it was really good. Basically this is a brand new gun model for Kotor2. The lack of any shaders is dissapointing, but i feel that shaders are an extra bonus. I know how inryi loves her shaders Hopefully this will be remedied if the author releases more models. But you dont really need them because it still looks great It says in the readme that More great news So everyone go download this. It's a very nice addition to the game. JediKilla" -
File Name: Scatter Pistol (1.0) File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "I really enjoyed testing this gun out. As in all her models, Inyri has made this one to the best of it's ability. The model is a a replica of the Scatter Pistol model found in Star Wars Galaxies. A definite must download for those who have played SWG as well as those who like new items and the like. VERY nice work. Custom Icon: YES Custom Description: YES Custom Shot Sound: NO ~GSCCC" Click here to download this file
Original Review on Filefront: "I really enjoyed testing this gun out. As in all her models, Inyri has made this one to the best of it's ability. The model is a a replica of the Scatter Pistol model found in Star Wars Galaxies. A definite must download for those who have played SWG as well as those who like new items and the like. VERY nice work. Custom Icon: YES Custom Description: YES Custom Shot Sound: NO ~GSCCC" -
File Name: Sunglasses (1.0) File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "A VERY nice pair of sunglasses. Yep, Inyri Forge has done it again. This model is top of the line. Nice brand as well . These sunglasses work with Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 and come in a variety of colors! Great model by a great modeler. If you want your guy to look real cool then this is a must download. MODEL SPECS: -KOTOR 1 and 2 Compatable -Comes in a variety of Colors -Custom icon ~Gsccc" Click here to download this file
Original Review on Filefront: "A VERY nice pair of sunglasses. Yep, Inyri Forge has done it again. This model is top of the line. Nice brand as well . These sunglasses work with Kotor 1 and Kotor 2 and come in a variety of colors! Great model by a great modeler. If you want your guy to look real cool then this is a must download. MODEL SPECS: -KOTOR 1 and 2 Compatable -Comes in a variety of Colors -Custom icon ~Gsccc" -
File Name: Sion: Unwounded File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "Ok when I first saw this skin in a recent post of the day , I was wondering where I could download it...I actually searched for it but alas nothing. Then there it was sitting in the inbox waiting to be grabbed. I don't think this has been done by anyone so I commend the author for that. Even though the mod is mainly photosourced it's still pretty well done. Some things don't look right, mainly the face, but it's good non-the less. Have a download and enjoy -JediKilla" Click here to download this file
File Name: Dragon Axe File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "What a fantastic model! In fact it's actually two models. This has to be one of the greatest models I've seen to date for kotor2! Inyri is starting to become one of the top model makers for the game. The actual axe itself is amazing in detail, right down to the nicely crafted handle. It kind of gives a bird like effect, with the wings apearing as the blades themselves. The second model is a variant of the original, that being it's a double axe that replaces the vibro double-sword model in the game. Again nicely done, beautiful skining has been applied. So if you looking for a change from the oringinal models go ahead and download this masterpiece. - JediKilla" Click here to download this file
File Name: Mabari Armorweave File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "This is a mod that gives a new skin/armor that looks like Zam Wessel's from AotC and her helmet as a new model. The armor looks like how I remember it, and the metal even has a shine to it! The helmet is modeled and used like a mask, which inheritinaly has clipping problems, yet Inyri has managed to make it so it's not too noticable unless you have really big hair. Personally, I think this is a good reskin/new model, and should make Zam fans happy. To use in-game, type in giveitem mabari for the armor and giveitem mabari_helmet into the console. One last note: The helmet does work with KotOR I, so if you don't have II yet, you can use that part of the mod. Just don't use the armor as the skin needs a specific model in II, so the armor makes I crash. -IfritZero" Click here to download this file
Original Review on Filefront: "Ok when I first saw this skin in a recent post of the day , I was wondering where I could download it...I actually searched for it but alas nothing. Then there it was sitting in the inbox waiting to be grabbed. I don't think this has been done by anyone so I commend the author for that. Even though the mod is mainly photosourced it's still pretty well done. Some things don't look right, mainly the face, but it's good non-the less. Have a download and enjoy -JediKilla" -
Original Review on Filefront: "What a fantastic model! In fact it's actually two models. This has to be one of the greatest models I've seen to date for kotor2! Inyri is starting to become one of the top model makers for the game. The actual axe itself is amazing in detail, right down to the nicely crafted handle. It kind of gives a bird like effect, with the wings apearing as the blades themselves. The second model is a variant of the original, that being it's a double axe that replaces the vibro double-sword model in the game. Again nicely done, beautiful skining has been applied. So if you looking for a change from the oringinal models go ahead and download this masterpiece. - JediKilla" -
Original Review on Filefront: "This is a mod that gives a new skin/armor that looks like Zam Wessel's from AotC and her helmet as a new model. The armor looks like how I remember it, and the metal even has a shine to it! The helmet is modeled and used like a mask, which inheritinaly has clipping problems, yet Inyri has managed to make it so it's not too noticable unless you have really big hair. Personally, I think this is a good reskin/new model, and should make Zam fans happy. To use in-game, type in giveitem mabari for the armor and giveitem mabari_helmet into the console. One last note: The helmet does work with KotOR I, so if you don't have II yet, you can use that part of the mod. Just don't use the armor as the skin needs a specific model in II, so the armor makes I crash. -IfritZero" -
File Name: Squall's Gunblade File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "This is Squall's gunblade from FF: VIII. From what I remember about it, it's pretty accurate to what I remember from the game, though I haven't played it in a couple years so that might not mean much. The texture is pretty well done, and I think it looks better since instead of just photosourcing, Inyri did the engravings on the blade by hand. I appreciate a lot since every time I attempt something like that by hand, bad things tend to happen. There's also a shader that gives it a metal shine. The only real problem I have with this model is that due to the shape of the hilt, sometimes the wielder's hand clips into the hilt as the animations don't take too kindly to it. But since it's usually not that noticable and there's nothing that can really be done at this point (nor would it really be practical to do anything when we can anyway) it really doesn't matter too much. Other than that, I think it's perfect! It works for both KotOR games. ~IfritZero" Click here to download this file
File Name: Katana File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Original Review on Filefront: "Katanas. I've always like katanas. To me, they were always sleeker and better-looking than those huge, heavy european broadswords. They were a more elegant weapon for a more ... Anyway, Inyri shows us her modeling talent with this weapon, her version of the Japanese katana. The proportiions are correct and the blade looks spot-on. The only problem I noticed with the model is that if you look at it in first-person view, it looks like the blade clips with the handle a bit. It's not really noticable, though, during normal play. The skin for the handle seems a little odd to me. It doesn't seem really detailed and is a bit blurry. However, the blade looks pretty good and the shader for it works perfectly. Overall, I like this model and I'll keep it in my override folder, though compared to Inyri's other models, it feels a little bit rushed. Recommended download, though. - IfritZero" Click here to download this file
Original Review on Filefront: "Katanas. I've always like katanas. To me, they were always sleeker and better-looking than those huge, heavy european broadswords. They were a more elegant weapon for a more ... Anyway, Inyri shows us her modeling talent with this weapon, her version of the Japanese katana. The proportiions are correct and the blade looks spot-on. The only problem I noticed with the model is that if you look at it in first-person view, it looks like the blade clips with the handle a bit. It's not really noticable, though, during normal play. The skin for the handle seems a little odd to me. It doesn't seem really detailed and is a bit blurry. However, the blade looks pretty good and the shader for it works perfectly. Overall, I like this model and I'll keep it in my override folder, though compared to Inyri's other models, it feels a little bit rushed. Recommended download, though. - IfritZero" -
Original Review on Filefront: "This is Squall's gunblade from FF: VIII. From what I remember about it, it's pretty accurate to what I remember from the game, though I haven't played it in a couple years so that might not mean much. The texture is pretty well done, and I think it looks better since instead of just photosourcing, Inyri did the engravings on the blade by hand. I appreciate a lot since every time I attempt something like that by hand, bad things tend to happen. There's also a shader that gives it a metal shine. The only real problem I have with this model is that due to the shape of the hilt, sometimes the wielder's hand clips into the hilt as the animations don't take too kindly to it. But since it's usually not that noticable and there's nothing that can really be done at this point (nor would it really be practical to do anything when we can anyway) it really doesn't matter too much. Other than that, I think it's perfect! It works for both KotOR games. ~IfritZero" -
File Name: M-98 Widow Replacement File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Uploaded by permission of the author. Original KotORFiles review: "Inyri brings us the TSL version of her model based on the Mass Effect 2 M-98 Widow for KotOR I, which was uploaded earlier this week. Since the mod is chiefly the same as the KotOR I version (except for KotOR II, obviously ), here is the review of the K1 version: N.B.: As this version is for TSL, the information from the KotOR I review is incorrect for the KotOR II version. This, the KotOR II version of the mod, replaces the Mandalorian Assault Rifle in TSL, and not the Sith Sniper Rifle as in KotOR I. Mod Rating: Advanced NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative. -Darth InSidious" Installation Instructions: Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR Override directory. Included Files: -widow-if.tga -window-if.txi -iw_blstrrfl_004.tga -w_blstrrfl_004.mdl -w_blstrrfl_004.mdx -The Read-me file Uninstall Instructions: Remove the above named files from your override folder. Description: This model is a replica of the m-98 Widow sniper rifle as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (this is the sniper rifle that Legion upgrades to, although an infiltrator Shepard can use it as well). This is simply a blaster rifle replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_blstrrfl_004 model will now show up as this gun, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally. It is specifically designed to overwrite the Mandalorian Assault Rifle (w_brifle_19.uti) due to there being no specifically-named sniper weapon in TSL. Click here to download this file
Uploaded by permission of the author. Original KotORFiles review: "Inyri brings us the TSL version of her model based on the Mass Effect 2 M-98 Widow for KotOR I, which was uploaded earlier this week. Since the mod is chiefly the same as the KotOR I version (except for KotOR II, obviously ), here is the review of the K1 version: N.B.: As this version is for TSL, the information from the KotOR I review is incorrect for the KotOR II version. This, the KotOR II version of the mod, replaces the Mandalorian Assault Rifle in TSL, and not the Sith Sniper Rifle as in KotOR I. Mod Rating: Advanced NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative. -Darth InSidious" Installation Instructions: Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR Override directory. Included Files: -widow-if.tga -window-if.txi -iw_blstrrfl_004.tga -w_blstrrfl_004.mdl -w_blstrrfl_004.mdx -The Read-me file Uninstall Instructions: Remove the above named files from your override folder. Description: This model is a replica of the m-98 Widow sniper rifle as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (this is the sniper rifle that Legion upgrades to, although an infiltrator Shepard can use it as well). This is simply a blaster rifle replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_blstrrfl_004 model will now show up as this gun, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally. It is specifically designed to overwrite the Mandalorian Assault Rifle (w_brifle_19.uti) due to there being no specifically-named sniper weapon in TSL. -
File Name: M8 Assault Rifle Replacement File Submitter: inyriforge File Submitted: 07 Aug 2015 File Category: Mods TSLRCM Compatible: Yes Uploaded by permission of the author. Original KotORFiles review: "Here we have the TSL version of Inyri's M-8 Assault Rifle Mod. Since it's identical to the KotOR I version (except for being for KotOR II, of course ), I'll quote my review of that one: Mod Rating: Advanced NB: Please leave constructive criticism, particularly if you download and use this mod, as the download-counter isn't very informative. -Darth InSidious" Installation Instructions: Copy the contents of the archive to your SWKOTOR2 Override directory. Included Files: -barrel-if.tga -barrel-if.txi -barrel-if-2.tga -barrel-if-2.txi -iw_blstrrfl_003.tga -rifle-if.tga -rifle-if.txi -rifle-if-2.tga -rifle-if-2.txi -w_blstrrfl_003.mdl -w_blstrrfl_003.mdx -The Read-me file Uninstall Instructions: Remove the above named files from your override folder. Description: This model is a replica of the M-8 Assault Rifle as seen in the game Mass Effect 2 (similar to the rifle from the original Mass Effect, but the design is slightly different). This is simply a blaster rifle replacement, so all of the weapons that use the w_blstrrfl_003 model will now show up as this rifle, leaving it compatible with other custom blaster mods... except other replacement mods, naturally. Click here to download this file