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Everything posted by VarsityPuppet

  1. VarsityPuppet

    HK Factory

    Yeah, I originally had something else planned (like Goto would bring the HK-51's with him to Malachor and they WOULD actually attack you) but I guess Stoney didn't have that in mind. That's okay though, because I can include it in my own Malachor mod I don't remember if it was your or Jediphile who originally suggested changing this area, but I can say I finally understand what exactly the issue was/is, so changing it is possible now! Also, HH, I can take a look at that script to maybe figure out why the HK factory isn't triggering properly?
  2. VarsityPuppet

    HK Factory

    Semi-Official TSLRCM Announcement. I have spoken with Stoney concerning HK Factory updates, and he said that he's satisfied with the current state of that section, which he has stated before. That said, he has said that he would not be opposed to changes, at least as long as they're not drastic changes, I assume. The main thing I plan to change is the dreaded 'HK-51 locking out' sequence, and I'll perhaps have to do something important with the HK-50 behavior core (currently, it doesn't do anything). It may be awhile before I get to this though. As usual, Malachor VI gets first priority, and now I'm helping out some friends with the Sleheyron Restoration for K1 - add to that I've finally got a job and am starting school up again and you've got one fairly busy VarsityPuppet.
  3. Good trailer Lord of Hunger. Once Bead and I have more content, I'll have zbyl record more footage and perhaps I will send stuff your way.
  4. Yes, I recommend Zhaboka! Excellent voice work for newbiemodder's Korriban expansion!
  5. I'm not sure making new 'force using classes' is possible (that's been the general consensus so far, I mean) But it's worth a try.
  6. Naw, it's a lot easier than you'd think. The main thing is like you said: whether or not it would make much of a difference. That's why I had the idea to pair it up with a bunch of other gameplay fixes.
  7. Oh, I've done my own miniature restoration, I just don't know how exactly to build the class (right now it's basically the feat progression of a soldier, and skills of a scout) I had been planning to save that sort of thing for a gameplay restoration mod. The guy I want help from though seems to keep disappearing on and off, it's kind of annoying. Other than that, I don't think anyone else has really restored it. I'm assuming that most regard it as "impossible" just like making new feats and editing certain models.
  8. Malachor VI is a mixture of both really, though staying true to originality is definitely *not* the primary goal (which is turning Malachor into a satisfying planet/ending.) As for the rest of the mods that will probably be hosted here, one way you could think of them is "cut content" inspired mods. Take the Genoharadan for instance - they were cut from TSL but really didn't have much content to build anything cohesive out of it. Since TSLRCM only restores cut content, this is where people like me come in to 'make' content that fits within the content and style of the games. Urrr, I hope that helps?
  9. Correct you are, sir. To make a mod that isn't compatible with TSLRCM is sort of guaranteeing a 0 download count.
  10. As of now, this *will* remain a separate entity from TSLRCM.
  11. Hey all, due to my slight disappointment with Kotorfiles, I'm going to basically use this site (and specifically, this thread) to host my mods here on DeadlyForums. I'll eventually collect up all of my mods here, but for now, just new ones will be posted here. Enjoy HandSister Fix Restored content! This mod changes the Handmaidens so that they will all be identical, EXCEPT for the 6th and 'final' Handmaiden (the one that joins your party if you're a male Exile). It will make much more sense now when you ask her why she looks different than her sisters. This mod makes use of the unused N_Handsis head. Should be TSLRCM compatible. You want to test it and find out.
  12. The lad is correct. I'd also like to announce that I'll be releasing an update to this mod. The fixes will include - Enemies will not use the same face as the Exile - The enemies will actually have random sabers - Decreased Sith Lord difficulty (less healing, it's annoying) Any other requests?
  13. Before the other DeadlyStream site went down, I had a pretty lengthy thread about a fairly big Malachor project. The main goal of the mod is to close up a lot plotholes mainly by creating content and generally making Malachor a bit more interesting... you know considering, it's the END of the game, and an instrumental part in most if not all main characters in the game. Progress - 45% Links - Malachor VI Drop by the site and give us some input or ideas! We have a chatbox! Zbyl's Trailer Comparison of TSLRCM's Malachor and Malachor VI's Malachor Note: Not all content is mentioned in this list. We don't want to ruin the surprise!
  14. Welcome to my neck of the woods! This area is for the discussion of pretty much anything I'm making or I should be making. Stuff would include - - Restoring further cut content - Working out small expansion quests - Miscellaneous Bug Fixes More later.
  15. Yeah, no way to get back to the main forum page for me. Also, no tabs work.. If you can find a way to have each user customize the appearance of this site, that'd be good... otherwise the black and green would seem more fitting than this white and blue.
  16. Well, since benefits of feats tend to be hard-coded, matching the dialog.tlk would probably be the answer for some of them. For Force powers, they're all scripted, so theoretically, you could fix the effects to match the description. Note the use of bold, italics and underline with 'theoretically'.
  17. Yeah, then we'll have to see just how many of them 'can' be fixed
  18. Is there a bug thread for things such as these? I might be inclined to fix them *hint hint*