Squall Lionhart

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Squall Lionhart last won the day on November 12 2020

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82 Jedi Grand Master


About Squall Lionhart

  • Rank
    SeeD Soldier
  • Birthday 09/06/1995

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    Texas, USA

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  1. Based on a recent reinstall of windows steam, along with Kotor II, same issue as before where both logo movies play and then crash before playing the legal.bik movie on the legacyPC version. Can only think NVIDIA driver may be the issue. Has anyone else ran into this issue, or is everyone using the GoG or Aspyr version.

    1. Thor110


      Most are using the Aspyr version I believe, which includes Steam, Amazon and GoG. You could try something extreme such as replacing the binkw32.dll with the one from swkotor or the Aspyr version, though I am not sure if there's a difference, nor if it would actually work.

    2. Squall Lionhart

      Squall Lionhart

      Seems odd that this happened recently. Tempted to install it on my old laptop with a GTX 1650 and see what happens, on the discord another user said to have started it in windowed mode and that fixed the old version of the game. Aye… 

    3. Thor110


      Odd, I use the Aspyr version so I don't know but I have often been tempted to switch to the LegacyPC version, I have just been trying to maintain compatibility across versions and so I have stuck with the most commonly used version for the most part.