Lord of Hunger

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Lord of Hunger last won the day on April 11 2011

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13 Jedi Padawan

About Lord of Hunger

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    Jedi Apprentice

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  1. Excellent, I await!

  2. Hey did a play through of the new build, clocked in at 2 hrs and 39 mins

    Still have a few tweaks and one bug then re packadge for testers

  3. is trying to turn his life around.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mandalore
    3. KotorHDTVchannel


      If you have the desire, you have the means! If you have the means, you have... and I have no other words to finish my little poem!


      Anyway, good luck! And sorry if my reply is probably too late!

    4. JK JA's Jaden Korr

      JK JA's Jaden Korr

      You realise that he hasen't been online for a year right? ;)

  4. Meh, I don't use item mods if I can avoid it. The crystal trumps anything and everything, and higher level item upgrades are insanely powerful too. Pretty much if you put enough time outside of combat into upgrades and maxing out your XP, you cannot loose TSL on anything short of Hard. It just doesn't happen.
  5. I haven't played 1.7 yet due to real life obligations, so I'm very uniformed here. I do agree that Mira should be able to have extra styles. Admittedly with all the bonuses that the player and party members can get I think TSL needs a serious difficulty overhaul. XD
  6. I'm pretty sure that any "low quality sound" is the compression. I didn't really notice myself, because I'm still amazed at how excellent these voice actors are! If I didn't know for a fact that they were different people, I would have almost assumed that they were the same voice actors as in KOTOR and TSL in the case of Bastila and Bao Dur. Quan Drayen's voice actor is also top notch. He got the character down perfectly. Superb stuff!
  7. Excellent idea, impressive work! I hope everyone working on expansions and total conversions takes advantage of this.
  8. hey i posted the answers to the questions ..in the thread

    Ask the developer...of RoR

  9. Hey you want to talk on hiss or yahoo?

  10. There was an entire part of the Nar Shaddaa plot that revolved around the GenoHaradan in the original Obsidian design. In fact, the entire Nar Shaddaa plot was supposed to be centered around them, with the Exchange being an extensive lead in. Obsidian cut this plot for several reasons.
  11. Right, announcement! I'm checking in to let everyone know that this is not dead. I don't want to go into detail, but suffice to say I had several very nasty months were I was swamped with real life obligations and at the same I lost virtually all of my personal inspiration to write. That is over. As usual, there is no specific due date on this mod, but I will be working on this actively again and will be contacting associated individuals related to it. More updates to come. Sorry to keep you all waiting, and thank you for your patience.