Kate The Bionic Uterus

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Everything posted by Kate The Bionic Uterus

  1. Ocarina of time was a fun game. My fave is the original Legend of Zelda. There would be no RPG games if this one was not a success. It was the first game that you were able to save you game and resume where you left off. It had a memory chip in the game cartridge and you had to be careful when you turned it on and off or you could lose your game. It was also freakin hard! It took me 6 months just to find that right bush to burn and find the entrance to the last level. LoL For its time no other game came close to story line and game play. It single handedly changed video games at the time. Although the Legend of Link the follow up was not as good it still had that save feature that no other game had at the time. Also the music was great! You can pick up the game and console for cheap on ebay. Totally worth it. After this I would say Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale1 and 2, Baldur's Gate 2, Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide , Hordes of the Underdark and Neverwinter Nights 2 (which I have never played but I have a copy right next to me and plan on starting to download mods for it as soon as I am finished my first run through of tslrcm.)
  2. you're awesome. I will post the info on my other thread so people slow down and won't miss it. :)(:

  3. Oh I remember that. Makes sense now! I played the droid planet years ago. If I remember correctly it was released before team gizka released anything. It was a bit choppy but it worked. I remember running around in a big open space type area and a few levels like that. They also fixed some of the end of the story as well but it still was not complete. Whoever did it completed the work much faster than team gizka and I always though that the release took the steam out of team gizka's engines. The project updates soon slowed and then stopped altogether. I could be wrong and correct me if I am but I seem to remember that it was one person who uncovered all the work on the droid planet. Anyways as far as this thread goes I am giving what I believe is the best advice from someone who has started their own business while I was in University selling pet supplies on Ebay, then bringing it to flee markets then to trade shows and finally hiring my own Aunt You don't go for a bank loan unless you have written a proper business plan and have sales/track record that the idea works You don't go rent space before you start the business in your basement. You don't start hiring workers until you have steady clients that need you. Don't count on other people to do any aspect of your business. You need to know how to do everything yourself so that you can make sure it is being done correctly and efficiently. Also because you may have to do it yourself some days. My point is the advice form Sith Holocron is good solid LIFE advice. It sounds harsh but it is real. It is like the Keven Kosner movie Field of Dreams; "Build it and they will come!" It would be completely different Rtas if you started this thread because you have already fulfilled every requirement on the list with your Grid mod. I would bet that if you asked for a team of people to help- with a project the response would be different.
  4. Hey rv; is there an eta on the nar shadaa grid? presure presure j/k :)(: I have put my game on hold so I can see it. I am about to go into jekjektar and then gotos orbiting yacht. Should I wait now or move ahead and get it on my next play through?

  5. 2 years of work OMG NO WAY! It's going to take 4 years minimum to create an entire third game. Look how long it has taken your team to make one extra planet. And your team is an experienced team that has worked together on tslrcm for four years. I love the idea but it seems you have come empty handed. My advice is forget about the team right now and start doing some work! Start posting and uploading your work and people will come to you but if you have nothing but a dream and a poster it doesn't carry much weight. We are all dreaming so welcome to the club. I guarantee you if you are here a year from now and have put in a years work you will convince people that you are serious and the work that you have uploaded will serve as a resume of sorts. People then would see what you are doing, they may offer advice and perhaps join you. Sith Holocron is not being mean to you. He is giving you the best advice you are ever going to get because he and his friends have done it. What you are proposing is a massive project that is going to take up all your free time for the next 2 - 4 years and you have not done anything so far as making a poster. I am not putting you down but I am telling you it is a little empty handed. So if you are serious then you have come to the right place because the members here are really into this stuff but you also can't invite everyone to dinner if you don't have any food Start showing people that you can cook and people will come over to eat Myself, I can't even program my TV remote but I like ripping other peoples work and patching it together and making small Frankenstein utility programs. I was also planning the next Star Wars film but Disney got there first... bastards
  6. Well if you are not into fantasy then go for Fallout 3 http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/ It is basically the same game and you have 13 thousand mods on the nexus and I can PM you the adult modding sites that have another 5 thousand mods. Regardless, most of the mods I listed are used in both games. If you ever play Oblivion you need everything on this list. *******BUT if you have a modern gaming rig with a better video card then forget about this set up. I will be posting a link for a super set up for more powerful computers. My brother uses this setup and it is amazing. It is basically the same mods listed here but with some KEY differences. This makes Oblivion a completely different game. It becomes much harder. This is the BEST set up you can get period. Anybody who knows anything about this game will agree. Anyone who says anything different does not know their ass from their head. ***People who have played on XBox have no idea what Oblivion really is and from what I have read here it seems others gave up and judged too quickly*** So this is for everyone who thinks they know what Oblivion is but who really don't know anything about the game The Advanced Oblivion Set Up - The Best there is period. Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul aka OOO http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/OOO/OOO_Guide.html Trust me. I know what I am talking about here. OOO is a system-resource intensive mod. It may slow down your game. This will vary a lot depending on your system and it may also improve as you play the mod for a while. It's a good idea to have more than 1Gb of RAM. Then after you install this I recommend people download; Mbp ++ allin1 omod v2.1beta You need all these mods to play the cute Asian anime Races that are not allowed on TESNEXUS because they look like children even though they are not children. The omod file includes all this; bp1.8 basefiles (for chanpon) Mbp 1.4 MBP++ 0.98a MBP++ Eng Race option (engdialog removed) x117++ 0.78 x117++ Eng Race option Chocolate elves BP Cute Elves BP v1.0b Chanpon v1.0 Lopears elf v0.8.3 Lopears elf-Mini v0.8.3 working eyelashes v6.4 (again for chanpon) esp for ashara's Siren's and tritons Sks ren's hairpack Diablo elf 6in1 I have the Torrent for current 2.1beta, packed with zip. so if anyone wants it just PM me. And after this I recommend Downloading Lovers mod *************WoW************ We really jumped ahead here LoL - I was saving this for the Advanced Set Up but what the hell. Anyways it makes no difference because even with the advanced set up you are still going to need everything I posted anyway. This set up that I am posting is a little different. It is for older gaming rigs and for people who want to fool everybody into thinking that they have a sick modern rig. Next up is LOD The advanced OOO set up comes with it's own LOD but we will be using one that is just as good for our systems. Remember, our old rigs will never look as good as the modern $2000 dollar gaming rig but we can come close. Here is a night shot with my LOD mods on one of the furthest and highest mountain peaks in the game and I can still see the Imperial City. LOD means Level of Detail and it allows you to see things from very far away. The in game LOD settings suck big time. The X box LOD is a complete joke. In my game I can get even better LOD views but I am too lazy to look for those pics and this one I have handy This next pic is of a new Land Space I downloaded. It is a massive Island with Asian Style homes. It is so beautiful. I can't believe someone made this by themselves. Sometimes these mods blow me away. Then again, the mods here are fantastic too. I am not prepared to list the LOD settings and mods but I will post it in the next couple of days. This little project of mine is more work than I thought it would be but I never leave things unfinished. Anyways, LOD is a must since the rest of the crazy visual graphics that use LOD are going to fry our computers. Lucky for you I know the tricks so we won't melt our video cards.
  7. I am compiling a list of Star Wars mods for Oblivion. I used to play as the Twi'lek Jedi Aayla Secura with her Hi Rez clothing from the movies with her light saber with the sound files. I used to fly around in my X-Wing fighter too :)(: Check my oblivion thread for pics of my Deathstar

  8. I am compiling a list of Star Wars mods that people could use in Oblivion. Thousands of people play Oblivion as a Star Wars character. Some of the BEST mods ever created are Star Wars mods. All the SW Jedi clothing from every movies in Hi Rez are out there. Light sabers. You can even play as a Twi'lek. Fly aropund in a X-Wing fighter. You can have Jedi and Sith powers. You can play as Princess Leia in her Return of the Jedi Hut slave outfit and have her hair style too!!! I used to play as a Star Wars Character. I am keeping that secrete for now but I will compile the list of Star Wars mods right after I finish the LOD graphic section of this thread. So hot SEXY Twi'lek action coming soon. In the meanwhile here is a peek at the night time sky in my game.
  9. Where was I? Hmm... Streamline by Jaga http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/10400 http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.php?act=idx https://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/stabilization/streamline Stream line is a must have OBSE plugin. At the time it was first released this mod was a god-send. It changed a computer that was "stuttering" (FPS problems) and smoothed it all out. But that is not all this amazing program does. Streamline enhances the performance of Oblivion by reducing stuttering and lag, and smoothing out gameplay. It does this by maintaining much cleaner cell buffer and video ram caches while the game is running and the player is moving from place to place. As a result, average FPS performance over a gaming session should be higher, and the lag generally experienced as gameplay progresses should be significantly reduced (or eliminated entirely). Further, due to the manner and frequency in which memory is cleared, people that were unable to use higher resolution texture packs in the past, may be capable of doing so now. The extremely intelligent algorithms that run ensure that memory is cleared on a regular basis, only when it is safe to do so, and so that nearby conversations by NPCs pose little risk of being interrupted, unlike in the past. Streamline will enable itself with the default mode (performance) which should be adequate for most people, but can be configured to run in three additional modes (both faster and slower) to suit different needs. The faster the script runs, the more often cell buffers will be cleared. The scripts used should have virtually no impact on real FPS performance, despite whichever mode is selected. *** The best part about the mod is that you can change all the "ini" presets while in-game! It has 4 main functions: 1) STREAMSAVE - This saves your game automatically every 10 minutes and after every "kill". This has saved me countless of hours of game play. Before using this mod I sometimes played a marathon session and the game would crash before I saved it and I lost everything. Or if I was organizing stuff in the same cell for an hour and then WAMMO a game crash. This has been a life-saver. 2)STREAMPURGE - Oblivion sometimes has problems with old game cells where the dead bodies and all the other stuff don't get removed from the game. This clears up all old game cells as soon as you leave and enter a new cell. 3)FPSsmoothing - It smooths the FPS (frames per second) **** VERY IMPORTANT*** We will be turning this feature OFF because we will be using the OBSE Oblivion Stutter Remover. You can't use both at the same tim,e or you will get more stutter. Remember to turn this OFF through the in game controls or manually through the ini file. 4) Streamsite - Depending on you computer you may use this feature or you may not. If you choose to go for a graphics set up then you will turn this OFF. If you go for a game play set up then you will keep this feature ON. For this setup that I am writing about we will be turning this OFF. Remember that this thread is for older computers that want their Oblivion to look fantastic and in order to do that it comes at the cost of system resources that would normally go to game play. IMHO it is a no-brainer. We want oblivion looking like this on our old gaming computers: Not only do we want it looking as good as possible we also want it to play well. We need to find that equilibrium. I myself have three different setups. 1) Graphics 2) Gameplay 3) MBP Lovers (Adults Only) After many years I have discovered a good balance between 1 & 2 Setup #3 is something else completely and on my old gaming rig I have separated them. I will discuss this type of setup when this is finished OBGE - Right now we are leaving this alone. For older computers this may do more harm than good. At the end of this set up I will give you some hints if you want or need to have it. Right now we do not NEED it. EVERYTHING else on this thread is a MUST HAVE in order to play the game on the PC because of the mod list I will be presenting. ***Optimizer Texture*** Optimizer Textures by AdPipino http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12801 Textures Check, Fix, Compress, Improves Perfomace. Extra: Optimizer BSA. Games: Skyrim, Fallout 3 & NV, Stalker, Oblivion, Morrowind, GTA4, Mount & Blade and others. This is a hidden gem of a program. For older rigs it allows the using of HIGH REZ characters and Clothing and other stuff that we would not otherwise be able to use. You can thank me later. ***Do not use this without reading the instruction first*** Hint: Make a backup of your Texture file before using this even though the program does it for you. This mod is based off of a program made by nVidia. If you use the other main gaming graphic card (name escapes me now) go to their website and they have recently made their own program. If you have any problems just replace your copied Texture file. BOOBIES We are almost there. Before we can use a mod Character Race we need this. HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 by Several http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/34442 This is everything you need for almost every body type. It is a 7 in 1 body type overhaul and will allow you to have Big Bouncing Boobs or Flat chested or normal sized and everything else in between. Robert's Mods Oblivion Male Body ver 4.0 http://lovkullen.net/Emma/Robert.htm This is for better male bodies Character Race. We did not do all this work just to use a vanilla character race. So go crazy and choose one. I will recommend a few that I have used. Epic elves by Kani Hime http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/40451 make sure you grab the extra lip textures and loppy ears files that are listed below the main file If not don't worry as you can add them later. This is a SEXY race. You won't be disappointed. This is for a Bow & Arrow with sword type character play Strangers Refine by Ren and AQUARIA and SJ with various modders http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42723 Can be used for any type of character LunasFireDemonRace by Lunasprite13 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42712 Demon type character for fighters Lunas Frost Sprite Race by Lunasprite13 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42703 Magic Ice elf Dryads - Guardians of the Forest by Xenius http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/40867 This is one of my faves for male or female magic playing Succubus Race by Bella by BellaGail http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/40723 Night Elf by Nouser by Nouser http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/40433 ***********And if you want to be different and play a male body type not often used but is amazing This is for an Orc Male Fighter I promise it will be the coolest looking Orc Fighter anyone ever has!!! 100% guaranteed. There is nothing better! Room207 Bodybuilder Male Body Replacer V52 by Room207 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/33669 Orsimer Overhaul by Room207 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42037 Room207 makes all the armor for this body type. There is not much choice but the work is awesome and with a body like this who wants to cover it eh? You should now be able to start a game. And at least get out of the Starter Dungeon. Remember to run Optimizer Textures by AdPipino for some of these races to work. Make a back up of texture files first. Also you may need this . Go get it anyways Rens Beauty Pack by Ren http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/4431 NEXT LOD or Lush and Gaudy? or maybe both!!!
  10. You mean Emma's site. Emma is the creator of Companion Vilja. The 5th most recommended mod of all time on TES NEXUS with 1/4 of a Million downloads. She just released Skyrim Vilja which is right now breaking all sorts of download records. She is one of the few people who has created super successful mods for Morrowind, Oblivion and now Skyrim. Most of the members there are web-masters of their own sites and have created very successful mods of there own. The good thing is "jac" has started to play TSLRCM with my current mod construction. He not only has his own very well known Morrowind site but other sites as well. He's loving it. That should be taken as a big compliment as he has been modding for over a decade like many people here I'm sure. I think Blockhead, the forum administrator is starting to play it too. As far as the forum goes it is not the most active place publicly. Project threads are hidden and lots of PMs but I am a huge Companion Vilja fan and Emma fan so I hang out there. It is also a very well mannered place which I like. So far people are loving it. I have gotten many inquisitive PMs about the TSLRCM and the mods in my current set up. Back on subject; your grid pics are sick. I love it.
  11. Oh my, I didn't know this thread existed. I feel silly now that I suggested a green grid when you have already made one So I started my game over when I saw your grid series as you know and as I previously told you I am on Nar Shadaa and I have discovered this in the refugee sector: I don't think I am using any mods that change this sector as I was just there with the same set up? I am not sure which Grid mod is the source. I'll try removing Telos and see whats up.
  12. Icon posted the iconic twi'lek dancer advert gif avatar & gif signature banner set and some wallpapers here: http://deadlystream.com/forum/topic/1732-dia-nogas-trash-compactor-holiday-getaway/

  13. Thought people would like these (: Here are your frames Rtas Vadum; if you would like the dancer without the dark blue frame just tell me. It will take 2 minutes to cut them out dancer frames png unedited.7z
  14. Ya I noticed in Photoshop that the pinks from the square are not exactly the same from the rest of the advert and it made me think of your earlier explanation on the difficulties of skinning it. As far as the frames go, you want the frames just for the pink dancer? Sure thing. I'll get new ones for ya and PM you when I post them here. I just ccleaned my recycle bin and recovered 6 gigs of space LoL Mostly pics and video files and all the frames from the dancer were wiped away. The dancer is like 12-14 frames but I used only 8 and 9 for the gif sig banners. btw thanks for the textures; although I liked the idea of one-way see through walls
  15. The iconic Star Wars Twi'lek dancer advert Avatar & Signature Banner Set by Kate the Bionic Uterus (: 3 Avatar sizes 2 Signature banners 241Wx105H 77.07K Sized for use on major websites The Grid by Rtas Vadum Vanilla SW KOTOR2 Dancer avatar & sigban SET.7z grab the 7zip and you get a hard copy of the Avatars & Signature banners as well as the codes that links to the main page of this website. Just copy the code onto your signature or Avatar for your convenience. Take'em, play wit'em & make'em ur own-Cheers!
  16. WoW! I made the previous posts after I entered the Telos Base and overall I really liked what you did with the place. I was a little turned off by the outside base buildings because they were see-through and there was grass growing in the middle of the building. It's such a small thing compared to everything else that I really love about your entire GRID series of mods. I was not aware that you skinned the entire polar base as well and I had to come back and tell you that it is outstanding work. imho it is the best part of all 3 grids. That reflective shuttle was a WTF moment. I can list all the cool little stuff you added in the station like, see through floors and walls; one way see through glass walls, the metal in the shuttle bay (I love the way the light reflects of of it), the bar music stage, the subtle green hue... on & on but the polar base was sick. I loved the floor pattern LoL 10 out of 10 (even if you messed with the iconic dance advert LoL)
  17. Really? Hmm... In my game the sign is half red. I went back and double checked. Anyways lets not dwell on what could be considered artists prerogative. With that being said I would still like trying out different colour choices.
  18. The GenoHaradan was my favourite part in the original kotor. I used to give everything to Mission and watch her kick-ass.
  19. Ha! I love the shuttles and the see through floors. If you use the speed power and run down the hallway you get a little dizzy Not too pleased you changed the iconic dancers sign but I really enjoyed the other moving advertisement you had going on. Lastly does it come in green? Personally a green-yellow type combo wood work really nice here fitting in will the flora in the hallways and the restoration project of rebirth and the planet. That's just me. Overall I like what you are doing with these Grid skins. My fave part was the spectrum coloured floors.
  20. ROTFLMAO The title of this thread is really misleading but I enjoyed my biggest laugh when it was revealed that he was lacking any knowledgeable skills to participate in "his" project and wanted to organize other people to do all the work while "he" I'm sure would then take all the credit for "his" idea; hehehe Brilliant! I like this place. It's like modding for dummies. Get back to work my minions and finish my next mod for me. ARC! Too funny. The kid must not realize that we pay income tax and are getting enough already
  21. Trying to make a small GIF signature banner. Just fooling around for now. Thinking of filming the escape from the last planet where the eban hawk flies away and make one from that.
  22. The colours are wild. Especially in the mining tunnels. I love the texture of it all; the dark stone and black metal doors. The whole thing is very trippy. It was totally worth starting over to try this. I don't see how anyone can play this gamme without it. 10/10 CHEERS!
  23. I have just benn replaying TSL after years of complaining about it LoL and then I found this place. I was well into my game and when I saw this I had to try it out. So happy I did. I used to hate these early missions but now with your TRON GRID for the station and now this these early mission are like pixelated eye candy. Absolutely fabulous. Very good work here. I love the colours in the mining tunnels and the harbinger looks eerie with all the bodies in bridge. I loved the engine room too and that moving wheel near the exit was a nice touch. My fave was when I was space walking outside and the ship first pulls in HA! So sick. This is just too much fun. Loved it. My only complain is... I don't want to leave. I like the colours too much. CHEERS!