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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I haven't played ME for several years now, but for ME1 if you have an AMD CPU you'll want the "Silent Patch" which fixes broken lighting on character models on Noveria - https://cookieplmonster.github.io/mods/mass-effect/ There was an alternative mod that did the same thing before that on Nexus (might still be there) but it was laced with adware. Here's an exhaustive rundown of what is happening under the hood to cause the issue for anyone interested.
  2. 1 point
    It is that time of year again, time for me to reveal another mod for the NPC Overhaul Series! Our latest mod shall enhance everyone's not-so-favorite/infamous Corporation... Amazon Redux, uh... I mean... Czerka Redux! First and foremost, the one thing you'd expect from a Czerka overhaul mod... the Czerka Combat Suit from RedRob41's Modder's Resource! Do note the image above was taken with RC-K1CP, the cut Czerka Guard is in the Tatooine game files unused so Czerka Redux will change cut NPCs meaning you can play the mod with RC-K1CP, though if you don't use RC-K1CP then that's fine too. Most of the Czerka Guards will wear the Combat Suit, however, some Guards have been replaced with brand new NPC variants... like droids: Some of these droids will have droid shields and utility items like flame throwers, turning those redundant Czerka guys in the background of Chuundar's room from a force to be beckoned to a force to be reckoned... with. Of course, not all the new alternative guards are droids... you do have this Gamorrean here: He's from Brotherhood of Shadow: Solomon's Revenge by SilverEdge9. Speaking of BOSSR, the Technician Armor from BOSSR is also worn by the Mechanics of Czerka Corp: The Czerka Muscle Suit from BOSSR also makes an appearance as a rare Czerka item. Whilst the names and descriptions of these BOSSR items are almost unchanged from BOSSR, the stats certainly are. The Muscle Suit in BOSSR has a +5 Strength bonus, it has been severely nerfed in Czerka Redux alongside the rest of BOSSR's items though the Czerka Muscle Suit in particular is now upgradeable making it somewhat good for a rare item instead of overpowered as it was in BOSSR. And the Czerka Mining Suit from BOSSR is also in Czerka Redux. It is worn by the Miners of Tatooine, if you install Czerka Redux on its own it will give the Duros Miners the Czerka Mining Suit, but it won't be shown.... unless you plan on using Duros: Armed & Ready! With Duros: Armed & Ready, the Duros Miners who have the default Czerka outfit will now wear the Czerka Mining Suit for that extra immersion. Future alien mods of mine will do the same thing, the Czerka alien will have the default Czerka Outfit but with Czerka Redux this Czerka alien will wear the Czerka Armor of this mod. The Duros' head from Duros: Armed & Ready is by JCarter426. Speaking of JC, he made a male version of the Czerka Commoner outfit worn by the Czerka Protocol Officer in his JC's Fashion Line B: Commoner Clothing for K2 mod some years back. With his permission, I've added it for the Czerka Scientists and some other Czerka NPCs in the game. As you can see from these screenshots, this mod is compatible with the gloveless commoner clothing from RC-K1CP! There are two versions of the Czerka commoner clothing, the vanilla inspired one and the K1EP one. Whilst I do not have a screenshot of the K1EP clothing yet, I can confirm that I did use JC's male version to convert the once exclusively female K1EP clothing into a male variant. But whilst I lack the screenshot of the clothing, I can confirm I've added the K1EP Czerka Officer texture: Czerka Custom Officers shall now wear that new Czerka Officer outfit. The Czerka Officer outfits have been revamped in Czerka Redux, the green Czerka Officer outfit is traditionally worn by the Czerka Commander with the cap... now it is worn by Liason Officers and the like. You might be wondering, with all these changes... where are the original Czerka Officers? They're right here: Those 4 NPCs on Kashyyyk and Tatooine are now the ONLY Czerka Officers you will encounter in the entire game, the rest have been modified into new NPC variants. To modify most of these NPCs, I have had to change their appearances from Czerka Officers to Commoners to support the armors. As such, all of the NPCs from this mod are based on the NPC Diversity Pack, meaning if you install the NPC Diversity Pack and then Czerka Redux there will be a seamless transition between the two mods with comprising the other. Once I perform the final touches on the Czerka Redux, it won't be released immediately... for I need to make several patches. The 1st patch is a compatibility patch for the NPC Diversity Pack, this is to ensure people who don't use the Diversity Pack can install the main Czerka Redux mod whilst Diversity Pack players will have to install this compatibility patch to finish the installation. The 2nd patch is an addon for the RC-K1CP mod, I don't think this addon is necessary though it will improve the restored Czerka elements of the RC-K1CP quite well. I will share more info on this secretive addon once it is ready. The 3rd patch is an addon for JC's Czerka: Business Attire for K1. It will give the Rodians of that mod new Czerka outfits and new head reskins. The 4th patch is an addon for the main mod. It will add female Czerka Officers to the game. This includes female guards who you can fight and will have a female soundset at death and female NPCs you can speak to. This addon will utilize DarthParametric's Female Czerka Officer's Uniform Modder's Resource for some of these female NPCs.
  3. 0 points
    Legendary is less than 10 bucks on steam right now... If you want to stick with the originals there were unofficial patches for those, but they mostly got abandoned for LE
  4. 0 points
    First off, thank you for attempting to do this massive overhaul for KOTOR 1 and 2. I come back for KOTOR playthroughs every few years; I do this regularly for my favorite games. I'm always pleased to return to Mass Effect because the modding community and their love for that game are why great content mods are still being made even now. While KOTOR gets its fair share of love, particularly here on Deadly Stream, I don't believe I've seen anyone attempt to take all that extra content and put it together, possibly giving us the games Bioware and Obsidian intended. I could be wrong, and I just haven't looked hard enough, but what you're doing is amazing, and I look forward to seeing the mod possibly near its final stages or close. Again, thank you for all the hard work. I'll keep an eye out for future updates. 😁