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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    The obvious answer to "why?" is because Luke's bacta tank in ESB had bubble streams rising from the bottom of the tank. I'm sure there's probably some canon explanation of what it represented if you go digging deep enough in Wookieepedia. If you want some sort of rationalised in-universe explanation of what it could be, I imagine it could be some sort of recycling system for filtering the bacta/kolto, injecting some supplemental gas into the liquid, or perhaps inducing a current/circulation for some reason, maybe just more efficiently moving "fresh" bacta/kolto past any open wounds.
  2. 2 points
    I tried replacing the existing bubble chunk model and that didn't really change much. So I went with DH's suggestion of using the underwater suit's bubble VFX. Here's an in-game test after playing around with some of the values for a bit. Taris_Kolto_Tank_Bubble_VFX_Test.mp4
  3. 1 point
    There wasn't a need to update that room model from the previous upload. Same reason I didn't include the console textures.