Released version 0.2 of the toolkit, most significant improvement being in NCS decompilation.
Decompilation now happens in four steps:
Compiled script is parsed into assembly-like list of instructions
Instruction list is converted into equivalent language-agnostic expression tree
Expression tree is optimized for readibility, making a heavy use of inlining
Optimized expression tree is converted to pseudo-NWScript code
Decompiler tries to convert instructions into expressions in the most straightforward manner and does not rely on specific instruction patterns produced by the Bioware compiler. Downside is that it doesn't yet know how to detect loops and structures, hence the output is only a pseudo-code and cannot be compiled without some manual refactoring.
Known issues:
Decompiler hangs on some large scripts, in particular combat-related
Comparison between version 0.1 and version 0.2 of the decompiler: