I used a free plug-in for After Effects called Saber. (The plug-in is free; After Effects costs many dollars.) It was made by visual effects artists who worked on the Star Wars films.
It has a few shape options, like a line for rotoscoping, but it can also be applied to any layer mask. I used that feature to draw over the shape of the original game texture.
@bead-v? It's good to know its been updated further. As this is a favorite of mine so far looks like it will play well with Chainz version, and I believe also with:
The idea of her using a lightsaber is a good one again, I for one hope to see more awesome stuff from you
The idea of her using a lightsaber is a good one again, I for one hope to see more awesome stuff from you. Cutscenes and everything else which I'm using even while attempting to further trick out my game
Thanks for reporting that! It's because those scenes use the same scripts (and so do Sion's scenes at least on Malachor and possibly elsewhere, it would have broken them to). I was supposed to use the TSLPatcher to install them but I wasn't thinking, sorry!
Anyway, this will happen with both versions of the mod. If anyone else is experiencing this, your options are: put the files into the override folder only after Sion's kolto tank scene and remove them after you escape the Harbinger OR remove the files and install v1.1 that will use the TSLPatcher and be up very soon!
EDIT: The mod is updated! Sorry for the inconvenience!