In the files as well as in the concept for Sleheyron, it stated that the Star Map was in a Volcano. I was reading various depictions of the journey on the planet and that's why I titled my track "Volcano Assault" on the KOTOR Piano project for the action piece on Sleheyron. Of course this was almost 5 years ago when I did that. Can you address any validity to there being a volcano in this mod? The droid on Dantooine refers to the planet as 'volcanic,' but other than that and the miserable way its described by Yuthura, there are few in-game descriptions of it. Just to clarify, I was pretty sure that the "barren" and "volcanic" confusion was cleared up long ago with Korriban being the barren planet and Sleheyron being the Volcanic one, though I could be wrong.
Also, I'm working on getting some instrument patches for my FL Studio that sound similar to what Jeremy Soule used for the creation of the KOTOR soundtrack in terms of winds and synths, and maybe a few tribal drums, and when this mod is more further along I will be able to draft two pieces of music, more if necessary, at the semi-professional style level so that it will be a new experience in-game without the clone effect of old music.
I think the sound of Sleheyron should be about 1/3 orchestral 1/3 industrial and 1/3 synthesizer mix with some soft drum underscoring a beat (a mix of Taris lower city, Anchorhead, and Dreshdae for example). For the action piece, I would like to make it fast, bombastic, with several crescendos to reflect the nature of fighting in the arena. I could perhaps do two action pieces, much like how most planets have 2 action tracks (Manaan has one for all above water fights and one for every under water fight, Tatooine has one that only plays in Anchorhead (and if you play vanilla game this track only plays one time!) as well as one track that plays in the dunes and a third that plays in the tusken enclave, and again re-used in rakata clans). The second action piece for Sleheyron would play anytime there is a fight or scuffle not in the arenas, and would be much lower in forcefulness similar to the track black vulkar gang. What do you think?