About This File
Original Review on FIlefront:
As promised, the Knights of the Old Republic II update of Shem's Custom Party Member Portraits mod is here! For those of you unfamiliar with the mod, Shem has replaced all of the party member portraits--and I mean all party members. The new portraits are close-up screenshots on a light-colored background, as opposed to the hand-drawn style of the originals.
Now, one of the major differences between KotOR I and KotOR II is that in K1 there are only nine party members, and that was it. Well, ten if you include Trask. And you can't change any of their alignments (without cheating
), so they have no dark side transitions. Well, in K2, everything changes. There are a total of twelve party members, several of which have dark side transitions. And of course Shem has made new portraits for each party member, dark side transitions included. Note that this only applies to the five trainable Jedi: Atton, Bao-Dur, Brianna the Handmaiden, Mical the Disciple, and Mira. If and when they fall to the dark side, they will get the Sith eyes featured in one of Shem's other mods. Visas doesn't have any eyes, so instead she gets a different color background, and she faces in a different direction. Oh, and Bao-Dur also has his dark side tattoos.
Now, remember how I said that every party member gets a portrait? Well, yup, all of them, including C3-FD, that little utility droid from the Prologue (for those of you who even play it ), as well as temporary characters B-4D4 and Bao-Dur's remote. And even Atris gets a new portrait, even though she's not actually a party member; there is some evidence that the developers intended for her to be one originally, since they took the time to make her a portrait, and some her files have the "Player_" prefix reserved for party members. In any case, Shem decided to give Atris a new portrait, for fun (apparently
And not only that, but there are a few alternates to choose from. Just like in the K1 version, HK-47 gets an alternate portrait, featuring the smart-mouthed assassin droid brandishing one of his beloved blaster rifles. Also included is an alternate portrait for Kreia her hood off, to go along with another mod Shem released, and Mandalore/Canderous with his helmet off, since Obsidian made a Canderous model with his helmet off, but never had time to add it to the game.
Not much else to say. If you like the new portraits, then click the download button now. Enjoy!
NOTE: Please leave comments/feedback for the author, especially if you download and use this mod; usually it's the only reward modders receive for their efforts.