Modified Influence System 1.0

   (3 reviews)

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About This File

====Modified Influence System by Hassat Hunter====


This modification will change the influence system to work as was once intended by Obsidian, and TSLRP was to use it in their mod.

These files are extracted from 302NAR's files, and unmodified from there. Placing them in override should apply said effect globally.

Instead of 8 for all encounters, the second number will decide wheter they are "small" (2), "regular" (6) or "high" (12). Some also have no apllied number. They should default to regular, but it's not tested wheter that really works.

The concept was DROPPED, and the game is not balanced for this change. It may become impossible to Jedify certain members with this mod installed.

As such, it's pretty much intended for the people who are just interested in the workings of this influence system, or how it might have been if TSLRP ever saw the light...


==Install Instructions==

* Drop the files from "Override" in the override folder.

Simply remove them to return to the existing system anytime (but when in 305NAR obviously).



* Remove the following 2 files (a_influence_inc.ncs and a_influence_dec.ncs) from your override folder.


==Known Issues==

None known. Many could exist though!!!



==Distributing This Mod==

This mod may not be modified or distributed without the explicit permission of the author.


==Contact Info==

Find me at the deadlystream forums (


==Thanks To==

* The TSLRCM Staff for making TSLRCM and getting me into modding for TSL. Although nothing has been done here but extracting ;).

* Obsidian for KOTOR2:TSL.


==Legal Stuff==


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Guest Darth Hayze


I like this set up better than the current one, and which so much more content in the game I think should at least have a separate mod which adjusts the game for it, or TSLRCM integration.

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I just finished a male ls playthrough using this and I freaking loved it. By far one of my favorite mods in like 10 years of using all sorts of mods for this game. The Influence system is easily my favorite part about the entire game and this made it soooo much better. I was able to jedify Mira, Bao-Dur, Atton and Handmaiden, so everyone I could as LS male, not problems here.


I'll just leave some feedback to each party members influence using this:


Bao Dur: You have to get like 90% of all available Bao-Dur Influence throughout the game when using this, other than that nothing really changes.


Handmaiden: You only have to get one or two points of influence while questing, there are a couple of juicy +12 influence drops when talking to her on the ship/training with her. While +2 influence can be somewhat disappointing sometimes, it feels awesome to get 12 influence. I got her to 100 influence very quickly, so maybe it'd be nice to change some of her +12's to +6's.


Kreia: I used all Telos/Peragus Influence points for Atton, so it took me a long time to get her to 100. I think the Nar Shaddaa beggar scene gives you +12 and that finally allowed me to push through and I had to get some other field influence. If you wanna do all dialog with her, I'm pretty sure that you can't really afford to loose any influence while talking to her. With Vanilla influence you can pretty much talk your way to 100 with her, so it was nice to actually have to put a little bit of effort in by talking her with you.


Mira: This is by far my favorite part about this: You are actually forced to take Mira with you. Just talking to her will not allow you to jedify her instantly. If you do Nar Shaddaa after Dxun it will not be possible to Jedify her, as what little influence you can get on Dantooine is not enough to Jedify her, so that is somewhat unfortunate, but there are plenty of Influence points for her on Dxun/Onderon.


Atton: As I said, I used all +Influence points on Peragus and Tekis, I'd imagine if you play DS that might even be enough, but I had to get a few more points of influence from questing. Not a big change here tbh.


Visas: I have to admit that I didn't really use her that much in my run, but I think you either get +6 or +12 when convincing Tobin to blow up the Ravager, which was enough for me to unlock all of her dialog last minute. Without that one it might have been hard to properly farm her, but as I said I didn't take her with me much. Just getting her regular influence points from talking etc. will not do you any good with this mod though.


T3: There are tons of chances to farm T3 and you have to get almost all of them to unlock the Canderous/Revan holovid, but still not impossible.


Now since I was playing LS, I wasn't really able to get that much influence with HK and GOTO and I'd like to note that getting Mandalore's influence points on Onderon + recruiting all the Mandalorians will only get you to like 70 influence with this, which doesn't unlock any dialog so you have to put a lot of effort into him.


One small bug I noticed was that it sometimes didn't tell me when I got influence. At first I thought it was when you get +2, but I'm pretty sure it must be the points with no applied numbers, I didn't check but I'm somewhat sure those don't default to 8 but rather to 2. Again not 100% sure on that.


Now what I just love about this is that you actually have to try really really hard to farm influence with this and you literally have to choose some party members that you won't be able to gain a lot of influence with. I honestly think that this is what Obsidian actually wanted: For you to pick what party members you would farm and which you wouldn't. And I love that, I have played through this game way way way too many times over the years, but this make me want to play through them again and again even more. With vanilla, you can get really high inf on pretty much all party members if you play it smart, with this you can't. And that's what I love the most about it. I can't talk about how this affects loosing influence as that pretty much didn't happen for me as I managed to memorize which parts gain/loose influence with which party member. Just losing influence once or twice may make it so you can't jedify someone, especially if you get -12.

I also imagine that Disciple/Hanharr would work the same way as Mira, so you'd actually have to take them with you to jedify/unlock all dialog rather than getting everything at once. I'll test that on my next playthrough.


I'd love to have a version of this that adds numbers to those that have none and integration to the point where it tells you how much influence you gained/lost, but this version is certainly playable and it has gained a permanent place in my override folder.

Thank you so much Hassat Hunter, this is by far one of my favorite mods of all time!


Also I highly advice the use of tk102’s "remote tells you influence" mod as it is very handy to figure out how much influence you just gained/lost.

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