TSL ORIGINS - Telos Overhaul 1.1.2

   (24 reviews)

11 Screenshots

About This File

Unlike its predecessor, the Complete Overhaul for K1, the purpose of this texture mod is to preserve the original look of the game,
while using different texturing techniques to give the old game engine a modern look, emulating shine & vector based animations from the Mass Effect series.


Im sorry guys that i cant provide screenshots at the moment, my graphics card is malfunctioning.




Download the file, extract its contents with an archive extraction tool such as 7zip or WinRAR, and move the contents to the override folder for your game.



What's New in Version 1.1.2   See changelog


  • 1.1. Emergency update. fixed missing files.
  • 1.1.1 added Screenshots
  • 1.1.2 File Consolidation, and some Aurebesh fixes on two textures by TychoOrdo
  • 1.2 Further File Consolidation, removing XnView requirement for installation
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So this is happening to me currently. Did the whole XnView shenanigans and once I reached telos this was the result.


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Welp, I went to install this and I'm sorry to say that the instructions are missing some information when it comes to the XnView side of things.

"1. Download XnView"
Which form/version of XnView? Should it matter?

"5. double-click on one of the tgas"
Nitpicking, but this would be better put as "open one of the tgas in XnView" because people might have other programs on their machine that will open tga files.

"6. click on file-> Viewer"
Aaaand here we hit a brick wall. The "File" menu on XnView 2.50, the one I downloaded and installed, has absolutely nothing identified as "Viewer". Is it called something else in 2.50, or do I need a different version of XnView?


For XnView 2.50 (AKA XnView Classic) users, the process is different. Here are the steps to follow in that version

1. Open XnView (not necessarily opening one of the .tga files)

2. Go to the Tools menu, and from there click directly on Batch Processing

3. Click Add, navigate to the "Telos Part 2 - XnView" directory, select all files in said directory, add them with the Add button, and click OK.

4. Set the output folder to [TSL Directory]\Override, set the output filetype to .tga, and set "Overwrite files" to either "Ask" or "Replace"

5. Click on Go

Edited by ZeldaTheSwordsman

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The whole point of XnView is to be a poor man's photoshop for batch image file transformations/format conversions.  I'm not shitting on the tool -- it does what it does well.

So, if you simply select a bunch of tga files and batch convert them as (again) tga files without giving it any transformation instructions then it's the SAME AS JUST COPYING THEM TO ANOTHER FOLDER.

So what's the point of using XnView to install this at all? 

Nowhere in the instructions or comments does anyone say what transformations to use.

Is it because some of the tga's are saved using RLE compression and kotor2 can't read them in that format (by default XnView doesn't compress tga's)?  I'll test that...  No, the game reads RLE compressed tga's just fine.

Either XnView isn't needed or there's missing installation instructions for specifying the transformation.  If it's a transformation, then it's the same transformation (like flipping them all 180 degrees) that needed to be applied to all the tga's, not just some... and I looked at some of them and they seemed OK to me.

So it looks to me like XnView is entirely unnecessary -- just simply copying all the files from both archives into the override folder should work fine.  If I don't update this post, then it worked fine for me doing it that way.  Who knows... Maybe blank alpha channels need to be added to all the tga's if they're missing.  I guess I'll find out.


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