Increased Attributes and Skills

   (6 reviews)

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NOTE: This mod can be used for both Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Check the read-me for important installation information!


If you're looking for a mod to give you a foot up on your game, check this one out. It is designed to help you start off stronger and become stronger at each level. How, you might ask? It will start your character off at 18 for each skill, and 4 for each attribute. This'll make your player character a little more self-sufficient at the beginning of the game! In order to take advantage of these starting stats you must either click "recommended" for skills and attributes when creating your character, or alternatively you can just use quick character creation and they will already be set.


This mod also has a secondary function. It will also change skill bonuses to only cost one skill point, regardless of what it is. This is helpful if you're thinking twice about spending those precious skill points on a skill that costs more than one, because that's no longer an issue! This mod should be especially helpful for new players just getting into the game, or veteran players who just want a relaxed game with a bit less hassle. Keep it up Shem!




NOTE: Please leave your comments on this and all mods on this site. Authors love feedback!

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Guest CoopCoolidge


A part of me was worried that this mod would make this game too easy. And in a way it did, since I wasn't worried about anything I fought. But whatever, I had a lot of fun being an undisputed Jedi badass. I'm definitely keeping this mod for future playthroughs. 

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I downloaded this mod and installed it.  When I try to create a custom character, I press the recommended for attributes and skills it does not work.  I'm wondering if anyone could help me.

Thank you

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Is this mod compatible with the Community Patch (KOTOR) or Restored Content Mod (TSL)?

Also, how easily removable is it, should one want to subsequently play a new game without it?

Edited by JLE

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It seems to not work on Kotor 1, and inspecting your changes file, it only mentions kotor 2 classes. Does this actually work for K1?

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Amazing mod. Very powerful. Is there a way to edit it so that it doesn't mess with the skill point values? If you want to change the attributes you just have to edit the change.ini file and then reinstall.

Edited by Gantron

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