Inyri's Birthday Surprise! 1.0

   (2 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Inyri's Birthday Surprise!


This is my birthday present to you!


This mod is a surprise. If you're downloading it and installing it, for some reason you trust me when I say it's worth downloading and installing. In reality, this mod has no practical purpose. You are installing it for no reason. Except your curiosity. Which is a good reason, in my opinion. Anyway, go ahead and follow the installation instructions. And don't look at the files. No seriously, don't. Just spawn your item and talk to Carth. Trust me! Oh, but you probably will want to do it in a large area. When you're not being shot at.


To use this mod:

Either with the console or with the KotOR Save Game Editor (KSE) give yourself the item that comes with this mod (giveitem inyri_gift). Once you have my birthday gift you can talk to Carth.



Compatibility with K1R has NOT been tested or confirmed. Until it has been confirmed one way or the other, you have been warned!

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haha ha... BEST COMPANION i ever had  !!!  (and so colorful)

speaks only when asked for ... spawns wherever and whenever i want to ...  ;) 


had to edit carth's dialog though ... file skipped due to my carth dlg file already too modded.

but i didn't check the streamwaves ... such a great "job" on that subject ... 


happy birthday btw, great modding (as usual)

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btw ... why the 3 empty lines in k_hcar_dialog dlg?? wouldn't just one do it? (they r empty ain't they?)



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