Handsister Fix 1.1

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Handmaiden Sister fix




Author: Varsity Puppet/VPcombat

For: KotOR II

Date: 03/22/2011






This mod gives the Handmaiden sisters their 'intended' heads, according to TSL's cut resources. This will


only change the Handmaiden sisters appearance, but the main Handmaiden will still look the same. This way,


her face will finally physically look different instead of other mods which reskin her clothes.


Apparently there was a compatibility issue with TSLRCM when I released the last one, so this is my attempt


to fix that. I took the brute force method of just making a completely separate Handsister model instead of


using the Handsis head with a bunch of script tricks and whatnot. No scripts or tgas this time, just scripts


and a few utcs that aren't modified by TSLRCM.


I included a Vanilla install just for the hell of it, but I don't know who's really going to use that one,








Should be compatible





Use the TSLPatcher and it will self-install into your Override folder. Keep the installog.rtf generated by


the installation.





Replace the files in your override with the backup folder produced by the TSLPatcher. Use the installog.rtf


as a reference and don't forget to check the backup folder.







1.1- Remade the models so that they are full body models.









None I know of







You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. However,


do please give credit where it's due, and DO NOT release it with any of your mods without my permission.






Fred Tetra's KotorTool

Obsidian for making a game to love and hate

All of you modders out there who I've consistently studied and slowly learned from.



All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.

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Guest HaVoKeR


Will check that, guess i will have to adapt it with my naked party mod. =/

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Guest Frankingirl


What about if we accidentally have the old version? is there a patched version?

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Not really, since this version actually has less files, you actually have to delete the old files for it to work. Leave the appearance.2da though, then install the mod with whatever corresponding version.

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Guest Frankingirl


Ok I've got a wierd glitch. Kreia during the meeting with the Jedi masters ends up with the handmaiden sisters appearence...kind of like a mod with a diffrent glitch where you end up with 5 kreia's at the telos academy...creepy

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Guest Frankingirl


either way I'll find out soon enough since I went ahead and reinstalled my game and Im starting over.

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I got a weird glitch where when I landed in the restoration zone in Telos, one of the mercenaries had apparently been retextured to look like a Handmaiden sister. Also I installed this in conjunction with one of Darth Parametric's mods where the handmaiden is given a ponytail hair style and her eyes showed up blank/white. 

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It has a bug, I installed it with content restoration, everything was fine, until I went to change the appearance of the maiden who joins you, and it comes out without a head

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