Human/Alien NPC Diversity (KOTOR 1)
Knights of the Old Republic is a wonderful game, but it still reeks of the technical limitations of 2003. The galaxy is full of clones where NPCs have very few unique appearances. After Leilukin released her mod for male Twi’leks, I decided to take my own shot at humans. With the help of SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack and many other modders' resources, this mod gives many human NPCs (and some aliens) more diversity throughout the game. Many heads were from SpaceAlex’s K1 Enhancement Pack, an unfinished mod he released to the public as a resource. Many others use player heads. If an NPC uses a head you use, don’t worry. The backuphead feature from appearance.2da ensures the NPC will use another head if the PC uses it.
Modified the armor and appearances of the Taris duelists so they now are unique.
Modified the bounty hunter and Gurney in the upper city to use player heads.
Gave Davik’s agent in the Undercity a unique head based on an unused texture and an Exchange combat suit from redrob41.
Gave Holdan and Largo player heads and Holdan an Exchange combat suit.
Hester now uses a player head and Igear uses a commoner head from TSL.
Shaleena’s unique appearance has been restored.
Hudrow uses a player head and Exchange combat suit.
Diversified the appearances of the mercs in the Undercity a little.
The Sith Governor now has a unique appearance based on an unused head and reskin of Darth Bandon.
Gave the Hidden Bek Lookout a more suitable appearance based on an unused head.
Bendak Starkiller now has unique armor.
Gave Belaya a unique appearance.
The Sandrals and Matales use unique appearances. Shen and Rahasia use player heads.
Handon and Rickard also use unique appearances. Handon also uses the fat commoner model now.
Nemo uses a unique head now and now properly wears blue robes.
Jon and Elise now have unique appearances.
Gave the customs officer a unique appearance.
Gave Billan one of the commoner appearances from TSL.
Gave Junix Nard a new appearance.
Marlena and Tanis have their own appearances now.
Swapped the appearance of Komad’s fellow hunter.
Eli and Matton now have unique appearances.
Changed the appearance of one of the Czerka guards.
Sunry and Elora now have unique appearances. Elora uses an unused Asian commoner head and Sunry’s is from K1EP.
The Echani mercenaries are now actually Echani (from K1EP).
Gave the Sith officer in the Sith base a new head based on an unused one.
Gave Ergeron a player head and Mandalorian armor.
Swapped out the appearance of the mysterious man.
Gave Firith Me a player head.
Gave one of the Sith a player head and made the other an Echani due to the fact he refers to the player as “human.”
The Sith Interrogator uses a unique head from BOSSR.
Thalia May and Kel Algwinn use player heads.
Dak Vesser now has a unique appearance.
Jagi now uses a player head and wears Mandalorian armor.
Xor has a unique head and also wears Mandalorian armor. He is also human as I see no reason for him to be a Twi’lek.
Davin now uses a unique head (made by Effix).
Jordo has a unique appearance and wears a Czerka combat suit.
For full consistency all Jedi commoners no longer use the weird tan robes. This was made especially for users of JC’s Robe mods.
Star Forge:
Diversified the Star Forge Jedi as most of them were mullet man clones. I did make a few of them Twi’leks.
SMRE Compatibility:
Due to the popularity of Sunry Murder Recording Enhancement, I decided to create a compatibility patch. This was done by taking files from the game and renaming to use the same file names as SMRE so no material was used from that mod without permission. Sunry will use his unique appearance and Elassa will have her own. This part must be installed after SMRE or it will not work.
I also added an option to modify the female Twi’leks with unique appearances (Lena, Zoriis Bafka, Janice Nall, Malare, Cassandra, Lyn Sekla.) I know there is already a mod that does it, but I didn’t like the color scheme and the fact every affected NPC wore dancer outfits.
Incompatibilities: This mod will be incompatible with any mod that edits the same NPCs. Most notable includes N-DReW25's Czerka Redux, Galaxy of Faces and K1 Clothing Pack as well as Leilukin's's female Twi'lek NPC diversity mod.