Unique Exile robes 1.0.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

This is a trio of specially named robes that only the player can wear, that use the player's name. The first set can be found on the Harbinger, alongside the armband, while the second and third can be crafted at level 15 and level 20 respectively. Neither have a skill requirement, so long as you have components and are the right level, you can craft them. As you can see, they're based on Jedi, Jedi Knight, and Jedi Master robes, but have a grey colour palette instead. They provide a slightly greater defence bonus than you'd get from typical robes, and also come with minor health and later Force regen as a little bonus. I wanted something useful but not overpowered.

To install, extract the folder contained in the .zip, and run the TSLPatcher.

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I'm not sure if you'll see this, but I was wondering if there was a chance to get this to work for the latest version of KotOR II (The aspyr update.) I can't get the legacy version to work with my monitor, even with all the troubleshooting and widescreen apps.

If you could get it to work, that would be a big help, I'd love to try this mod out along side some of the other mods like TSLRCM.


Nevermind, I don't know what happened, but the box just wasn't in the Exile's room. It was in the Maintenance Room with more armbands. Not sure what happened in the process of me installing the mod, but it seems to be working fine.

Edited by XeroRemnant

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