End Game Free Roam 1.0.3

   (1 review)

2 Screenshots

About This File

End Game

This mod adds free roam to Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic

Simply finish the game and instead of the credits playing you will be warped back to the Ebon Hawk and will be able to continue your adventures or finish any quests that you might not have finished before travelling to the Star Forge System.


thanks to tk102 for pointing out the original programmers syntax error in k_inc_ebonhawk.nss

Known bugs

The North & South beaches on the Unknown World have some issues and entering the Temple shows a warning about the force field which is no longer there. ( though this could just be due to the way I tested the mod )


I have no idea what mods this will be compatible with, but it definitely won't work with any mods that alter the same files as this. ( Check Uninstalling to see what files this mod alters )

Source files are included so compatibility patches can be made.


Install using TSLPatcher.exe and for installation during a playthrough, you will have to go back to a point in the game where you have not set foot on the Ebon Hawk. ( so Taris ) simply because I had to alter a script in the Ebon Hawk module.


To uninstall use HoloPatcher.

Edited Scripts

For reference these are the editd scripts that get placed in the Override folder.


The following files from the modules folder have some scripts edited.

unk_m41aaa - Edited Scripts

ebo_m12aa - Edited Scripts

What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


Updated to use HoloPatcher and no longer directly replaces modules.

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User Feedback

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· Edited by LewokGuy

   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Mod definitely works as explained in Description. Great if you want to complete any unfinished quests, but I would recommend maybe adding an update to this mod so you regain any lost party members. (I.E. Mission, Jolee, Carth, etc. Anyone you could possibly lose before the ending.) Some quests need these characters, like Xor needs Juhani from what I have interpreted from others.

Also like the mod says in the description, install before a new playthrough or on Taris. I tested on my finished playthrough and once you have finished the story, you get teleported to the Ebon Hawk, but the credits music plays in the background and the screen only has 1/4 of what would normally be shown.

5 Star mod otherwise.

1. Ok so there is a way to fix the credits Ebon Hawk issue, by saving the game with esc and using the arrow keys to save and exit. 

2. Could it be edited so Dantooine can be visited again? Also could taris be added to the galaxy map? It's not really "free roam" if you can't freely roam to all the planets in the game.

Response from the author:

Thank you for the in-depth review.

1. Killing off the credits music I can probably get fixed, but a quick save / load will do it as well and I expect most people to do that at the end of the game anyway.

2. Personally I don't want to update it to give you back any lost party members, nor to be able to go to Dantooine because that doesn't make sense to me.
I can understand why people would be able to want to visit these places, but it does not make sense in universe.

I am more in-line with making mods to fit in-universe so most of these points aren't really of interest to me unfortunately.

3. I put this mod together fairly quickly utilising my knowledge from porting it to the second game to speed up the process of knowing what needed editing.
As such it was likely that there would be a few issues like this that I would not consider on the first pass.
I'm almost certain there are many a game considered "Free Roam" that has areas you cannot visit again once you have been there.

When I get a moment, I will definitely take a look into the credits music and whatever other issues arise from finishing the game, I was also going to look into turning the credits into a movie so that they could still be played prior to entering the Ebon Hawk upon completion of the game.

However, I do not play the first game very much and work more within the second game, so I have no idea when I will actually get around to this.


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