TSL Turrets Models Repair 1.0.0

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About This File

There are two kinds of turrets in the Star Wars galaxy: the up turrets and the down turrets. The up turrets have all the nice geometry a turret needs, while the down turrets eschew their lower geometry in favor of nice shadows, since their undersides are not actually visible to people. A harmonious balance -- or so we all thought. It turns out that there are many opportunities to see the bottoms of the down turrets, exposing their empty underbellies for everyone to see. Their shadows are also incomplete and janky-looking. Let's restore balance to this galaxy!

If you have not checked out Khoonda Turrets Model Repair, I suggest you do that as well. That will set the turrets around Khoonda to the up models instead of the down models, as they were meant to be. That will mean that they have all the geometry they need without the extra model shadows, which look no good on the higher-up turrets.

Download the 7z file and extract to your override folder, found in the same directory as your main game executable. For Steam installations, this would be "Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\override". 7z files can be extracted with Archive Utility on macOS, or with programs like PeaZip on Windows and Linux.

Remove the folder "TSL_Turrets_Models_Repair_v1.0" from your override.

Included Files:



Users should expect full compatibility with any other mods, so long as they do not modify/replace the above files. I highly recommend using this mod in conjunction with Khoonda Turrets Model Repair, of you have not checked that out already. This mod will fix the lack of geometry issue there as well, but that one will remove the nasty-looking shadow it has.

Big thank-you to seedartha, Symmetric, Purifier, and Ndix UR for making importing to Blender simple using KotORBlender, and Cortisol for making file extraction convenient with the Holocron Toolset.

This modification is not supported by Obsidian Entertainment, Lucasarts, Disney or any licensers/sponsors thereof. Use of this modification is at your own risk and neither the aforementioned companies nor the author may be held responsible for any damages caused to your computer via this modification's usage.

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