More Republic Soldiers Presence 1.0.0

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When the player and the group escapes to Dantooine it feels weird as to why the Sith dont pursue them seeing as it is completely defenceless. To mitigate that ive changed some of the jedi and protocol npc into republic troopers. Just copy and paste to override

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"When the player and the group escapes to Dantooine it feels weird as to why the Sith dont pursue them seeing as it is completely defenceless."

1. The Sith don't know where they went - it's not like the Ebon Hawk has a tracking device planted on it.

2. Dantooine does have a defence, in the form of the Jedi being there. That and being overlooked.

3. Your adding a Republic military presence actually raises further questions - why aren't the troops helping with the Mandalorian problem?

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