Spare Mission and Zaalbar 1.2

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About This File

Spare Mission and Zaalbar v 1.2
Created by DarknessSquall (aka Scarrab) 8/31/20


This mod adds options for Dark Side ending players to keep Mission (and by extension, Zaalbar) as a party member, or to non-lethally remove Mission from the party while keeping Zaalbar. The default options that end in violence remain in the game.

Long Description

One of the most common complaints I've noticed about the Dark Side ending is that there's no way to avoid killing Mission. And the only way to keep Zaalbar alive is temporary as well, since he turns on you as soon as he realizes what happened. Some people refuse to go dark side for that reason - myself included! The way the game forces you to kill her really doesn't feel good, especially since Zaalbar has sworn his loyalty to you; killing Mission will obviously jeopardize that. Mission says she doesn't believe you'll kill her, and the only way to handle that is to...kill her?

The violence felt unnecessary, and possibly out of character, depending on how you play the game.

That's where this mod comes in. For dark side players at the end of the game, two new options have been added, bringing a grand total of three options for dealing with Mission & Zaalbar:

1) Retain them both as party members
2) Remove Mission as a selectable party member without killing her, but retain Zaalbar
3) The vanilla options to kill Mission & Zaalbar, which still function exactly as they do in the base game

My goal was to write the dialogue and script the events in the most lore-friendly, in-character, way possible, so that the mod felt seamlessly integrated into the game. If I have succeeded, first-time players won't even notice that a mod is running. Mission seemed very opposed to the idea of swearing loyalty you, but she also wasn't going to run away or attack you willingly. I believe that in this situation, where's she's stuck between a rock and a hard place, there are ways to avoid the situation ending in violence.

Also, if anyone is worried about messing up their alignment - you will not gain light side points for choosing any of the options in this mod. Nothing about the situation really feels like a "light side" act, to me, after all.


Manual install: Open the folder called "Manual Install", then place unk41_mission.dlg, nm10ackand01052_.lip, nm20aagrif05041_.lip, and nm40aamiss08014_.lip in your Override folder, which is located in your Knights of the Old Republic installation directory.

Automatic install: Open the folder called "Automatic Install", then run TSLPatcher.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.

Technical Description

This mod consists of only a single .DLG file edit, but it gets the job done. Three of Mission's voice lines from other parts of the game are reused, so the corrosponding .LIP files are also needed, otherwise her mouth won't move for those lines.


This mod is not compatible with jc2's "Save Mission" mod or Tanesh's "Recruit Mekel" mod

As long as you aren't using a mod that modifies unk41_mission.dlg, there shouldn't be any problems. If you're not sure, check for the presence of unk41_mission.dlg in your Override folder before installing this mod.

Known Issues

If Mission and Zaalbar have already been killed, you can't go back in time and bring them back. Load an earlier save to when they were still alive.

If you choose to keep Mission as a party member, you can still talk to her like normal, and she'll give the same usual responses and act like nothing happened. Chalk it up to her mind being overly optimistic as a coping method, and/or her still being in denial about you having turned to the dark side.

If you left Zaalbar on Kashyyyk and never allowed him to rejoin your party, I believe your only option will be to kill Mission. I haven't personally tested this.


Automated uninstall: Not supported!

Manual uninstall: Navigate to the Override folder in your KotOR installation directory and delete unk41_mission.dlg, nm10ackand01052_.lip, nm20aagrif05041_.lip, and nm40aamiss08014_.lip.

Version History

v1.2 - 9/3/20 Added checks for Zaalbar's presence, and a fixed a serious bug where you couldn't kill Mission
v1.1 - 9/2/20 Improved the player's dialogue options
v1.0 - 8/31/20 Initial release


This mod should only be available for download on and

You may only upload this mod to another website for the purpose of preservation if it is no longer available for download on BOTH of those websites, and if you credit me as the original author.

You may not include this mod in any mod compilation without my permission.

You may edit this mod for your own personal use, but you may not upload a modified version of it to the internet.

Thanks & Credits

jc2 - Created the "Save Mission" mod, inspiring me to create v1.0 of my mod. Then, we had a good conversation about more ideas, inspiring me to release the v1.1 update
Michele - Messaged me about the "Recruit Mekel" compatibility issue, which led me to discover a few serious bugs, leading to the release of the v1.2 update
DarthParametric, JCarter426 - Gave me detailed and extremely helpful answers when I asked for information on the Deadly Stream forum
Death a Barbar - and all the other dark side players who requested a mod like this
Fred Tetra - created the KOTOR Tool
TK102 - created the DLGeditor
stoffe - created TSLPatcher
All Star Wars fans - except for fans that believe KOTOR is non-canon now (just kidding...mostly...)

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


- Added checks for Zaalbar's presence
- Fixed a serious bug where you couldn't kill Mission

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  • Light Side Points 1

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I know that another mod exists called "Save Mission" by jc2, which ultimately has all the same functions as my mod. I created this mod from scratch, using "Save Mission" as inspiration, so it has all different dialogue for the player and NPCs. The outcome is the same, but the events unfold differently. I feel that these differences, as well as the absence of a few bugs that are present in Save Mission v1.5a, mean that these mods both have merit. You may enjoy jc2's "Save Mission" much more than this mod, so I'd suggest trying both out and keeping the one you like better (you can't install them both at the same time).

EDIT: Make sure you have v1.2 of the mod, as it improves the dialogue choices and fixes a bug that usually prevents you from killing Mission. Even though this mod is about keeping her alive, it's still good to have the option to kill her as normal.

Edited by Scarrab
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Unfortunately this mod doesn't seem to be compatible with Community Patch... It just shows a black screen with dialogue options at the bottom:

Does anyone know what tweaks/edits can make this mod work with K1CP?

*** Update *** The issue was caused by unk_m41aa.mod (from "modules" folder) that had been added by Community Patch. The cutscene played normally after I deleted it.

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